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引用は、『よろこびの書 変わりゆく世界のなかで幸せに生きるということ』(著者 ダライ・ラマ デズモンド・ツツ ダグラス・エイブラムス)より。
牧師 杉山望
June, 26, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
“Connection Is the Path to Joy”
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 12:29-34
Last Sunday, we were finally able to hold the pastor installation ceremony. I am happy that we could serve together for that day. Although we were not able to have people from all over Japan gather in Kanazawa, many people came from Toyama Koizumicho Church and Fukui Church, and many people shared their joy with us through Zoom. It was a time to confirm anew the connection within the Kanazawa Church and with the other churches. We thank the Lord for this day.
I was reminded that the connections we had been given are blessings from God. On the other hand, we are losing connections in this world. I would like to think about what connection with God and with people means for us.
Beware of Greed
This year, there has been almost no rain since the rainy season begun. It has been so hot that it seems as if summer has begun. Last weekend, the temperature in the prefecture and in many parts of the country exceeded 35°C. An alert was raised, calling the temperature "life-threatening heat" or "disaster-grade heat.” 35°C is a record for the month of June. It would have been unthinkable 10 years ago for the temperature to exceed 35°C in June. The heat is so intense that we can’t let our kindergarten children play outside. From now on, sunny summer days may no longer be called "good weather.”
In Kansas in the United States, 10,000 heads of cattle are said to have died as a result of the heat wave. (The contractor processed 2,000 heads of cattle, but there were apparently many more that died.) In addition to high temperatures, some areas are suffering from severe water shortages, while others are experiencing floods. This reminds us that the effects of climate change are becoming greater and greater every year.
Climate change is a consequence of the endless pursuit of abundance. Facing such a critical situation, we can proclaim as a testimony the words of Jesus:
"Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions. (Luke 12:15)
If temperatures rise further, extreme weather events will become more frequent, ecosystems will collapse, the foundations of human will life crumble, and the lives of even those who have more than they need will be at risk. In reality, the effects of climate change are unequally distributed, and those who have the least are at the most risk.
Most people now believe that "accumulating wealth for ourselves" means success. Or perhaps it is more correct to say that we have been led to believe so. As a result of our prioritizing the accumulation of wealth over human life and the lives of other living creatures, we are forced to face problems that we cannot solve with our wealth. This means that humans are now “not rich toward God” (Luke 12:21).
A way of life in which we store up things for ourselves but are not rich toward God, is not natural, nor is it what God wants for us. Today, it is taken for granted that people are greedy. However, a way of life in which we sacrifice our lives is not natural, nor is it what God desires. Sacrificing our lives is not the way to happiness or peace.
Connection Is the Path to Joy
I recently read a book that summarizes a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. The Dalai Lama is the Dharma King of Tibetan Buddhism, and Desmond Tutu is the former Archbishop of the Anglican Church in South Africa. (Archbishop Tutu passed away last December.) Although these two men come from different countries and religions, they share many of the same ideas.
The Dalai Lama says that excessive self-centeredness is the cause of suffering. We need to take care of ourselves in order to survive. We need to eat every day, study, and work.
However, we should not think only of ourselves while ignoring, bullying, or harming others. Not only is this bad for the people around us, but it is also bad for ourselves because it does not help us find joy or live a happy life.
We are part of a community. Trying to live a joyful and happy life alone is not possible. The foundation of society is now collapsing because we are only concerned about our own wealth and ignore the sacrifices of countless people behind it. If we think only of ourselves, we will be isolated, unable to attain happiness.
Therefore, we must think not only of ourselves, but also of others. However, this is not something that we are forced to do against our will. According to Archbishop Tutu, our greatest joy is doing good to others. We are programmed to be compassionate, to care for others, and to be generous to one another.
This does not mean that we can automatically be caring and kind, but trying brings us joy. For example, when a major disaster or conflict occurs, many donations are collected from all over the world. No one forces people to donate, but there are many who see some tragic news and take an action on their own. People are created to empathize with the suffering of others and take joy in helping those who are suffering.
This means that the foundation of our society is wrong because we are urged to think of ourselves and to believe that no one else will think of us. The message that we can lead a happy life by accumulating wealth is a lie. We are created by God to bring happiness to others. We build happy lives together by caring for one another.
So, the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu agree that "connection" is the path to joy, and "separation" is the path to sorrow. In the end, we cannot create our own happiness at someone else's expense. What we achieve may seem successful for a time, but if we look at it in the long run or from a broader perspective, we see how fragile and short-lived it is. Jesus' advice to beware of any greed was delivered for us.
Don’t Worry
Jesus said:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes." (Luke 12:22-23)
At that time, "a crowd of many thousands had gathered" around Jesus (Luke 12:1). Someone in the crowd was arguing with his brother over their inheritance (Luke 12:13). Some were worrying about what to eat and what to wear.
To both the rich and the poor, Jesus said, "Do not worry." Everyone was worried because they thought they had to take care of themselves. But Jesus told them not to be so anxious because God is trustworthy.
Jesus said, “Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them." (Luke 12:24) Ravens do not worry about having enough food, nor do they fret about making their storehouses bigger.
Jesus also said, “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these." (Luke 12:27-28) The flowers in the field don’t worry about what they have.
We may have to think about ourselves every now and then. Still, we do not need to worry about trying to accumulate wealth for ourselves, nor do we need to worry over things that are beyond our control. God loves us because we are far more valuable than birds and flowers. He knows what we need.
It is because we trust in God that we can stop being greedy and stop worrying. God provides for us. God will clothe us.
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. " (Luke 12:32)
The Kingdom of God--A New Community
By trusting in God, we regain our true human nature. We become people who care for others, and who are generous to one another. The Kingdom of God is not a place for those who are caught up in their own affairs. It is a place for those who have been freed from their worries and are able to think about those around them as well as those they don’t even know.
The people of the early church practiced what Jesus said, "Sell your possessions and give to the poor." (Luke 12:33) We cannot do the same because we live in a world that is more expansive than it was then, a world in which the old-fashioned community has been lost.
Yet we can still care about others, even in this corrupt world. Through Jesus Christ, we are made new. Is the Kingdom of God a world where people live apart and yet are fulfilled in their own way? I do not think so.
In the Kingdom of God, we are connected with God and people are connected to each other. No one thinks only of themselves. Everybody is thinking about everybody else. Even if I can’t help myself, someone else is thinking about me and helping me. I believe such relationships exist in the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is a new community. And it is a community that is bigger than any other community in history, a community that embraces all people. No one is left behind, no one is sacrificed, no one is left alone. That is the Kingdom of God, the Gospel that the Church manifests and witnesses.
If we think only of ourselves and are indifferent to others, then we cannot be a witness to the Kingdom of God. If the church is only thinking about itself and is indifferent to other churches and things outside the church, that too is not a testimony of the Kingdom of God. If that is the case, then we need to pray to God and trust God more.
In this fallen world, we must testify of the Kingdom of God. Let us continue to show that we can trust God, that everyone can connect with God, that people can connect with each other anew, that connection is the path to joy. We need to remember that God, through Jesus Christ, connects us and invites us to this path to joy, and that the church must continue on this path to joy.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama