

















































































June, 6th, 2021  Sunday Service

"Those Who Exalt Themselves Will Be Humbled

and Those Who Humble Themselves Will Be Exalted"

Scripture reading taken from Luke 18:9-14


Justification as a Standard for a Right Relationship


This parable is said to have been told by Jesus to those “who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else” (Luke 18:9 / New International Version (NIV)). However, considering that Jesus’ disciples were listening to the previous parable, the disciples were most likely listening to this parable as well.


As in the previous parable, there are two contrasting characters. When you think about that, this parable is not only for those who think they are righteous, but also for those do not think they are righteous, in other words, those who think they are sinners. 


Therefore, the theme of this parable is what kind of person is justified before God. Justification is a difficult concept to grasp, but it is an important element in the message of the Bible.


One theologian explained justification as a standard to maintain a right relationship between God and humans. Furthermore, justification sets a standard for various relationships including those between human beings and for those between humans, animals, and the natural environment. It can be said that to be justified before God or to get right with God means to be in a right relationship will all the relations that we humans may have.


Whenever we judge whether we are right or wrong, our judgement is mostly based on our relationship with someone(something) else. That someone else could be God, the people around us, the society or group surrounding us, or even the natural environment. If those relationships are well, we feel right about ourselves. If they are not working out or even have problems, we feel guilty. 


However, not everyone may feel guilty even if they were in the same relationship. (When certain relationships are not right) some people may blame themselves or even feel depressed because they do not feel good about themselves, while others may be confident in their righteousness without caring at all. Therefore, it is important that we do not think about our own righteousness based only on our opinion, but rather based on whether God deems us to be righteous.



The Pharisee Appealing His Righteousness


Now, in this parable, there are two contrasting characters. One is a Pharisee, and the other is a tax collector. One day, they both went up to the temple to “pray”. The meaning of the word “pray” includes worship as well. 


In those days, daily atonement rituals were held at the temple in Jerusalem every day at dawn and at three in the afternoon. Each day a lamb was slaughtered and offered on the altar as a sacrifice. The priest chosen by lot went into the Holy Place of the temple and burnt the incense. This is exactly what the priest Zachariah did as recorded in the first chapter of Luke. 


While the priest burnt the incense, the people gathered in the temple would offer their prayers. This was how they worshipped in those days. In today’s parable, the Pharisee and the tax collector went up to the temple to pray in such a worship service.


In the Japanese translation, Luke 18:11 is translated “The Pharisee stood up and prayed to himself in his heart”. However, the words “in his heart” is not in the original text. Other versions translate this part as “and prayed by himself”. Since praying aloud was common in those days, the Pharisee most likely prayed out loud, rather than praying silently to himself. 


If the Pharisee did pray by himself, it may have been to get away from the other people who had gathered to pray. The Pharisees believed that those who did not follow the law were unclean, and that if they touched their clothes, they would become unclean as well. So, he may have prayed by himself to take the utmost care to remain clean, even in times of prayer. 


So, what did he pray?


“God, I thank you that I am not like other men- robbers, evildoers, adulterers- or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.” (Luke 18:11-12 / NIV)


Is this really a prayer? In Jewish customs in those days, prayers were either confessions of sins, thanksgiving for blessings, or prayers for oneself or others. The Pharisee’s prayer seems to be none of these. He says, “I thank you,” but it is not out of appreciation of God’s grace.


The Pharisee is making a show of how righteous he is. If he is telling the truth, what he prayed about is not something that others could so easily imitate. Fasting twice a week, which is more than one hundred days a year, and giving a tenth of all he had without exception would have been something close to impossible for anyone to do. 


The Pharisee is making an appeal on how righteous and zealous he is. He even emphasizes his righteousness by listing those who disobey the law. But Jesus says, “It was not him who went home justified before God. The tax collector, who he looked down upon, was justified before God.”



The Tax Collector Who Prayed for Redemption


Tax collectors were people who collected taxes for the Roman Empire that occupied Judea. In the eyes of the Jewish people, tax collectors were political traitors, religiously unclean, and the very definition of a person who should be criticized. 


In the parable, the tax collector was directly accused and criticized by the Pharisee with the following harsh words.


“God, I thank you that I am not like other men…or even like this tax collector.”(Luke 18:11 / NIV) 


Perhaps the tax collector felt ashamed. He stood at a distance from the others and began to pray. 


“He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’” (Luke 18:13 / NIV)


Normally, we do not beat our breast when we pray. The only other instance in the New Testament, where someone beats their breasts, appears only in Luke 23:48. Here, we read that the people who saw Jesus die on the cross beat their breasts. With that in consideration, the tax collector in today’s parable was just as disturbed as those who witnessed Jesus’ death.


“The tax collector said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’” (Luke 18:13 / NIV)


The word translated “mercy” originally means “to reconcile” or “to redeem”. So, as the offering was made to reconcile the tax collected with God, as an atonement for his sins, he was there to worship. While the lamb was offered as a burnt sacrifice and the trumpets and cymbals sounded as the psalms were recited, he desperately prayed that his sins would be redeemed. 


The tax collector knew he was a sinner. He was fully aware that he was not righteous. The Pharisee, on the other hand, was convinced that he was righteous, perhaps to the point that he did not even truly desire to go to the temple to pray. However, because he was a tax collector, he may have felt that his sins might not be redeemed even by the sacrifice of a lamb.  


However, this is what Jesus says.


“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God." (Luke 18:14 / NIV)


This man, the tax collector, was justified before God. God hears the prayer seeking reconciliation and redemption and accepts the person who prays in such a way. God accepts and makes right those who are deeply disturbed that they cannot redeem themselves and thus desperately pray for redemption.  



Those Who Humble Themselves Will Be Exalted


If you think about it, it was not only the tax collectors who were tormenting the Jewish people. In fact, many of the tax collectors were often hired, could not find any other employment, and were even socially displaced. Although they lived in the margins, there jobs were visible to the townspeople and thus were seen as symbols of the unjust society.


However, the tax collectors were not the only ones who supported the unjust society. The Pharisees, in a sense, also had a role as well. They divided and imposed ranks on the people based on the law, even though those in the margins were socially disadvantaged and could not obey the law even if they wanted to. It almost seems as if the Pharisees would justify themselves and the social injustice by calling the marginalized “sinners”.


The tax collectors were put on the spot where they were more aware of their sins, but they were not the only sinners. In such an unjust society, many more people are usually a part of the injustice. Whether anyone is aware of it or not, whether anyone wants it or not, it is common for anyone to be entangled into such a structure and made part of the systemic, structural social injustice. 


Before I became a pastor, I worked in the field of junior high school entrance exams. The work I was involved in may not have been socially unjust, but I do not know now if it was a good thing for the elementary school children I was involved with. Preparing them for entrance exams may have been a stumbling block for some of them or even have left a negative impact on their future.


I do not view the current globalized structure of the world as being in God's will. It is hard to imagine that the structure of this world-- where putting profit before life is justified, where many people are exploited in ways that are unseen, and where the natural environment is devoured to the limit-- is anything like the Kingdom of God.


Nevertheless, for the time being, we have no choice but to live in this world. There are not many choices we can make on our own. Anyone who realizes that they are not righteous-- that their relationship with God, other people, or the natural environment is broken-- would want to be restore the brokenness. But at times, we are deprived of the power, options, and the times to do so.


What should we do when we realize that we too are sinners, just like the tax collector? Do we try to forget it because there is nothing we can do about it? Should we condemn others like the Pharisee and loudly proclaim our righteousness?


The parable shows us a new way to live. We are to pray before God like the tax collector. “God, redeem me from my sins.” God will see such a prayer as good. God accepts us as sinners. 


“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:14/ NIV)


For a Japanese reader, the word “humble” may be associated with modesty, but that is not the case here. Humbling oneself means to accept oneself as a sinner and sincerely desiring God to give God’s grace and mercy. If we desire and trust that God will redeem us and give us new life although we are sinners, we will be exalted by God.  



Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama