牧師 杉山望
July, 17, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
“Let’s Eat Together”
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 9:10-17
Manifestation of the Kingdom of God--Let's Eat Together—
We are living in a time of radical change. I was told to assume this when I attended a seminar for kindergarten administrators last week. Different generations clearly have different views of the world. In Japan, the population has begun to decline, and the society has rapidly been aging with the falling birthrate. Many churches in Japan are even more aware of this change, as they have fewer children and an older membership than Japanese society.
Because of Covid-19, things that were taken for granted have changed. In fact, things will eventually change, even without Covid-19. The effect of Covid-19 is a sense of urgency, making us feel that if we do not change, we will be facing the end. It is precisely at times like these that we can change. Now is a great opportunity to change something.
However, this does not mean that we should just change without purpose. We need a vision. What are we aiming for, what are we seeking, what are we trying to create? Discovering, sharing, and searching for a vision will bring about changes that will lead to the future. The goal for the church is to realize the "Kingdom of God" that Jesus spoke of and practiced.
The "Kingdom of God" was also expressed in the event of Jesus feeding 5,000 people. Therefore, the Kingdom of God is manifested where people are practicing the message, "Let’s eat together.”
Church as a Blessing to the Community
The image of the Kingdom of God as practicing the message, "Let's eat together," was inspired by Fukui Church. Last Sunday afternoon, Pastor Taira, Mr. Doi and the Sasaki family from Fukui Church came to our church to discuss the "National Support and Regional Collaboration Project.” Fukui Church tore down their church building the year before last and now worships in the living room of the parsonage. As part of the project, they hope to build a new building.
Once a month, Fukui Church holds a "Everybody’s Cafeteria 'Yuyake Koyake'" (sunset glow). They started this program last June and have increased by 10 meals each month, serving 92 meals last month. The program is free for 15 single-parent families and 200 yen per meal for everyone else, with financial and food support from the government, corporations, and individuals connected to the church.
Some neighbors, who are not church members, also participate in this project, and I can see how the church is becoming a part of the community through the "Everybody's Cafeteria." One mother said, "When I come home after a long day at work, I can have a nutritious and well-balanced meal at a reasonable price without having to cook. It helps me to spend time with my child.” It seems that this project not only supports people with economic difficulties, but also helps people who have various difficulties and are tired of living in modern society.
Pastor Taira said that it is important for the church to coexist with the community. Church members are not the only ones who support and carry out the work of the church. People who are not members of the church also support the church. The church serves the community, faces the challenges of the community, and responds to the needs of the people who live there. In the process, the gospel is shared. This is what the church of the future will look like.
The time has come to reexamine church evangelism. Evangelism for the wrong reason, in which the gospel is shared in order for the church to grow and survive, isolates the church from society. In this evangelism, even with outward-directed programs, the focus is directed within the church.
Jesus, the head of the church, did not have the goal of enlarging His own group of disciples. Jesus' purpose was to understand people's difficulties, to live with them, and to restore their lost humanity. Jesus' mission was to bless the suffering and hurting. Therefore, the church is also to be a blessing to the community.
A Meal Representing the Kingdom of God
On one occasion, Jesus fed 5,000 people. This number includes only the men who were there. So, if women and children are included, it is thought that more than 10,000 people ate the meal together.
When Jesus took His disciples to a secluded part of the town of Bethsaida, the crowd followed Him. Jesus welcomed the people, spoke about the Kingdom of God, and healed those who were sick.
Meanwhile, it was getting dark. The disciples became increasingly concerned. What would they do when night fell? They needed to eat, but they could get any food in such an isolated place. Therefore, the disciples told Jesus to send away the crowd. They would then go to the towns and villages on their own to find lodging and food.
But Jesus replied, “You give them something to eat.” When the disciples heard this, they were confused. They had only five loaves of bread and two fish. How could they feed more than 10,000 people when they did not even have enough food to fill their own stomachs?
Nevertheless, Jesus said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” The disciples thought there was nothing they could do, but Jesus had a plan. Despite their doubts, the disciples followed Jesus and sat the people down.
Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. (Luke 9:16-17)
Jesus, who had just spoken about the Kingdom of God, showed what it is like by eating bread in community. We do not know where this much bread came from. Perhaps a miracle occurred, and the bread kept multiplying. Or perhaps people who had food spontaneously began to share it with others when they saw Jesus. In any case, many people were able to understand the Kingdom of God, through their senses, as well as through words.
Open Blessing
This event had no barriers. The 10,000 people who ate bread together came from different towns and villages. There were people of all ages and genders, some healthy, some in need of medical treatment. Everybody was welcome there. Jesus ate a meal representing the Kingdom of God, not only with his disciples but also with all kinds of people who gathered with him.
That day, the disciples had only five loaves of bread and two fish. It did not seem possible that they could do what Jesus wanted. However, under Jesus, they saw unexpected results. What little they had allowed the blessing to spread.
At this time, the disciples had just returned from a missionary trip and were about to take a break. They had just finished the work that Jesus had entrusted to them and needed to rest. When a large crowd arrived, Jesus did not reject them. Neither did He make the disciples work like they did on the mission trip.
The disciples were given the task of sitting people down and distributing the bread and fish, so that they could all eat together. Jesus also taught a different form of missionary work to his disciples, who "went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere" (9:6). Both teaching about the Kingdom of God and demonstrating the Kingdom of God were important ministries in the service of Jesus.
Eating together was the goal. People did not need to be a disciple of Jesus. Most of those received the bread and fish went back to their own homes and did not to follow Jesus. And that was fine. Jesus was able to bless the people and teach His disciples about the important work of service.
Creating Connections
During the review of Fukui Church's National Support and Regional Collaboration Project, the JBC's board of directors asked us if we were creating a sustainable church. It seems that the board members who asked this question do not have the answer. It is difficult to find an answer that applies to all churches, but I believe that connections and cooperation are essential to the answer.
It means that we need to cooperate with other churches. In my vision, this connection should not be in the centralized form in which churches are individually connected to the JBC, as it is now. Rather, the three churches in Hokuriku should be connected to one another and then connected to the Chubu Diocese, creating new connections with individual churches. It is crucial for us to have connections with churches who can help each other to overcome various difficulties and challenges.
Furthermore, I believe that we need to connect with people outside the church. I envision this as creating a new community, not in the church, but the church as one part of a new community.
People live as members of a community. The church - or religion – is also part of that community. The breakdown of community and the separation of the individual from the community has become more common since the development of the market economy and capitalism. In the course of history, I wonder if the church has also become isolated and lost sight of its role as a member of the community.
Communities of the past had their own challenges we don’t need to recreate them. However, we have become so disconnected today. We need connections and so does the church. Sustainability is not about remaining the same, but about reconnecting to one another in order to overcome changes and return to a way of life in which we love God and love our neighbors.
How can we walk in connection with others, with our community, with other churches, and with God? Like the disciples of Jesus, we do not know what will happen. But if we hear the voice of Jesus inviting us, we will take a step forward with courage.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama