レンブラント・ファン・レイン 『羊飼いの礼拝(Adoration of the Shepherds)』1646年
この方こそ主メシアである。」 (ルカによる福音書2:10~11)
これがあなたがたへのしるしである。」 (ルカによる福音書2:12)
地には平和、御心に適う人にあれ。」 (ルカによる福音書2:14)
牧師 杉山望
December, 19th 2021 Christmas Service
" Peace Began at the Manger "
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 2:8-16
Terrified Shepherd
Last year, we celebrated Christmas during the Covid-19 outbreak. This year, although the situation is not over, we are able to celebrate in a better environment. However, fears remain in the world. Some of you may be afraid of the new variant called "Omicron."
Viruses are not the only fears covering the world. Extreme weather events due to climate change also continue to occur every year. The damage caused by a series of tornadoes in the United States is said to be the largest in history. The coup d'état that took place in Myanmar on February 1 can be another example. More than 100,000 people were killed as a result of the military crackdown on civil disobedience.
Fear occurs, not only on a global scale, but also on a personal scale. Fear can be caused by many things, such as the loss of a loved one, unexpected changes, or a lack of vision for the future.
Maybe that is why the angel's command, "Do not be afraid," stays in my mind during the Advent of this year. In the Gospel of Luke, the angel came to Zechariah, Mary, and shepherds. When they were afraid of the angel's appearance and words, the angel told them, "Do not be afraid," It seemed to me that this repeated call, "Do not be afraid," was also directed at me.
At the time of the angel's appearance, the shepherds were camped out in the field, guarding their sheep all night. It was pitch black, and all they could see was the light from the campfire and the twinkling of the stars. Then an angel approached and illuminated their surroundings, which made them afraid. They were very afraid of the presence of the angel, his power, the suddenness of the event, and the uncertainty of what would happen.
In addition, the shepherds often had something to be afraid of. While they were guarding the sheep at night, wild animals might attack them. They might be attacked by bandits who wanted to steal their sheep. The shepherds were hired hands, but they had to fight against all odds so that they would not lose even a single sheep.
Shepherding was a dangerous and essential job, but it was nevertheless an occupation that was looked down upon and despised in Israel at that time. Shepherds were poor and could not pay taxes to the temple. They couldn't even keep the Sabbath because they had to take care of their sheep. They were considered the furthest people from God's blessings.
Therefore, shepherds might have been afraid, even in the city. If something terrible had happened, they might have been the first to be affected. They might not have been able to get help when they needed it. Such shepherds are the representatives of those who are small in this world, those who have no great power, and those who are afraid. Shepherds are also representatives of us, who are afraid of various threats.
The Savior Who Is Also for Shepherds
To the shepherds – and people like us - the angel said, "Don't be afraid," and announced the joyful news.
"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11)
The birth of the Savior is what the people of Israel have long been waiting for. The angel announced that He had been born that day. It was the shepherds who were the first to hear the news. It wasn't the Roman emperor, who was the most powerful man at the time, or Herod the Great, who ruled the Jews. It was not the high priest who was the leader of the Jerusalem Temple, nor a wealthy merchant. God chose the shepherds to be notified of the joyful news first.
The angel announced that the Savior had been born for all of us. This news was a great joy for everyone, including people like the shepherds. The Savior was also born for those who were powerless and weak, those who were unappreciated and looked down upon in this world. Without them, He could not be the Savior.
The angel announced a sign to let us know that this birth of the Savior was also for all of us.
"This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger." (Luke 2:12)
Shepherds also wrapped their own newborn babies in cloth. Sometimes the baby was laid in a kind of hammock hanging from the ceiling, and sometimes it was laid in a manger placed inside the house. This was not seen in royal palaces or temples, but it was a common sight for shepherds.
That is why "a baby wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger" was a sign for the shepherds. This sign tells us that the Savior was born for us as well, and that we too can meet Him.
God proclaims the glad tidings to all people. He does not give priority to the powerful and the rich, but rather to the poor, the powerless, and those who have become weak. This is because no one will be left out of God's joyful news. God brings the joyful news to even the smallest one.
The Peace of the Infant in the Manger
Following the angel's announcement, the great company of heaven joined in praising God.
" Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests." (Luke 2:14)
Both the glory of God in heaven and His work on earth are united. It cannot be said that God has nothing to do with this earth where we live. On the contrary, He seeks to be deeply connected with this earth.
This is ultimately manifested in the fact that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born into the world as the Son of Man. God made peace on earth His own affair. We are the ones that threaten, disturb, and destroy peace, or hurt ourselves and even others. However, He has made our existence His own concern.
Jesus Christ came into the midst of such a violent world, a world shrouded in darkness. He came to us, who are afraid of many things, who stumble over many things, who are hurt by many things. Just as He was born as a baby in a manger within the shepherds' daily lives, He came for all of us, including those who are considered to be the weakest in the world.
His purpose is to bring peace. Peace is the fullness of life. It is a state in which all the forces that affect life are in balance, a state in which what is lacking has been filled.
When the shepherds heard the angel's news, they rushed to Bethlehem. There, they found Mary and Joseph, as well as a baby lying in a manger. The angel's announcement points to the reversal of the world. The latter came first, and the former came last. The least was chosen first, and the Savior was born to the least. There was peace. There was peace in which no one would be destroyed and no one would be left behind.
Peace Began at the Manger
The scene of the shepherds finding Jesus has been painted by several artists under the title "Shepherd's Worship." One of the works was painted by Rembrandt van Rijn in 1646. It depicts Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds looking into the manger and worshipping the newborn Jesus as he lies in the manger.
Jesus is the light that illuminates the people gathered there. Yet, the darkness remains. Rather, the light shines in the darkness. Darkness and light cannot be clearly separated either. It is as if all of us have both sides of light and darkness, just as we cannot draw a line somewhere in this world and distinguish between light and darkness.
There is darkness, and in the midst of that darkness, Jesus Christ was born as the Savior. Jesus was born totally helpless and totally defenseless. He did not wield any great power. Even the word "victory" does not suit him. Yet, that is not why people gather around him. There are people who are afraid, but still can believe the news that God has come for them. By bringing His Son to us, God has lit a light in the darkness.
Jesus, lying in a manger, probably sends a message like this:
"Come to me with all your fears, anxieties, pains, and sorrows that you are burdened with, and you can lay down your burdens in peace, knowing that no one will be hurt. I will not use violence. I will not oppress you. I will accept you as you are, be with you, and carry your burdens. So come live with me."
"I know your sins. I know that you have failed to do what you should have done. I know that you have hurt someone. I know that you have lost something precious to you. But I will not judge you. I am not here to destroy you, but to give you eternal life. God sent me, the Son of God, for your sake. That is how important you are. So, don't be afraid and live with me."
After the shepherds met Jesus lying in the manger, they told the people of the town what the angel had said to them and returned home, praising God. We don't know how they lived after that. But I am sure that they went home with the peace that had been revealed around the manger.
Christmas heralds the peace that God brings to this earth. That peace was manifested around the manger where the Savior was laid. It began there and has spread throughout the world. Let us rejoice together in the birth of Jesus Christ, who was also born for us. Let us also go out from here today with the peace that began in the manger.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama