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September, 19th, 2021 Sunday Service
" The People Who Waited "
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 2:25-38
The Old People Who Waited
In Israel, growing old was considered a joy and a blessing from God. This was not only the case in Israel, but also in Japan, where there are customs to celebrate longevity such as the 60th birthday and the 70th birthday. In ancient Israel, only about 40% of all children born lived to be 16 years old, so having a longer life, was considered a special blessing.
In the Bible, we often see people who have reached an advanced age. One thing that many of these old people have in common is that they waited and had hope. For example, Abraham, the father of Israel, was 75 years old when he left for the land of Canaan after receiving a message from God. God promised Abraham and Sarah, who were childless, that they would have children and that their descendants would multiply like the stars. Abraham could look forward to living in the new land and having children.
Another example is Moses, who became the leader of Israel. He fled Egypt when he was already an adult. After many years, when he was mature enough, he received a call from God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. For 40 years, he led them on a journey through the wilderness, ending his life with the Promised Land in sight.
In the Gospel of Luke, the first people to appear are Zechariah and Elizabeth. They were from a priestly family and were impeccably righteous, but they were too old to have children. One day, an angel appeared to Zechariah and told him that he was going to have a child. They were now waiting for what they had already given up on.
Simeon and Anna Met Jesus
Simeon and Anna were also old and longing for God's promise. Mary and Joseph went up to the temple to dedicate their first child, the infant Jesus, to the Lord. This was in obedience to God's law, "Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether human or animal" (Ex. 13:2). Mary and Joseph wanted to show that the child was not their property, but God's consecrated property.
In the temple, Mary and Joseph met Simeon and Anna. Simeon was a faithful old man who spent his days memorizing God's words, praying, and waiting for Israel to be saved. We don't know how old he was, but he must have been old by this time, considering that he had received a prophecy from the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he saw the Messiah (Savior) whom the Lord would send. We don't know how old he was when he heard that announcement, but he had been waiting for that day for years, even decades.
The promise that the Lord would send a Savior had been announced to the prophets hundreds of years before. The people of Israel had been waiting for the fulfillment of that promise, sometimes being disappointed, sometimes regaining their trust.
Simeon is also a part of this history, set apart as the embodiment of Israel's longing for the fulfillment of the promise. Simeon was told by the Holy Spirit that the Savior for whom Israel had waited for hundreds of years, and for whom he himself had waited for decades, was coming on this day. He found the infant Jesus in the temple, took him in his arms, and praised God. He was overwhelmed at the sight of the Lord's salvation and said that he could leave this world in peace.
Anna, on the other hand, was a prophet. She was "very old" (84 years old). She got married when she was young and had lived with her husband for only seven years before becoming a widow. If she had married in her early teens, like many other women of that time, she would have been widowed in her early twenties.
For about 60 years, Anna "never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying." Perhaps she was called to be a prophet. Even though she did not leave the temple, as a woman, Anna was not allowed to enter the central part of the temple. In the outer courtyard of the temple, she fasted and prayed day in and day out. She would announce God's words to the visitors to the temple and encourage them to wait for God's promise.
On this day, Anna met the infant Jesus in the temple. She approached him, gave thanks to God, and joyfully told the story to those who had been waiting with her for the fulfillment of the promise.
Days of Waiting
The Bible often mentions believers who waited for God's promises. What does the story of those people tell us? People who rejoiced and were thankful when the promise was fulfilled, even if it was not the completion, but the beginning.
Simeon and Anna believed in God's promise and waited for the promise to be fulfilled. Was the waiting period, which lasted for decades without end, just a period of patience with no progress? Or did the days of waiting mean days of impatience and frustration that the promise was not fulfilled? Or were they so tired of waiting that their vitality was waning?
If it was just a matter of waiting, the days that Simeon and Anna spent would have been full of patience, impatience, frustration, and fatigue. But they weren't just waiting. They were waiting for God's salvation. They were waiting with hope, believing in the God who had promised His salvation to them. They didn't know when His promise would be fulfilled, but they kept waiting. They were able to do so because their trust in God was the foundation of their lives.
God is not postponing giving us something that has already been created. It is God Himself who works in the world and guides us in order to fulfill what He has promised. Waiting is based on trusting that God has not forgotten His promise, is still walking with us, and will work to fulfill His promise. God's promises sustain and encourage us in this world of suffering, impatience, frustration, and fatigue.
The story of Simeon and Anna tells us one more thing. They were not waiting only for themselves. Simeon "waited for Israel to be comforted," and Anna spoke of the infant to all those who were waiting for the salvation of Jerusalem. Beyond the fulfillment of their own desires, they both needed comfort in this world and longed for the fulfillment of the promise for those who were looking for salvation.
For both of them, waiting also meant love. They thought waiting was loving God, who made the promise, and loving their neighbors who were seeking the fulfillment of that promise. The words of Simeon and Anna, who were waiting for the fulfillment of God's promise, must have been a comfort and encouragement to those who listened to them.
The days they spent waiting and hoping were certainly days of patience, but they were also days of blessing. They were days of remembering God, of walking with God, of being sustained by God, of being united by His promise, and of living in love.
Taking up the Cross for All People
Finally, I would like to focus on the words of Simeon. Here, Simeon is telling us two important and surprising things. The first is what he says in verses 31 and 32.
"You have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel."
The prophets had announced the birth of the Savior of Israel. But Simeon spoke of a light that will illuminate not only Israel, but also the Gentiles. Jesus Christ has come to be the Savior and the light of all people, including those with whom Israel had no relationship, whether they were enemies or discriminated against.
The second is what Simeon said to Mary in verses 34 and 35.
"This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too."
This doesn't sound like something that should be said to a mother with an infant of one or two months. Nevertheless, as prophesied, Jesus was crucified and his mother Mary had her heart pierced with a sword. Earlier, I said that God is not postponing the fulfillment of His promise, even though it is ready to be fulfilled. At the same time, we should not forget that the fulfillment of the promise did not come without a cost.
God's promise to send the Messiah (Savior) was fulfilled with the birth of Jesus Christ. However, not all of God's promises ended there. Even now, God continues to work in this world to save and bring light to all people. No matter how dark the world gets, God never forgets His promises, never lets go of them, and continues to be with us.
Let us learn from Simeon and Anna, and the other people in the Bible, and continue to wait and hope for God's promises. Let us trust in God and walk through the days ahead with the hope of being renewed no matter how old we get.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama