牧師 杉山望
December, 11, 2022, Sunday Worship Service(Advent Week 3)
"May Your Word to Me be Fulfilled"
Luke 1:26-38
Yesterday, the Megumi Kindergarten Christmas Pageant was held. The children have been practicing the nativity play of Jesus since last month. They learned many songs and played their roles. Mary and Joseph, Gabriel and the angels, the innkeeper, the shepherd and the sheep, the doctor and the star ... were all people and things involved in Jesus' birth.
The first one to appear is Mary. She was the woman who became the mother of Jesus. She was a woman, but she seems to have been only a teenage girl. Mary was the one who could say to the angel Gabriel, "May your word to me be fulfilled" (Luke 1:38). Instead of saying, "Let it be as I thought it would be," or "Do as I wish," she could say, "Let it happen to me according to your word, God." Where those words were spoken, the Savior was born.
One day, the angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her this:
Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you. (Luke 1:28)
When Mary was surprised and perplexed at this sudden announcement, Gabriel continued, "Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High." (Luke 1:30-32)
God's plan as announced by Gabriel was completely unexpected for Mary. It was something she did not want in the slightest; on the contrary, it was very unfavorable for her. She was engaged to be married. Gabriel's prophecy meant that Mary would give birth to a child who would not be the son of her fiancé, Joseph.
For whatever reason, carrying a child by someone other than the person to whom you are engaged is a big problem even today. In Jewish society at that time, it was considered a very serious crime, and in the worst case, Mary could have been executed. Joseph apparently did not want that to happen, but he still wanted to separate from Mary.
It is still very difficult for a mother and her child to survive on their own. On top of that, the reason for the separation would be deemed to be because of Mary's infidelity. In a small village where everyone knew each other, they would have been subjected to constant stern scrutiny. Both Mary and the man she would give birth to, Jesus, would be in mortal danger.
“How will this be since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34)
Mary's question in these words is how it is possible for her to be pregnant with a child when she has never had relations with a man. But perhaps her question is not the only one. She did not know if he would really be born and grow up safely though the angel said that the child to be born would be a savior and who would protect this child and me?
Mary surrenders herself to God.
Gabriel's answer to Mary's question was clear.
“The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. …For no word from God will ever fail.” (Luke 1:35-37)
It is not something that Mary alone can make happen. It is something that is realized by being enveloped by God's power. God sends the Holy Spirit to Mary, to be with her, to protect her, and to give her strength. He supports Mary, lives with her, and gives her people who will share in the mission entrusted to her. He also prepares a way for us to escape from danger. So Mary can give birth to the baby God has given her, and that child can grow up and become the Savior.
After this, when Joseph learned of Mary's pregnancy, he was troubled and decided to leave her. However, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and guided him so that he could decide to marry Mary. Mary's first birth took place in Bethlehem, far from her hometown. Although it was a strange land, a place was given to her to give birth, and she was able to safely lay her newborn in a manger. There must have been many trials and difficulties after that. But God's power never left Mary.
Mary was not told everything that was going to happen in her life. She did not know anything specific, but she trusted the angel's words, "There is nothing that God cannot do," and she entrusted her life into God's hands.
“I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38)
To be a servant means to accept and obey what God, the Master, says. It means to think that the fulfillment of God's will is more important than my own. It means trusting that there is nothing that God cannot do, and that He can certainly do what I do not understand. Mary was able to surrender herself to God in such a way and hope for the fulfillment of God's thoughts rather than her own.
Things don't work out the way I want them to.
Mary's response to the angel's announcement is not taken for granted. Rather, human beings do not wish to be "according to God’s word," but rather "as I wish. Reason is necessary for human beings to think and make decisions on their own. However, if we only ask God to "do as I wish," making ourselves, not God, our master, we will not succeed.
This was the case with Adam and Eve, the first human beings depicted in the Bible. They were driven out of the Garden of Eden by the temptation of the serpent who said, "You can be like God.” The Garden of Eden was the best place for human beings, but in order to continue to live there, they had to accept God as their master.
In today's society, especially in the "developed" countries, very few people may seriously believe that God is the master. At least those societies, nations, or even corporations seem to be aiming to realize the thoughts of human beings.
If it were working, there would be no problem. But a world in which humans are the masters does not seem to be going well. We have already learned the folly of war many times from history, and yet we are still repeating the same mistakes. Some countries continue to sow the seeds of war here and there, while others start wars and get stuck in a quagmire with no end in sight.
Even on a personal level, there are times when trying to do what you want doesn't work. Even when it is for the best, even when we believe we have to do it, sometimes it doesn't work out the way we want it to, or it doesn't turn out well when it does. We humans may not live well if we only try to do what we want.
According to your word
We humans cannot live well just by wishing for things to go our way. That doesn't mean that we don't think or wish for anything. We can confide in God whatever we wish for. It is natural to have what we need. But we must not forget who is our master.
Mary did not lose sight of that important thing. She heard an unexpected revelation, and while imagining the various difficulties that lay ahead, she believed in God's promise to protect her. God is my master, He knows everything about me and this world, He knows what is necessary and important, and He will guide us toward the Kingdom of God. Because of that trust, I was able to say, " May your word to me be fulfilled.”
In the same way, there was one who surrendered himself to God. It was Jesus, born of Mary. Just before he went to the cross, he prayed, "Father, if thy will be done, let it be done.
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42)
Where such a prayer was made, God's work took place. The promised salvation event came true. Through Mary's prayer, "according to your word," the Savior was born into the world, and God is always with us, giving us new life.
Jesus' prayer, "according to His will," revealed that all our sins were borne on that cross, that no matter what happens, even if we abandon Him, He will never abandon us, that He continues to love us, and that He will bear with us whatever hardships we may face in this life.
God's thoughts are beyond our thoughts and different from our wishes. Sometimes He shows us the path of trials. Nevertheless, God's thoughts are always trying to accomplish what is important and necessary for all of us.
In this Advent season of preparing for Christmas, we, like Mary, want to renew our faith in God and our desire to obey His word as our master. We want to continue to seek God's word so that whenever and however we hear it, we can respond, "According to your word.”
Pastor: Nozomu Sugiyama