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牧師 杉山望
December, 24th 2021 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
" The Light in the Darkness "
Scripture reading is taken from John 1:1~5
Times of Darkness
Merry Christmas! What a joy it is to be able to worship together on Christmas Eve. Last year, we had a very shortened program due to the spread of COVID19, but this year it is almost back to the usual Candlelight Service program. Starting from the prophecy of the Savior’s birth, we traced the events that happened to Mary, the wise men from the east, and the shepherds through scripture readings and hymns.
These events are described in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. The Gospel of John does not describe the events themselves, but it does tell us about who Jesus Christ is.
Jesus came into the world as the light of all humankind. The world Jesus came to is a world filled with darkness. Jesus was born as the light to shine in the darkness and give light to us humans who are overwhelmed by darkness.
When we are in complete darkness, we cannot see the way ahead. At the time of Jesus' birth, some people within the Israelites could not foresee their future or the future of their families and communities. Similarly, we are living in a time when we cannot foresee the future, in a different sense.
The term "VUCA" may be used to describe our current social situation. This acronym “VUCA" stands for four words: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. In a nutshell, it means "a state of uncertainty that makes it difficult to predict the future.”
Human society has undergone various changes throughout history, but the speed of change has become extremely fast in the world today. It is very difficult to predict the future because it is not clear in which direction the changes will go and who will lead them. It is even more difficult to foresee how such a changing society will affect the individual.
With the pandemic, people all over the world are experiencing this "VUCA" age. No one could have predicted our world to be where it is today two Christmases ago. Nor can we imagine for this situation to continue forever. We are living in a time of darkness and unpredictability.
The Purpose of Creating Humans
In addition, we may be in a state where we cannot foresee the future, but the past and present as well. Darkness is not only ahead of us. It may also be at our feet or even behind us. In other words, we may have lost sight of who we are, where we came from, and where we are going, which are the very foundations of our existence.
The Gospel of John tells us where Jesus came from, who he is, and where he is going. This is also connected to where we come from, who we are, and where we are going.
“Through him (the Word) all things were made…” (John 1:3/ New International Version (NIV))
This means that all things were created by the Word that was with God. The fact that God created all things does not necessarily oppose the scientific knowledge of biological evolution or the history of the earth.Nevertheless, what is being conveyed here is the purpose and meaning of the creation of the world. In particular, the story of who created human beings, by whose will and for what purpose, is told through the Bible.
Human beings are one of the living creatures on earth, and we are part of the ecosystem. However, God created us as a special kind of being. We were created to have a personal relationship with God. The characteristics of human beings are not that we have more developed brains than other creatures or that we can make various things. We are special in the sense that we can have a relationship with God.
We humans are made in God's image, we are breathed in life by God, and we are given the Holy Spirit. This enables us to have a personal relationship with God, hear God's words, and respond to them.
As such, humans were also given the special role of having dominion over the earth. This does not mean that we are to be dominators of the earth, devouring resources as we please, displacing other creatures, and causing them to suffer. The mission of human beings is to protect the world that God has called "good", a world in which all life is blessed and full of life. Even among human beings, this means creating a world where no one is left behind and where each person is treated with dignity and respect.
Jesus Who Came for Us
However, human beings are unable to keep walking toward this purpose. The Israelites, who were called to be in a relationship with God, have repeatedly rejected that relationship, forgotten God, and acted as if they were God. This is not just the history of the Israelites, but of humanity itself. Even today, humans are still hurting each other, repeatedly fighting, destroying the environment, and failing to live in peace.
This is where the sin of humankind lies. In such a way of life where darkness envelops us, we lose sight of ourselves and the path we should take. It is not that some of us are the darkness. All of us are being afflicted by darkness, and in that darkness, we cannot see what we need to see. Such a state harms the life that God has given us.
But God did not give up on us humans. Even when we humans gave up on our God-given purpose, God did not give up on it. This is why God sent Jesus Christ into the world–to bring light to people who are taken hold by darkness, to bring them back into the relationship with God, to give them blessings, and to fulfill the purpose of ruling the earth. It is for this purpose that God sent Jesus, who is one with Godself.
Jesus Christ is the one who was with God from the beginning of the world, the one who is one with God, the one who speaks God's words, conveys God's thoughts, and fulfills God's purpose. Jesus Christ is the light that shines in the darkness. When we are enveloped in darkness, lose sight of ourselves and God, and cannot have a clear vision of the future, Jesus Christ is the light that shines and points out what we have lost sight of. With his words and his works, Jesus Christ shines the light on the path we should take.
Jesus Christ reunites us with God. Jesus speaks God's word to us, gives us God's blessings, and tells us who we are, how much God cares for us, and what God's purpose is for us. In a personal relationship with God, we can be fully human, live for our God-given purpose, and find our way to live. For all this, Jesus offered himself to us. This is what Christmas is all about.
Darkness Cannot Take Hold of the Light
“The light shines in the darkness…” (John 1:5a/ NIV). Jesus Christ, who came as the light, was born amid the darkness. That darkness is the darkness that takes hold of us, which we could not wipe out on our own. The world is full of darkness. While accepting this fact, Jesus came into the midst of the darkness. He came to us right in the darkness that covers us. And there he shines the light.
“...and the darkness has not overcome it.”(John 1:5b/NIV). The literal translation of this verse is, “the darkness did not grasp/take hold of the light.” Thus, it can be interpreted as “did not understand” in the sense of not being able to grasp it, but more importantly, it means that the darkness could not take hold of and conceal the light.
In the world, darkness is very powerful. It keeps us away from God. It acts as if humans are the rulers of this world, and repeatedly causes conflicts and destruction. Wherever darkness is considered acceptable, the light of Jesus will not be understood and will be rejected. Yet, the light of Jesus cannot be covered up by darkness. No matter how great the darkness becomes, the light still shines. No matter how deep the darkness is, Jesus will come to us and shine the light.
Let us turn our faces to the light, seek the light, and shine the light with Jesus. No matter what darkness the coming new year may bring, the Lord Jesus Christ is with us, who continues to give us light and unite us with God. We too can shine the light on the earth with Jesus. Let us follow and trust the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born in the midst yet continues to shine the light in the darkness.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama