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April, 18th 2021 Sunday Service
" Rejoicing in that one person "
Scripture reading taken from Luke 15:1~7
God who searches for the one lost person
In Luke chapter 15, there are three parables told by Jesus. Each of them tells of “the joy of finding what was lost”. Today's passage is the first of the three parables, in which a shepherd searches for a lost sheep and rejoices when he finds it. In this parable, the one hundred sheep refer to us humans, and the shepherd refers to God.
A shepherd was taking care of one hundred sheep. The shepherd led the sheep to the pastures, drew water from the well for them to drink, and kept them within the fence at night. One day, however, one of the one hundred sheep disappeared. The shepherd looked and looked until he found the missing sheep. When he finally found it, he happily carried the sheep home and threw a party for his friends and neighbours to rejoice with him.
Jesus was not the first to use the analogy of God and us humans as the shepherd and sheep. In the book of Ezekiel, there is a prophecy from God that speaks of God's search for the lost and bringing them back.
“For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness. I will bring them out from the nations and gather them from the countries, and I will bring them into their own land. I will pasture them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in all the settlements in the land. I will tend them in a good pasture, and the mountain heights of Israel will be their grazing land. There they will lie down in good grazing land, and there they will feed in a rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord. I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.(Ezekiel 34:11-16 NIV)
Jesus took this prophecy a step further and said that even if there is only one lost person, God will seek that person out. God desperately searches for those who are no longer there with God, left behind or separated from God. God does not say, “It is okay since there are still ninety-nine people left.” God never gives up on even one person. Whether that one person is me, you, or someone else, God will not give up until that person is found.
And when that one person is found, God is incredibly happy. God does not scold them by saying, “Where have you been?” or “Don’t cause trouble like that.” When God finds that one person, God carries them up in joy and brings them home to God. When that one person goes home to God, where their wounds are healed, and weaknesses made strong, God and all of heaven will be filled with joy.
Those who have lost their blessings
What kind of person is the lost sheep? When are we, or anyone else, “lost sheep" in God's eyes? According to the book of Ezekiel, it is those who are made weak, sick, and injured. It is lamented that these people are not being protected and helped, but rather are being preyed upon by those who are attacking them, putting them in an even more disastrous situation.
On the other hand, it was when Jesus was eating with tax collectors and “sinners” that he told this parable. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law complained when they witnessed Jesus welcoming the tax collectors and “sinners” and eating with them. To welcome them meant to welcome them as guests, and to eat with them was a sign of full acceptance.
The tax collectors and “sinners” were considered by the Pharisees to be socially and religiously undesirable. The Pharisees did not want anything to do with tax collectors and “sinners”, for them--the Pharisees--to remain righteous. They thought it was necessary to separate “the righteous and the good" from “the sinners and the bad”. They believed that by doing so, society would be protected, faith would be purified, and the righteous would be saved.
The Pharisees probably thought that the only people God was desperately searching for were the "righteous". People who could not live righteously--people who had no value to them-- were as if they did not exist in the first place. Those people were not the ones to be looked for in their minds.
But what Jesus said was that God is looking for the tax collectors and “sinners” and that when they are found, God will rejoice. Jesus showed this by talking with the tax collectors and “sinners” and inviting them to dinner.
Those who are spoken figuratively as the "lost sheep" are not necessarily those who have rebelled against or abandoned God. In the book of Ezekiel, it was thought of as someone who was made weak, sick, or injured. The people called tax collectors and “sinners” were not people who lived selfishly, nor were they people who chose to do evil.
What both the tax collectors and “sinners” have in common is that they were considered to be persons who were disempowered and made weak by the strains of society. They were presumed to be those who were burdened in inescapable ways, and those who lived in ways that were socially unacceptable even if it was against their will. These persons were discriminated against, deprived of help, and were often not treated as valued human beings. In other words, it could even be said that they were those who have lost God’s blessings. But it is God who is searching high and low for such persons.
The Law (law) is for the overwhelmingly burdened
Jesus told this parable to the Pharisees and to the teachers of the law. Jesus spoke to them saying, “Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and loses one of them.” Jesus urged them to listen and think of this parable from the perspective of the shepherd. The shepherd is a representation of who God is. They were encouraged to compare themselves to God, who is the shepherd.
As religious leaders with political power, it may not have been a big deal to them even if a handful of people were left behind. Rather, they may have been more interested in developing economically and having more power. Or perhaps, their interests may have been more towards stabilizing the system of control.
For them, the law may have been a way to maintain social order, to sort out the good from the bad, and to bind people according to its rules. Although it may be different in character from the law being mentioned here, don't we nowadays sometimes think of morality, ethics, or the legalistic law as being the same thing as well?
According to Akira KOBA, an expert in Roman law, the law originated “to thoroughly dismantle the group of people who are in it together against a certain person, and to thoroughly devote to support the overwhelmingly burdened person.” I think that the law of the Bible is based on such a similar purpose, and that God is the one who is “thoroughly devoted to support the overwhelmingly burdened person”.
Rejoicing in the one person together with God
Last week, the National Diet of Japan began examining a bill that revises the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (often referred to as the Immigration Control Act in short). It may be partly due to the spread of COVID-19, but even if it were not for that, little attention is paid to this issue in Japan. However, this is a serious issue that directly affects the lives of people and protests are being made against this bill revision.
Japan’s long-term detention in immigration facilities--without judicial decisions—has long been criticized by the international community. Following the deaths of those detained by the Immigration Bureau’s facilities, this bill revision is said to be aimed to resolve this long-term detention issue. However, the Japanese government is trying to resolve this issue by making it easier to deport people, including those who are applying for refugee status in Japan. If people who have fled from persecution are sent back to their countries, their lives will obviously be in danger.
What would Jesus say in such a situation? Would not God, who thoroughly searches for the lost sheep, fully accept those who have fled from their home countries?
Chie KOMAI, a lawyer who specializes in immigration and refugee issues, made an appeal against the bill by saying the following. “I believe countries and societies that do not treat people in difficult situations as human beings, do not actually treat anyone as human beings. Is it not sad to live in such a society where people do not realize this until they find themselves in a difficult situation?” I think what she is saying is exactly true.
If the shepherd does not care that one sheep is lost, then how could the other ninety-nine sheep be free from anxiety? That lost sheep could have been one of them, the ninety-nine sheep. Anyone could fall astray from the herd. It could happen to any one of us. In such a situation, would it not be sad for anybody to live under a care of a shepherd who does not care about that one sheep?
In the parable, the shepherd found the lost sheep, put it on his shoulders, and carried it home. It is said that sheep that have strayed from the flock sometimes sit down and cannot move. It is God who carries those who have lost their strength or even deprived of it. The kingdom of God, which Jesus proclaimed, is such a place where such things are done.
To follow God’s example and bring forth the kingdom of God, it would be insecure to rely solely on the personal qualities of the persons who have been chosen to be leaders of our society. Rather, it is necessary for every one of us to shape this society to what God desires and rebuild it to look more like the kingdom of God.
However, is it not God, who rejoices in that one person, that will lead us or even push us toward the kingdom of God? We also follow God’s example because God first seeks that one person until they are found. God first is thoroughly devoted to support the weak and left behind. God first puts them upon God’s shoulders, take them home, and rejoice in that one person with everybody. Let us also share in this joy and share God’s blessings there together.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama