ところが、このイエスさまとの出会いを、ザアカイは当初、そのようには受け止めていなかったようです。彼は、「まさか選ばれるはずがない」と思っていた自分が選ばれたことで、周りの人たちに対して優越感を覚え、喜びました。だから、イエスさまに対して、彼はこう言ったんだと思うんです。「主よ、わたしは財産の半分を貧しい人々に施します。また、だれかから何かだまし取っていたら、それを四倍にして返します」って。これって、彼の“決意表明”のように聞こえますが、むしろ、人々から貼られてきた“レッテル”を剥がすための・・・、“偏見”を取り除くための・・・、叫びだったのではないでしょうか。「ほら、見たことか!もともと、お前たちに “罪人”と呼ばれる筋合いなんてないんだ!この方は、それを知っていてくださったから、お前たちのところではなく、このわたしのところに来られたのだ!」って・・・。でも、イエスさまは、そんな彼の言葉は聞き流すかのように「きょう、救がこの家にきた」と、一方的に宣言されたのです。ザアカイが求めたからでも・・・、ザアカイが立派な宣言をしたからでも・・・、ザアカイの身が潔白だったからでもなく、そんなこととは一切関係なく、今日、救いが一方的にこの家にやって来たのだ・・・ということを、イエスさまは、まず彼に大切にお伝えになりたかったのです。
札幌バプテスト教会牧師 石橋大輔
June, 19, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
"Salvation Has Come from Over There"
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 19:1-10
Children’s Message
Zacchaeus lived in the town of Jericho, and his job was to collect taxes from the townspeople. Therefore, he was hated by the townspeople.
One day, Zacchaeus heard a rumor that Jesus was coming to Jericho. Zacchaeus decided to go see Jesus, but the main street of the town was so crowded that Zacchaeus, who was short, could not see Him at all.
Zacchaeus had no choice but to climb a fig tree that stood along the street.
While Zacchaeus was waiting in the tree, he saw Jesus coming. Jesus came closer and closer and closer... and then, just like that! He stopped under the tree where Zacchaeus was, looked up and said, "Zacchaeus! Zacchaeus looked up and said, " Come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”
The people around him were amazed that Jesus would stay at Zacchaeus' house. And Zacchaeus on the tree was also surprised. But Zacchaeus was so happy that he hurried down from the tree and took Jesus to his house.
When they arrived at the house, Zacchaeus said, "Jesus, I will change my mind. I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” Jesus looked at Zacchaeus and said happily, " Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
Now, what was the story? Zacchaeus was a mean man, but when he met Jesus, he was able to "change his mind" and become a "good man," right? But is that really the story of Zacchaeus that the Bible is trying to tell us?
Well, I come from Sapporo Baptist Church, where Pastor Sugiyama used to work with me as a pastor until a little over two years ago. Last Sunday, a person believed in Jesus and was baptized at the Sapporo church. In his confession of faith that he read before he was baptized, he said something like this. He said, "I have a person whom I cannot forgive…I can never forgive him, I don't know if I ever will, and to tell you the truth, I don't want to forgive him. Even if God forgave me for my sins, I could never forgive that person, but now such a person is trying to become a Christian." Isn't that amazing? If it had been me, I would have said, "There was someone I could never forgive, but since God forgave me for my sins, I want to forgive him too.” I think I would say that with such a tight expression on my face, though I couldn't really do it... with a tall face. But that person didn't say that. He said, "Now I have someone I cannot forgive, and I am going to be baptized with the sin of not forgiving others.” The person did not decide to be baptized because he thought that because he was able to forgive, he was also forgiven by Jesus.... He made the decision to be baptized because he knew that Jesus had already forgiven him for his inability to forgive. And that person said, "I did not become a Christian because I was baptized, but I will continue striving to be a Christian until I die.”
I don’t think Zacchaeus was saved because he turned from a "bad person," into a "good person." Zacchaeus said to Jesus, I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount”. But Jesus didn’t say to Zacchaeus, "Zacchaeus, you said it well! I'm glad to hear you say that.” He said, "Salvation has come to this house," as if he hadn't heard Zacchaeus' words. It wasn't because Zacchaeus said he was going to do something good and Jesus was happy that He said it. He wanted to tell you that salvation came to him on its own without you having to say anything like that. If it were a story that salvation came to Zacchaeus because he "changed his mind," we would have said, "Oh, thank God, it's over, it's over! And that would have been the end of the story. But if the story ends with Jesus saying, "Salvation has come to this house," regardless of Zacchaeus' words of determination, then this story...and Zacchaeus' walk...does not end here, but begins here. I think that is much more exciting.
Fixed Image of "The Story of Zacchaeus
Of the four Gospels, the Zacchaeus story appears only in the Gospel of Luke, and it is a short story with only 10 verses. However, the "Zacchaeus Story" is usually featured in picture books and picture-story shows that deal with Bible stories. This is probably because the story is easy to understand and the character of Zacchaeus is easy to create. He is short, mean, and a hated "bad guy" who is only interested in making money. But the Bible only says that he was short, rich because he was the head tax collector, and that people called him a "sinful man”. The rest is an image of Zacchaeus created by the readers. So, it may be that the image of Zacchaeus as a "bad man" who changed his mind and became a "good man" and that is when Jesus said, "Salvation has come to this house" has become a common image. To begin with, the Bible does not even say that Zacchaeus "changed his mind.
Was Zacchaeus an "evil man"?
