牧師 杉山望
April, 17, 2022, Easter Service
" What Has Been Promised "
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 22:44-49
We again gather for Easter this year, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus' death was forced because he announced God's love to the suffering and disempowered people. The power to resist God's love was and certainly still is present. But Jesus' resurrection tells us that death is not the end and that God's love can never be lost. In the context of Japanese society, such hope is also contained in the Declaration of the Suiheisha (National Levelers Association), which called for liberation from the discriminated Buraku (hamlets). In a world where the power of darkness appears strong, we would like to reaffirm that there is hope that darkness has not triumphed over light.
Those Whom Jesus Met and Blessed
"Love does not 'require' the cross, but de facto it ends up on the cross." This is what the theologian, Dorothee Sölle, states about the relationship between love and the cross in her book, "Suffering". Love means, of course, the love of God. God's love did not demand the cross. In other words, God's love did not demand that someone be sacrificed at the cost of saving someone else.
God's love did not ask for the cross. Yet, in fact, God's love results in the cross. If God's love is fulfilled, it becomes death on the cross. Jesus proclaimed the gospel of His Kingdom. If Jesus' proclamation of the gospel, His actions representing the Kingdom of God, and His struggle against the forces that sought to prevent the realization of God's plan, were to be carried out, the result had to be death on the cross. This is because there are indeed forces in human society that are hostile to God and seek to thwart His plan.
What made people so hostile to Jesus? We can understand when we consider what kind of people Jesus ate with, what kind of people he loved, what kind of people he held hands with, what kind of people he helped, what kind of people he walked with.
Those who met Jesus and were blessed by Him were such people. For example, an elderly couple who didn't have a child (a sign of God's blessing). A young girl who experienced an unexpected pregnancy. Poor shepherds who were stuck in poverty while doing dangerous work at night. People who did things that were not understood by others and were said to be possessed by evil spirits. The fisherman who fished all night and were discouraged by the bad results. The sick who were considered unclean and cut off from human fellowship. Tax collectors who were considered traitors for serving as subcontractors to the government. Women who lost their husbands and sons in a society where it was difficult for women to live alone. Women who became prostitutes to survive and were called sinners. Children who were not counted, and had no guarantee that they would live to adulthood. Blind people who were treated as obstacles even when they cried out for help. The head tax collector, who had acquired much wealth through unjust means, but was lonely and unfulfilled. ......
These people still exist in the world today. If we translate the social situation to the present day, we will the same people. In the Jewish society, these people were considered far from God's blessing, and not qualified to inherit the Kingdom of God. They had a low social status. Many of them were poor and their souls were starving and thirsting.
Hated Because of His Love for Everyone
Jesus preached the gospel of the Kingdom of God to such people, saying "God loves you, too." and "You are the first to inherit the Kingdom of God." To the suffering, the grieving, the disempowered, and the lonely in this world, Jesus proclaimed and demonstrated by his actions that everyone was important and be taken care of.
Inevitably, this was also a social and political declaration. Jesus' words and actions were a light in contrast to the darkness of injustice and unfairness in the world. Jesus told the parable of the shepherd who left 99 sheep to go looking for the one sheep that had been lost. In contrast, the world has repeatedly sacrificed 99 out of 100 people and made them lost in order for one person to become richer and stronger.
Of the 99 lost, some will be saved, just like in our present society. Even for the saved, preference is given to those close the powerful, or those who are considered civilized or progressive.
But Jesus said that even if 99 people were safe and only one was lost, He would go out to find the person because of the love of God. Furthermore, He said that God loves the suffering, the sad, the weak, and the lonely, and invites them first into the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught the people that what the shepherd in the parable did was essential for them to live better and to make this world based on God's love.
Such teachings were very unfavorable to those who had social or political power and preferential treatment. They developed anger and hatred because they gained their position and power at the expense of many. Jesus' words and actions shook their status and power. So, they captured, accused, humiliated, crucified Jesus.
Jesus' crucifixion was to bear the pain of those who are suffering, mourning, deprived of power, and driven to loneliness. Jesus, together with God, did not forsake or separate Himself from anyone, but loved everyone so much that He was hated and crucified. With his death, it seemed that the Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed, and God's love had come to an end. But it was not the end.
Death Is Not the End
Jesus breathed his last on the cross about 3:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon. The next day was the Sabbath, so Jesus was buried in the tomb before the sun went down. The burial was done in such haste that there was no time to anoint the body with perfume. Early on Sunday morning after the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene and some other women went to Jesus' tomb with perfume. They had been watching Jesus until the moment he died and was buried in the tomb.
When they arrived at the tomb, they found that the large stone blocking the entrance had been rolled away. They went inside and did not find the body of Jesus. Two men in shining robes appeared told the women:
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’” (Luke 24:5-7)
Jesus rose from the dead. After the women were told this, the resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples one after another.
What Jesus' resurrection tells us is that death is not the end. It means that darkness has not triumphed over light. In other words, even when we have given up, there is still hope. No matter how harsh the real world is, no matter how difficult it is, there will eventually be victory, and peace will be proclaimed. No matter how much resistance there may be, God's love is never lost.
Let There Be Warmth in Human Society, Let There Be Light in All Human Beings
The Church holds up the cross as its symbol, but the cross, a symbol of Jesus' suffering, is not the end. The Church has inherited and continues to speak of the hope of deliverance and salvation of the cross.
On the other hand, there is a liberation movement that uses the crown of thorns that Jesus wore on the cross as a symbol. The movement was founded by the Zenkoku Suiheisha (National Levelers Association), which was formed by the Buraku people to seek liberation from discrimination and poverty. The "Declaration of the Suiheisha," read aloud at the organization's founding convention, is said to be the first human rights declaration in Japan.
The fundamental principle of the declaration is that people are born without hierarchy or rank. This idea is carried throughout the entire text, which hopes for the liberation of not only those who are discriminated against but also those who discriminate against them, and strongly calls for people to build relationships of mutual respect.
In this declaration, respecting people is contrasted with pitying people. The word "pitying" is not represented with the kanji for "labor" that is used in everyday life, but with the kanji meaning "to take away" or "destroy".
Even the act of reaching out to those who are suffering will not liberate them if it is done by treating them as inferior, leaving a hierarchical relationship of superiority and inferiority. Without fundamentally questioning the social awareness and system regarding "nobility and superiority" that creates discrimination, those who have been "pitied" feel required to suppress their anger and resentment toward the discrimination they have received in return for the acts of charity. This makes those who have been discriminated against feel more miserable. It destroys peoples` humanity. Therefore, the declaration powerfully proclaims that people should not be pitied, but respected.
The Suiheisha Declaration closes with the following words of hope and prayer: "Let there be warmth in human society, let there be light in all human beings." Both the cross and the crown of thorns, which represent suffering, difficulty, poverty, and discrimination in this world, point to the fact that God's plan has not ended. God's love can never be undermined. Victory over the power of death will be achieved and peace will be realized. To this end, God has sent Jesus and the Holy Spirit, promising that He will surely fulfill His plan.
Death is not the end. Darkness has not triumphed over light. Let there be warmth in human society, let there be light in all human beings. Let us join our prayers with this faith.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama