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May, 23th, 2021  Sunday Service

"Live as a Disciple of Christ"

Scripture reading taken from Romans 10:10-17


Church’s birthday


Today is Pentecost. Pentecost means "50th" in Greek. It is the 50th day from the day when Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day. This Pentecost is also commemorated as the "Holy Spirit Advent Day", the day when the Holy Spirit fell, and is also called the birthday of the church.


Jesus appeared to his disciples for 40 days after his resurrection, showing that he was alive. And when he was raised to heaven, he promised his disciples that "the Holy Spirit will fall upon you."


On the day of Pentecost, as the disciples gathered together, they suddenly heard the sound of a fierce wind blowing, and their fiery tongues sprang up and stayed on top of each one. Then the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in the languages of other nations. The disciples spoke loudly about Jesus to the people who heard this turmoil.


If the Holy Spirit had only fallen on the disciples, Pentecost might not have been the birthday of the church. The history of the church would not have begun if the disciples had stayed in the house and had not spoken to the gathering people. Pentecost is the birthday of the church because the disciples began to speak publicly about Jesus for the first time since Jesus was resurrected.



The Holy Spirit to call on us to tell the gospel


A church is a church because it preaches Jesus and tells the gospel. Even if we believe that Jesus is the Savior, if we do not preach that, there is no church there. A church can be a church because it tells people the gospel.


However, there is a range of understanding among churches and denominations as to what "evangelism" is. For example, some think that evangelism is that someone is led by Jesus Christ to personal repentance and is reborn, while others think that, like Jesus, it is being in solidarity with the smallest people-the oppressed people. I'm sure both of them are evangelism.


Evangelism is the sharing of the gospel through both words and actions. In either form, people tell and share the good news that Jesus has shown-the gospel. If someone is told the gospel and he accepts it, he will be a disciple of Jesus and start a new life.


The Holy Spirit works among us, guides us to hear and trust Jesus, and makes us reborn. And it calls on us to preach the gospel that we have received-its joy and hope. Guided or pushed out by the Holy Spirit, we evangelize, sometimes in words and sometimes in actions.



The law that creates trust in God


So what is the gospel that the church preaches? Let’ consider this from what the evangelist Paul says in a letter sent to a church in Rome. What Paul politely talks about here is the relationship between the law and the gospel.


The law is God's teaching and commandment; some are written in the Old Testament and some are orally passed down. For the Israelites, it was an important thing given by God, and it was also something for them to maintain a relationship with God.


However, we do not inherit the law. Although we can read the law in the Old Testament, we do not receive it in the same way as the Israelites. That said, the relationship between the law and the gospel that Paul talks about is not unrelated to us.


Israel was pursuing the law, but they could not reach its purpose. It doesn't mean that they were lacking in effort or ability. The cause was that they lost sight of the original purpose of the law. The purpose of the law is to create trust in God.


God is the one who created this world and gave us life. God loves everyone and wants to protect and nurture their lives. And He leads all people to trust in God and to live in peace. To that end, God chose Israel specially, gave them the law, and tried to build a good relationship with Him.


However, Israel stumbled upon “a stumbling stone." The stumbling stone means that Israel tried to reach the purpose of the law "by works, not by faith" (Romans 9:32). Israel was not lazy. Of course, they were often separated from God, but they were eager to obey the law.


The Israelites were trying to become "wonderful human beings" worthy of God's choice. That enthusiasm was not a bad thing. However, in that zeal, Israel forgot to trust in God. Or they might not have forgot to do it, but they prioritized what they did over trust in God.


God did not choose Israel either because they were enthusiastic or they were excellent. Rather, Israel was a weak and small being in this world. God did not break the relationship with them not only when they were enthusiastic, but also when they were about to leave God. God chooses us, loves us, and gives us grace. This is not because we are good people, but because God is good.


Relationships based on our actions are not necessarily unchanged forever. We are constantly changing, and we cannot always be enthusiastic. We cannot be relieved only by relationships that can be connected or disconnected by our actions.


But God never changes. What doesn't change is God's love for us. Even as time goes by and people change, God's love for us, which gave us life and created us in this world, will never change. The purpose of the law was to create trust in such God.



"Trust me"


"Christ is the culmination of the law", says Paul (Romans 10: 4). Jesus Christ is the one who fulfills the purpose of the law. In other words, Jesus showed that God is a reliable one for us.


God does not reward you for doing good deeds. He is not with you because you are enthusiastic. When you make a mistake, lose your zeal, or forget about God, He loves you, He is with you, He pays attention to your thoughts and your voice, and He accepts you as you are. Please listen to and accept it as it is.


In the Bible, various people show their emotion to God. They are sometimes angry, sometimes mourning, sometimes depressed, or sometimes joyful, but God accepts all of their emotions. God always treats us in good faith and accepts us.


Unbearable events can occur in the world we live in or in our life. Something very unacceptable can happen, you can turn your eyes away, or you can be discouraged from standing up.


On the other hand, people are likely to try to think that it is up to how we act whether those events happen. This may be because we have been taught to assume that what we do is everything. If you are a good child, for example, you will be recognized and accepted by your parents and teachers, or if you continue to have good results, you will be able to secure a place in society. The Israelites are not the only ones who tend to see the relationship with God as an extension of this.


Jesus taught us that God is near you.


“The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” (Romans 10: 8).


Jesus taught us how close God is. God's call, including the law, was to inform us how much God thinks of us and that he will always be near us. "It's good that you are enthusiastic, but before that, trust me." This is God's call to you. No matter what kind of world this world is, God is a reliable to you. “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame" (Romans 10:11). This is good news-the gospel.



Trust in God and live


Trust in God comes from listening to what Jesus Christ has done for us.


“[H]ow can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?”(Romans 10: 14-15)


"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.", Paul said (Romans 10:17).


Everyone who became a Christian heard the word of Christ and was given trust in God. There was always someone who conveyed the word of Christ. There was a person who told the good news of what God had done through Jesus. The church is given a mission to convey that God is a reliable one in this world.


If you have already heard the good news and trusted in God, let's preach that. Let's convey that God can be trusted and that we are made alive by trust in Him, sometimes in words and sometimes in actions. If you haven't expressed your trust in God yet, let’s listen to God's call because God is truly trustworthy to you as well. 


Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama