ただ、歌いやすいというだけでは、それほど親しまれる讃美歌にはならなかったでしょう。この讃美歌の歌詞が多くの人の心に響いたことも、歌い継がれる大きな要因です。その詞を書いたのは、アイルランド人のジョセフ・スクライヴン(Joseph Scriven)でした。
2.試練や誘惑に出会っていますか? どこかに悩みがありますか?
牧師 杉山望
November, 21th 2021 Sunday Service
" We Are Not Alone "
Scripture reading is taken from John 16:31-33
Background of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus "
At funerals held in churches, a hymn called "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" is often sung. This is a standard hymn, not only for funerals, but also for weddings. This is partly because a song using the melody of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" is included in elementary school music textbooks. At funerals and weddings held in churches, there are many people who have never sung hymns before, and the hymn is considered easy for them to sing because its melody is familiar.
However, it did not have become a popular hymn just because it is easy to sing. The fact that the lyrics of this hymn touch the hearts of many people is also a major reason why it has been sung for so long.
The lyrics were written by an Irishman named Joseph Scriven. At the age of 24, Scriven met and became engaged to a woman. But the day before the wedding, his fiancée drowned in a pond. Scribner was filled with despair and grief.
The following year, he moved to Canada, as if to shake off the sad memories. In Canada, he worked as a teacher and started an organization to help women who had lost their husbands. The people of the town gave him the nickname "Good Samaritan" because of his efforts to serve his neighbors. The Good Samaritan is the man in one of Jesus' parables, who selflessly helped an injured man.
The grief of losing a fiancé was not something that could easily be erased. As he struggled to overcome his grief, he worked diligently to work as a teacher and support widows.
When he turned 41, he had a second chance. He met and fell in love with a woman named Eliza Catherine Roche. They became engaged and were about to start a new life together.
This time, however, his fiancée, Eliza, died of tuberculosis. Scribner had lost two fiancées. What was his state of mind when he was once again in the depths of despair? There must have been times when he complained to God.
However, he did not lose his faith. Rather, he clearly felt that Jesus was there for him even in the midst of such a sad experience. After the death of his second fiancée, he received the news that his mother, whom he had left behind in Ireland, was ill. So Scriven wrote a letter to comfort her. It is said that attached to the letter were the lyrics for the song, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."
Scriven Prayed to the Lord and Was Comforted
Hymns translated into Japanese have condensed the words to fit the tune. When we read the original lyrics, we can see how Scribner was comforted and what he said to comfort and encourage his mother.
1. What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer!
2. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer.
3. Are we weak and heavy-laden, Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge— Take it to the Lord in prayer;
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there
For Scriven, who faced despair many times, we can see how much he was comforted by his friend Jesus. Scriven repeatedly encourages us to pray to the Lord, probably because he himself prayed in his grief.
He didn't hide anything. He prayed and confided everything to the Lord. I'm sure he confided all his sorrow, despair, and anger to the Lord. Praying didn't make his sorrow go away immediately. Still, he knew that Jesus was with him, knew his weakness, and would bear all his sorrows.
There is no truer friend anywhere. So, in times of weakness, in times of burden, in times of disturbance, he encourages us to confide everything to the Lord and pray. The Lord will hold us with His arms and be our shield to protect us. Scriven felt a deep comfort in that.
We Are Not Alone
Today's passage is from the Gospel of John, where Jesus spoke to his disciples the night before he was arrested and crucified. Jesus predicted that he was "leaving the world and going back to the Father." (16:28). After listening to Jesus, the disciples fled back to their homes. Jesus' words "finally made them believe in Jesus", but He went on to say that they would be scattered, leaving Him alone (16:31-32).
The disciples were not only be separated from Jesus, but also from each other, alone. This means that the homes to which they would be returning were places separated from God, places without Him. The disciples would be separated from their friends, from God, and left alone.
At that time, however, it is Jesus who seemed to be more alone than anyone else. Jesus told the disciples that they would leave Him and that He would be crucified, surrounded by adversaries who would ridicule Him as one who had been abandoned by God. Jesus went on to tell them that such a time would come, or had already come, and that there would be no escape.
However, Jesus said, "I am not alone," because God, His Father, was with Him. The Lord is with, us even when we appear to be alone in the eyes of others. Jesus was never separated from God, so wherever He was, God was always there.
Peace in the Lord
Jesus concluded his long discourse to his disciples by saying, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (16:33)
No matter how many adversaries come against Him, no matter what hardships come His way, Jesus has already won the world. That means that nothing Jesus has spoken or manifested will be lost. The blessing that God loves the world, the blessing that God loves you, the blessing that God is always with us, and the blessing that Jesus came to give life to those who believe in Him will never be lost.
God is always with you. It is true that you will have hardships in the world and that the hardships will not trivial. But Jesus has already won the world. What Jesus has done will not be lost, and what He has said will not be overturned.
Jesus spoke these words so that we could have peace through Him. Scriven, the writer of the song, confessed everything to God and prayed in the midst of repeated hardships. He was deeply comforted to know that Jesus bore all his sins and sorrows and became his friend. Although he had great hardships, he was able to find peace in the Lord.
We, too, can pray to God. Jesus bears all our sorrows and is with us in our suffering. Jesus is telling us that we are not alone. We can believe in Jesus' words. We can pray to God. We can pray to Jesus for our neighbors. Through faith and prayer, Jesus will give us peace.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama