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July, 25th, 2021 Sunday Service
"Because this person is also a member of God's people"
Scripture reading is taken from Luke 19:1-10
Zacchaeus cursed on a tree
One of the people Jesus met was Zacchaeus. He was the head of tax collectors, collecting taxes from the people who lived in the town of Jericho on behalf of the Roman Empire. Many tax collectors were poor, but Zacchaeus is said to have been wealthy. He would have inflated the taxes he collected and pocketed them to make him richer. His tax burden weighed heavily on poor people.
One day, Jesus came to the town of Jericho. The townspeople knew that Jesus was coming and were about to start preparing to welcome Him. However, Jesus did not stay in the town of Jericho and just passes by. Jesus heading for Jerusalem, where the cross awaited, did not want to stop on the way. The townspeople would have been disappointed.
Still, a large crowd surrounded Jesus. He would have wanted to hear Jesus' rumors, see what he was doing, and hear what he said. Some may have been curious and wanted to see it at a glance.
Zacchaeus also wanted to see what Jesus was like. But by the time he went out on the street, a large crowd had already gathered. He couldn’t see Jesus because he was short.
No one in Jericho respected the wealthy Zacchaeus, who was a tax collector. Some may have noticed that Zacchaeus was in trouble, but no one would give way for him. Zacchaeus also didn’t have the courage to ask the townspeople. Losing the respect of his people, rather than his shortness, was a source of concern for Zacchaeus.
Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus at all costs, so he took the plunge. He ran ahead and climbed the fig tree. In Middle Eastern culture, running and climbing trees was very ugly and embarrassing for large adults. No good adult runs in public or climbs a tree. The fig mulberry tree he climbed may have been just right because it had large leaves and was easy to hide.
However, Zacchaeus was found. He was found by Jesus, so he would have been found by the townspeople who were with Jesus. They would have been ridiculed and insulted Zacchaeus, who usually collected taxes at the tax office, when he was shamelessly clinging to a tree branch. Zacchaeus couldn't escape from it, and he clung to the tree.
Hostility to Jesus
Suddenly, Jesus called out to Zacchaeus. That one word changed the atmosphere of the place.
“Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” (verse 5)
With this one word, the place suddenly calmed down. Everyone doubted their ears. More than anything else, Jesus said he would stay at that Zacchaeus house. It was something no one could have imagined.
Tax collectors, including their family, were considered tainted. If Jesus slept in that house, He would also become filthy and have to undergo a cleansing ritual. If He was invited to Zacchaeus' meal, it means Jesus was his friend.
Moreover, Jesus was about to pass the town of Jericho. The townspeople would have tried to invite Jesus to their home, trying to get him to stay. Jesus did not stop without taking such an invitation into consideration.
Such disappointment with Jesus was replaced by distrust with His word to Zacchaeus, and even the hatred and hostility that was directed at Zacchaeus was now directed toward Jesus. The attention of the townspeople was not on Zacchaeus on the tree, but on Jesus who spoke to Zacchaeus.
People muttered: "He's going to the sinful man and stay there." Will Jesus defend the sinner? Will he make that Zacchaeus, who has plagued us a friend? Is Jesus a fellow of the sinner and our enemy? It seems as if the frustration of such people would be transmitted to us.
Precious love for Zacchaeus
In fact, just before entering the town of Jericho, Jesus healed a blind man. The people there were scolding and trying to silence the blind who shouted at Jesus, but when they saw Jesus' healing, they all praised God.
In this way, Jesus looked after the oppressed, the poor, the abandoned, and those who were driven to the periphery of society, turned to mercy and healed them. It shows that God was on the side of such people. This fact is repeatedly told in the Old Testament.
Many people were willing to accept such a miracle, although it may have been offensive to some leaders and powers. It seems that God, who is on the side of the oppressed, would be on the side of themselves, who were also oppressed, which was true.
However, in the case of Zacchaeus, the story is different. He was the one who had been oppressing people. He was involved in the structural violence. The ruling system with the economic exploitation of the Roman Empire was the fundamental problem, but Zacchaeus cooperated with the regime and became wealthy due to injustice. For the people, Zacchaeus was clearly oppressors.
The townspeople of Jericho may have thought that someone like Zacchaeus should be judged by God and fall into hell. Knowing such feelings, Jesus nevertheless told Zacchaeus, "I must stay at your house."
Why was it? Because that is God's love. Jesus is not tolerated when someone oppresses people. He did not admit that Zacchaeus was cheating. He was now heading to Jerusalem to confront such a violent structure and a regime of exploitation.
Still, Jesus could not abandon a person like Zacchaeus. Where Zacchaeus was hostile, Jesus said he would go to Zacchaeus' house. He said, “I'm your friend” He doesn’t leave Zacchaeus alone in hostility.
Jesus showed His love to Zacchaeus in that way. There may have been some who saw this and walked away from Jesus. The praise and expectations that were directed at Him may have replaced hostility and hatred. Still, the love He showed was precious.
Because you are also a member of God's people
Now it was Zacchaeus' turn to respond to the unconditional precious love given. He hurried down the tree and gladly welcomed Jesus into his house. And at the evening dinner, he stood up and made a promise to Jesus. He "gives half of his possessions to the poor, and if he has cheated anybody out of anything, he will pay back four times the amount."
It was unthinkable for him before to say such a thing. Since he received the precious love, Zacchaeus couldn't stay in his way of life. However, his starting line was what he had been. He looked at himself as he was and thought about how to respond to Jesus' love from there.
Now the standard of his life is Jesus Christ. He is neither the Roman Empire nor a fellow tax collector. He began to live according to Jesus' way of life. The precious love he received became the standard of his life. Because he received the precious love, he himself tried to express his precious love.
Repentance occurred in Zacchaeus. That is, the direction of his life changed. However, the beginning of his repentance was not where he promised. It started when he tried to receive Jesus' precious love-in response to Jesus’ call to stay in his house.
"Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." (Verses 9-10)
It was Jesus Christ who visited the house of Zacchaeus. The precious love that Jesus showed when He visited Zacchaeus’ house, taking on all the filth that Zacchaeus had and the hostility that was directed at him, was Zacchaeus' salvation.
Zacchaeus was also the son of Abraham, a member of God's people. No matter what the townspeople thought of him or how he valued himself, he was accepted as a a member of God's people before God. Not only when we are oppressed, but also when we become oppressors, we are still members of God's people.
That God's decision was clearly manifested in the death of Jesus on the cross. That love was not unscathed love. Jesus carried the cross to deliver salvation to us and to cause repentance- for us to live as members of God's people.
We are also called to Jesus, just like Zacchaeus. "Come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." If we accept that invitation, our standard of life will be Jesus Christ and the direction of our lives will change. And we also hear Jesus' declaration with Zacchaeus. "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama