September, 12th, 2021 Sunday Service
" A Thing We Must Not Lose "
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 14:34~35
Salt that loses its saltiness
In today's passage, the subject of the parable is “salt that loses its saltiness”. Salt is something that is essential to us, but in biblical times it was even more essential to life than it is today.
Salt was a common seasoning. Sometimes spices were used, but it was also common to use only saltiness. In some poor families, dinner would consist of only bread, olive nuts, a little fruit, and salt. Salt was also used to preserve food. Since there were no refrigerators, salt was used to preserve fish, which were prone to spoilage.
The salt was not taken from seawater like in Japan, but from rock salt. Rock salt contains various additives such as bitterness, but when exposed to moisture and sunlight, the additives disappear and the salt loses its value. “Salt that has lost its saltiness” is salt that has lost its flavor and is no longer useful.
Life without salt is unthinkable, now or in the past. Without salt, we cannot live. Salt is something that we must not lose. Jesus used the example of salt that has lost its saltiness to teach us what we should not lose.
What is required to be a disciple
In Luke's Gospel, the story of the salt, along with the preceding paragraph beginning in verse 25, is said to be spoken to a large crowd. At this time, Jesus was leaving the region of Galilee and traveling to Jerusalem, the central city.
For Jesus, it was a big risk to go to Jerusalem because it was the home of the religious leaders who were hostile to Him. To go to Jerusalem was to put himself in danger, to go to the cross.
However, the crowds did not know what Jesus was thinking. The people who gathered with Jesus believed and expected that He would start a new battle in Jerusalem. He would represent the poor peasants of Galilee against the powers in Jerusalem, and he would win Israel's independence by resisting the tyranny of Rome. The crowd seemed to think that Jesus was going to lead them into such a battle.
Jesus neither denied nor criticized the crowd's expectations. He just taught them what it entailed to follow Him and be His disciples. He turned to the crowd of people following him and said, “ If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.”(14:26)
“Whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” (14:27)
“ Those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” (14:33)
Following and being a disciple of Jesus involves something that people have never thought about. It means hating your own family and even your own life. It means taking up your own cross and letting go of your belongings. None of these things are easy.
The only thing I want to make sure of is the limitation of this verse in translation. “There is a word translated as “hate”. In the original Greek text, this is the word “miseo” (μισέω), which has a different meaning from the Japanese word “hate”. The Japanese word “hate” means “to dislike with unforgiveness; to feel strong displeasure at the words or actions of another person. (goo dictionary). On the other hand, “miseo” (μισέω) means “to turn away from, to separate oneself from”.
In other words, “hate” here does not refer to the emotion of liking or disliking. Hating one's family means to love and care for them, but to distance oneself from them. Hating one's own life does not mean self-loathing or thinking of oneself as worthless. It means to know that your life is also precious and irreplaceable, but to surrender it to God rather than claiming it as your own.
Being a disciple of Jesus does not require us to achieve great things or to possess more things. Rather, it requires us to detach ourselves, to distance ourselves from and surrender what we thought was ours - and ours alone.
Everything belongs to the Lord
We own a lot of things. If I own something, I am free to decide of my own free will how I will treat that possession. Of course, there are social rules and laws that restrict us from doing so, but whether we use it with care or treat it roughly, as long as it doesn't cause trouble to others, it is said to be our freedom.
The fact that we can put our possessions at our disposal means that we can refuse to allow anyone else to touch or interfere with them. If it is not only at our disposal, but also at the disposal of others, then it is not only ours.
This way of thinking about possession is at the root of modern society. There, ownership is very much in line with control. Everything in the world is owned by someone, and it seems as if the world is dominated by humans. However, the Bible clearly tells us that not everything in this world is the absolute property of man, and that man is not the ultimate owner of it.
According to the Bible, humans are the custodians and caretakers of this wonderful world that God has created. In last week's service, we read the parable of the master of the vineyard and the farmer who was entrusted with the care of the vineyard. Man is the farmer of the vineyard, and the owner of the vineyard is God. In other words, God is the original owner of the vineyard.
In Psalm 24:1, it says, “he earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Furthermore, the New Testament says that not only the tangible things but also the intangible gifts given to man are God's - the Lord's.
Modern society tells us that humans are the masters (rulers) of the world, and that each person owns and controls the world to his or her own extent. But what God tells us through the Bible is different. The world belongs to the Lord. Social ownership is only relative or temporary. No matter who owns what, it all belongs to the Lord and is a gift entrusted to that person.
If it is not our own, but the Lord's, then we cannot use it selfishly. For the Lord's things are not for no purpose nor to satisfy our own needs. Just as the farmers in the vineyard presented their harvest to his master, we are expected to use the gifts we have been given to praise God and show forth His glory.
What We Must Not Lose
I believe that the things that come with being a disciple of Jesus are also connected to the fact that “everything belongs to the Lord”. Distancing yourself from your family doesn't necessarily mean cutting ties or leaving home. In fact, the disciples who followed Jesus also invited him to their homes and their families met with him. Even someone who is as close as a family member or your own life are not your own property. They are beings that God has given to us, and we are required to receive God's love and be pleasing to Him.
Taking up our own cross is not a matter of struggling for our own convenience. Just as Jesus took up our cross for us, our cross is a burden we carry for the sake of loving the Lord and loving our neighbors. My life also belongs to the Lord. That is why we respond to the Lord's call and live in cooperation with one another, protecting the world God has created and those who live in it.
Discarding all of our possessions does not mean that we should give away all of our wealth right now. It is required for those who have extra to give away their belongings. Here, we are not only asked to do that, but we are also asked to come back to the biblical faith that all of our possessions belong to the Lord, that they are gifts entrusted to us by the Lord. The important thing is not to let go of them without thinking, but to see how we can use the gifts entrusted to us to glorify the Lord and reveal His glory.
This naturally includes using our gifts for ourselves. God has also given us gifts to preserve our lives. Including this, the question is how we can use what belongs to the Lord.
What we must not lose are the stories in the Bible that teach us these things. It is not important that we know them as knowledge. It is important that we inherit the stories of the Bible and live our lives based on them. And it's important that whether that story, we, and the world are moving toward the destination of the Kingdom of God that Jesus indicated.
Modern society, thinking that this world belongs to us, continues to irreparably destroy this world. There were things that we humans should not have lost. In the history of mankind, it has been repeatedly forgotten and lost. In order to bring it back to life again, we must not lose the story of the Bible that tells us that everything belongs to the Lord.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama