牧師 杉山望
October, 16, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
"Let us respect ourselves and others"
Scripture reading is taken from Romans 13:8-10
The words "love your neighbor as yourself" are the most important law in the Bible, Jesus said. Likewise, Paul said that all the laws of the Bible can be summed up in the words, "Love your neighbor as yourself". This is, therefore, the normative word for Christians who seek to live according to Jesus.
In chapter 12, verses 9-10, it says like this.
"Love must not be false. Hate evil and do not depart from good, but love one another with brotherly love and consider one another superior with respect."
The importance of loving and respecting one another is mentioned. We can see that "love your neighbor" is something that we humans should observe, something that is important to us.
However, there is one prerequisite for this. It is to "love yourself". The Bible does not simply tell us to "love our neighbors". It teaches us to "love our neighbors as ourselves". Loving your neighbors presupposes loving yourself. In order to respect and value our neighbor, we can also respect and value ourselves.
So neither Paul nor Jesus is telling us to think of others without thinking of ourselves. They don't tell us to respect and value others while contempting and despising ourselves. Loving your neighbor and loving yourself are both related. So God is not asking us self-sacrifice.
Often self-sacrifice is glorified. Looking back in history, during wartime, self-sacrifice was thoroughly seeked to protect the country. After the war, a new society was created, but this does not mean that self-sacrifice is no longer glorified. Sacrificing oneself to work for someone or something is considered a good thing and is sometimes presented as an inspiring story.
Even if the sacrifice is our own, does that please God ? God loves us - all of us - and makes us irreplaceable. I don't think God would be pleased with us sacrificing each one of us who are important to Him.
Love and cherish yourself as God loves you. That, too, is to follow Jesus. Let us recall some of Jesus' actions.
First, in Mark 1:35, we read, "Early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus arose and went out to a secluded place and prayed there." This is what happened. A multitude of people came to Jesus, bringing with them the sick and those possessed by evil spirits. Jesus healed the sick and cast out demons.
But Jesus was not always surrounded by people. Often Jesus would go off by himself to a secluded place, away from the crowds and his own disciples. There he prayed silently to God. Healing people and preaching the word of God were important to Jesus, but he did not lose time to pray alone.
Likewise, when the disciples returned from their travels, Jesus said, "Now go yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31). Jesus was also teaching His disciples that human beings need rest, not only to give but also to receive.
Next, in Mark 2:15, Jesus is invited to sit down to a meal in the house of Levi, a tax collector. In Luke 8:3, we read that the women gave their possessions and ministered to [Jesus'] company. Thus, Jesus was being assisted in His ministry and life. In the course of his ministry, enjoying meals together, getting the help he needed, and having close fellowship were also indispensable to Jesus.
In the same way, Jesus taught His disciples to receive help from others. In Matthew 10:10, when he sent his disciples from village to village, he told them, "When you enter a town or village, examine who is suitable and stay with him until the time of your departure". The disciples were told not to take anything with them on their journey, but at the same time, "they were to receive what they needed from the people of the village", saying, "It is natural that those who work should receive food".
In the Lord's Prayer, which we pray every week in worship, Jesus also taught us to pray for the provisions we need, to ask forgiveness for our debts, and to flee from temptation. When we need it, Jesus taught us to seek, search, and knock at the gate. We need our needs to be met and healed in order to follow Jesus and serve the Lord God, and we can pray for that.
We can respect ourselves as Jesus respected himself and his disciples. It is the true nature of us human beings, created by God and loved by God, to do so. If there is any part of our hearts that belittles ourselves or lowers our value, it is not a message we have received from God.
We human beings were created to live in love with one another. In other words, we live together while respecting each other's existence. Everyone has value to be respected. No one person, loved by God and created by God, is to be taken lightly. There are no exceptions to that, including ourselves. Jesus Christ revealed God's love by his words and deeds. Jesus spoke the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all people and died on the cross for all people. We are each one of us loved by God.
Since God loved and respected all people, we should follow it. If so, we would begin by loving and respecting the one closest to us, ourselves. This does not mean becoming arrogant or selfish. It means taking care of ourselves as we take care of others.
To do this, it is also important to ask for the help we need. In the society we live in, there seems to be a negative image of asking for help. If we continue to be told that it is important to be able to do everything by ourselves, it becomes difficult to ask for help. I believe that we have become a society that does not help each other, and this makes it difficult for all of us to live.
If that is the case, then we should ask for more help. We may not be able to help everyone all the time, but there are always people who are willing to respond to requests for help. There may be more of us than we thought. When you are asked for help, you may feel that you are needed and that you are important. Asking for help is a way of taking care of yourself and showing trust in the person who asked for help.
"Love your neighbor as yourself." This was predicated on loving and respecting oneself. When we are loved by God, loved by others, and love ourselves, we are pushed to love our neighbors. Jesus taught and practiced not only loving ourselves, but more than that, loving our neighbors.
In Luke 12:48, Jesus says, "He who has been given much will be asked for much, and he who has been entrusted with much will be asked for more." Jesus said. It is assumed that you will be given, but if you have been given, you are expected to respond to it. We are expected to do love in response to the love we have received.
God has given us life, created a world in which we can live, and has allowed us to meet people who live with us. He has provided us with the daily bread we need, shared our joys and sorrows, and always walked with us. He forgives us when we fall away from Him and hurt others, and helps us to get back on our feet again. He accepted our weaknesses and protected us.
Such love of God was manifested in the cross of Jesus Christ. God is a generous giver of Himself for us. Paul also said, "If God is on our side, we are on his side.
If God is on our side, who can be against us? He who did not spare even his own Son to die for us all, how can he not also with him give us all things? " (Romans 8:31-32)
"We are convinced that the Son of Man is the bestower of all things. For neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor things in high places, nor things in low places, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God manifested in Christ Jesus our Lord."
We are transformed into followers of God who continues to love us as His own children. Let us continue to respect, honor, and value ourselves and others as precious individuals loved by God.
Pastor: Nozomu Sugiyama