However, the Bible does mention that he was called a "sinner" by the people, and it is true that the profession of "tax collector" was not popular at that time. At that time, the Jewish people suffered from double taxation, one to Rome, which ruled their land, and the other to the lords of the land. The tax collector, who collected the taxes from the people, did not work by himself, but rather, he sent the work to subcontractors or hired collectors to take care of it, so that he was like a "tax office manager”. In this way, the money collected from people had to be added to the tax amount to some extent in order for the tax collector to be able to carry out his work and make a living. In this sense, collecting money by adding it to the tax itself was neither illegal nor wrongful. However, to the people, the image of a "Roman agent" or a "traitor" who was living comfortably off the money he collected from his fellow taxpayers was strong, so the term "tax collector" was used to describe the person who was collecting the money. Therefore, they were called "sinners" simply because they were "tax collectors”. Well, there were some unscrupulous tax collectors who collected exorbitant amounts of money, but Zacchaeus did not seem to be a person who was always dishonest in his collections. Zacchaeus said to Jesus, "And if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” If Zacchaeus had been a habitual "cheater" and decided to pay back four times what he had taken, he would have gone bankrupt immediately, wouldn't he? Zacchaeus would have rather wanted to plead his innocence to Jesus and the people there, saying, "I have never intended to cheat in any way, but if by any chance such a thing had happened..." If so, then Zacchaeus' issue was not about being dishonest. I think he had an interpersonal problem. In communicating with people, he had difficulty interacting and building relationships. Perhaps that is why he became a "tax collector" ... a profession that would have cut him off from fellowship.
Salvation came to this house unilaterally
This characteristic of Zacchaeus is also expressed in his encounter with Jesus. When Zacchaeus went to see Jesus one day, he was too short to see Him because of the crowd, so he had no choice but to climb a tree and try to catch a glimpse of Jesus from there. If he was too short to see Jesus, he could have asked the people around him to let him go to the front of the tree. But he couldn't do that. But he still couldn't give up, so he climbed the tree and wanted to see Jesus, but it was not a desire to "meet" Jesus, even though it was an onlooker's curiosity to "see" Jesus. Zacchaeus would not have had the slightest desire to meet Jesus and establish a relationship with Him. So, it was okay for him to be on the tree. If Jesus had not stopped, it would have been enough for Zacchaeus to watch Him from a distance. However, Zacchaeus was running away from such interpersonal relationships, and to his annoyance, Jesus approached him, saying, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” In the picture book I mentioned earlier, Zacchaeus was so happy to be approached by Jesus, but I don't think that was the case. Zacchaeus, who had a phobia of other people, was suddenly approached by someone he had just met for the first time...and the person made it seem as if he was exposing the fact that he had been trying to hide from people...and what's more, the person said, “I must stay at your house today”. It was so abrupt and abrupt that it was almost insulting. But if Jesus had asked, "Would you be willing to let me stay at your house tonight?”, Zacchaeus might have said, "No, it would not be a good idea for you to stay at a place like my house.” Jesus called Zacchaeus to come and be his guest in his home without giving Zacchaeus any room to think...and in doing so, "salvation" came unilaterally to his home.
Zacchaeus had misunderstood Jesus' salvation.
However, Zacchaeus did not initially take this encounter with Jesus that way. He felt superior to those around him and rejoiced because he had been chosen, which he had thought was impossible. I think that is why he said to Jesus, "Lord, I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” This sounds like a statement of his "determination," but I think it was more of a cry to get rid of the "labels" that people have attached to get rid of the "prejudices". "See, you see! In the first place, you have no right to be called "sinners!" He knew that, and that's why He came to me and not to you!” And.... But Jesus, as if he did not hear his words, unilaterally declared, "Salvation has come to this house.” Not because Zacchaeus asked for it...not because Zacchaeus made a noble declaration...not because Zacchaeus was clean...not because Zacchaeus was clean...but because Jesus wanted to tell him that salvation had come to this house unilaterally today.
Words of self-righteousness turned into words of confession of faith...
Zacchaeus' one-sided declaration must have caused him to reconsider the words of his own commitment. Perhaps Zacchaeus was not being "dishonest," but rather, he was sticking to the "legitimate" way to the end. His words, "I will pay you back four times the money," even show his "confidence" in himself. But it is precisely because he insisted on "justifiable" methods that he lost more and more relationships with people. He "justly" collected from the poor.... He collected exactly what he was supposed to collect, on the date he was supposed to collect it, with or without asking. And there was no wiggle room. If they had any such feelings, their work would not have been possible. If they had even the slightest thought about who they were, what kind of situation they were in, what kind of suffering they were going through...they would have lost their jobs. He said, “Lord, I swear by you. I swear by the Lord, I will give half of my possessions to the poor.” He did not do it because he thought, "Now I can make up for my wrongdoings," but rather because he thought, "I have been treated like a sinner for so long, but now I can show people that I am justified and that I do not deserve to be called a “sinner”..." But then Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house. I have been looking for you to rescue you from your loss.” Zacchaeus, who had been hurt by being treated like a "sinner" so many times, was not told, "Yes, you were not a sinner. Rather, He said, “I was looking for you, a lost sinner.” When Zacchaeus heard Jesus' words, his words were no longer words that he said to the people to show off his own righteousness, but were transformed into a confession of faith that he said to Jesus as a response to the words of salvation that Jesus had spoken to him. The words were no longer addressed to people in order to boast of their justification. “Lord, I swear that I will give half of my possessions to the poor." Zacchaeus is moving toward a life of living with the poor...a life of being close to the afflicted...a life of listening to the voices of the lamenting. This is where Zacchaeus begins his walk, not to respond with a one-time, full-throated response, but to keep returning to God's word over and over again, even though he still carries his sins.
Pastor: Daisuke Ishibashi from Sapporo Baptist Church