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「イエス・キリストは、いのちを否定するすべてのものに立ち向かい変革するために、社会の中で周縁に追いやられた人々と関わり、彼らを迎え入れる。」(『いのちに向かって共に/教会』 WCC・世界教会協議会)
牧師 杉山望
July, 24, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
“Rejoice with Me”
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 15:8-10
Luke Chapter 15 contains three parables about finding the lost. They portray God’s ever-seeking journey to find the lost. Even if their lives may be despised in the world, God cannot bear losing them. Furthermore, God calls us to “rejoice with me”; to celebrate the fullness of everyone’s lives, and to rejoice in the restoration of the lost.
The Joy of Finding Something We Cannot Bear to Lose
The second parable in Chapter 15 is about a woman. The story tells of her having ten silver coins but losing one of them. The coin, drachma, was an ancient Greek coin approximately equivalent to the Roman denarius, worth about an average day’s wages.
Thus, ten silver coins would have been equivalent to ten days' wages. The coins she had at hand do not necessarily mean that she had taken them out of her deposits in the bank. Rather, it may have been all her fortunes, given the standard of living of the farmers in Galilee at the time.
The farmers in Galilee were continually economically exploited and did not have enough to eat from their harvest, let alone save money. Many of them were in debt and losing their assets. So, saving up ten silver coins was no easy task. Or perhaps, it was a time when a large income could be earned due to a harvest.
Either way, in today’s parable, the one lost coin was something of important value. It is no wonder that Luke 15:8 writes, “…Does she not…sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?”
When we lose something so precious that we cannot bear to lose it, anyone would be shaken. We may become impatient and upset at the sudden loss. We may become frustrated and blame ourselves or others. We may become anxious about the future or be disappointed that there is nothing we can do about it. The woman must have gone through these emotions as well.
However, despite all this, she carefully searched for that one lost coin. How happy she must have been when she finally found it after turning her whole house upside down! Her joy was so great that she could not keep it to herself. So, she calls her friends, neighbours, and says, “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.” (Luke 15:9 / New International Version (NIV)). Those who know her well and who also know first-hand the value of the one silver coin joined her in her celebration.
The Tax Collectors and Sinners Invited by Jesus
The woman in today’s parable represents God. The lost silver coin refers to the tax collectors and sinners. They were the ones that Jesus invited to the table and whom Jesus ate with. And upon seeing this, the Pharisees and the teachers of the law complained and condemned Jesus.
Jesus ate with those that God could not bear to lose, as in the parables mentioned today. So, who exactly were the tax collectors and sinners? When we imagine tax collectors, we often think of people like Zacchaeus in Luke Chapter 19. But Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector so he cannot be considered the same as the other tax collectors.
Many tax collectors at the time sat in their offices or elsewhere to collect taxes from their fellow Jews for the Roman Empire. Unlike the chief tax collector, these workers were often from the lower classes of the lowest class in society and were in massive poverty. Some may even say that they had taken up this job because they were so poor.
They were also considered to be pawns of the Roman Empire and were seen to be oppressors of their people, the Jews. Because of this, the Jews despised and discriminated against them. Another reason for hating the tax collectors was that they could increase the amount of tax collected to keep some of it for themselves and the chief tax collector. However, even this was a way of survival for the tax collectors who were already pushed to the margins.
On the other hand, sinners were those who were shut out of the synagogues for violating the law. It is not clear which law they violated since there are various laws, but it would not necessarily have been something that would violate our modern-day criminal laws. It could have been a ceremonial defilement caused by a certain occupation that someone had. In any case, because synagogues were the centre of the Jewish communities, being declared a sinner meant being expelled from that community.
“Tax Collectors” and “Sinners” of Today
Nevertheless, because of the numerous differences from Jesus’ day to the present day, it may not seem that “tax collectors” or “sinners” are relevant to us now. However, let us take time to reconsider who the “tax collectors” and “sinners” of our society may be.
“Tax collectors” may not necessarily have the occupation of collecting taxes. They were those who worked from a position of power and privilege, hence despised, and hated by their people. While they too were often in tight financial situations and were vulnerable themselves, they had to do things that they knew were unjust to survive. Perhaps such a way of living can be found in our society today. Or it is even possible that we are being forced to work in such a way.
The other day, I received a phone call regarding a free two-week opportunity to post a job advertisement for kindergarten teachers. Since the public employment service centre’s ad was not getting any applicants, I thought I would try it out for the free two-week period. The salesperson on the phone told me that they would send an email with the link to unsubscribe at a later date. If I cancelled the ad during the free period, I would not be charged, but if I did not, I would be automatically charged after two weeks.
As the end of the two weeks came close, I tried to cancel the subscription, but I could not find the email they said they would send me. Upon asking for the email, I was told that it had already been sent. After searching through the trash of my inbox, I finally found the “unsubscribe” link at the end of an email that came from another company, with the email having nothing to do with the job advertisement.
Throughout all this, I became upset and even thought to myself that this was almost a scam. Yet, upon second thought, the young salesperson may not have wanted to do this either. We all need earnings to survive, but not all of it may be from doing something of which we are proud. I, of course, do not know the whole story, but if they are pushed to work this way for the sake of the CEO or other shareholders, it breaks my heart.
On the contrary, “sinners” were those who were outcast from their communities. There is a phrase in Japanese that describes this situation, “Mura Hachibu” (村八文). It means to be ostracized by, excluded from the people of the village. So being cast out from communities is nothing new in Japan, as well. However, as social ties in local communities weaken, it is easy to imagine how someone could become disconnected from communities or could even be left out of welfare systems, even if they are not necessarily cast out from society.
Now, Jesus invited such people to his table and ate with them. The Pharisees and teachers of the law, who complied with the authorities and those in the power of the time, criticized Jesus for this. In today’s world, the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen and the difference between the privileged and marginalized are clearer than ever before, but who would Jesus eat with? Even today, certain people would condemn Jesus’ actions. But Jesus is the one who points to who God truly is.
Rejoice With Me
We, humans, make mistakes. Societies created and managed by us humans do not necessarily reflect God’s purposes. Rather, it disobeys God’s purposes, sustains dehumanization, and even denies life. Those in the centre monopolize all, and those who are pushed to the margins are discriminated against and scorned.
But Jesus invites and embraces those who are excluded and marginalized. Eating together meant fully accepting the person as they were. To share a table was to express and establish community and friendship with each other.
Through Jesus, God is revealed. God is like the woman who carefully searched for the lost silver coin; never giving up on the search to find us because God cannot bear losing someone so precious. We and people on the margins, all people are precious to God.
This message that rings from today’s passage does not stop at having just a religious significance. It challenges economic and political systems and structures. It testifies that our world is broken. Our society, which sustains discrimination, inequality, poverty, and exploitation of people and the earth, is not what God intended. Jesus’ life and his words not only renew each person’s heart and soul, but it brings us to question and reimagine our economic systems and social structures.
Allow me to share a passage from the statement “Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes” (2013) by the World Council of Churches (WCC)’s Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME).
“Jesus Christ relates to and embraces those who are most marginalized in society, in order to confront and transform all that denies life.” (p.15)
Jesus invited us. Jesus also calls us to rejoice with him; to eat at his table and rejoice with him that God cares for our precious lives and that God accepts us just as we are.
And Jesus wants us to share this table with others and rejoice together. In our world where the fullness of life and the dignity of all persons are denied, God works for a world where the fullness of life is available for those pushed to the margins, thus for all. God cares for each life and cannot bear for them to be lost. God sought to bring them back and fulfilled this mission through Christ. And now, God is calling to us, “Rejoice with me in this.”
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama