February, 28th 2021 Sunday Service
" For the enrichment of life "
Scripture reading taken from John 10:7~18
To receive abundant life
In the Gospel of John, the words of Jesus, "I am ...", are repeated. It tells us who Jesus is and what his work is like. At the same time, it is a confession of faith for Jesus, the head of the church, for the church.
In today's passage, it is stated that "I am the gate for the sheep" and "I am a good shepherd." There, Jesus is explained using the relationship of sheep and shepherds, which are familiar to the Israelites. It also tells us what Jesus is to us.
Of these, the words in verse 10 are especially interesting.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
Jesus came to this world as a child of God, preached the gospel, healed people, and worked so that all people, including us, would receive life. It is emphasized that it is not just about receiving life and living, but about receiving abundant life.
Life was created by God. Even in today's highly advanced science, life cannot be created by human hands. God shaped this world and created various lives there. The lives of this world-not only living things but also the global environment-circulate in various connections. In such a rich cycle, we human beings gain peace and freedom, have relationships based on love, protect individual dignity, and exert their power. It was the purpose of Jesus to come to enrich the life created in this way. God created this world to bless all lives. Our lives have been blessed, loved by God, and given to be prosperous.
Jesus who gave up his life
Jesus is the gate for the sheep. The sheep eat grass outside during the day, but rest in the enclosure at night. The shepherd keeps a watch in front of the gate to protect the sheep from getting lost and being attacked. In this way, it was Jesus' work to protect the lives of people and to protect the abundance of those lives.
You need a caretaker at the gate because there are bandits who steal and slaughter sheep, and wolves who snatch and disperse them. As such, there is something in this world that threatens our lives. Naturally it includes things like viruses and natural disasters like earthquakes, but it's not the only that. Rather, it seems that human power-various social powers-is being discussed here.
For example, it would include control by force and regulation by the forces of the military and police. More than one million people have protested in a demo against the military coup in Myanmar, but lives were lost as the military tried to subdue the demo. Those who have suffered under the military regime in the past are continuing their resistance to prevent returning to that era.
Or it may have financial power. The global economy, which aims for infinite growth, demands many sacrifices from both people and nature. The system that creates or uses poverty and discrimination does not enrich human life, no matter how bountiful or new the produce is.
Jesus is not such a thief or wolf, but a good shepherd. “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (verse 11). Jesus came to save lives and provide abundance for those who were threatened and sacrificed by various forces. For such people, Jesus gave up his life. It was done so that we could be enriched by Jesus.
For me and for the world
Jesus knows us. "I know my sheep, and my sheep know me," (verse 14). The life of Jesus was not vague, such as "for humankind," but was offered for each of us. Jesus calls our name. God knows even one of our hairs. Jesus is one with God, knows each of us, and gives his own life to protect and enrich our lives.
But that is not a one-sided relationship. Jesus and God know each other and have a mutual relationship with one another. There was love in that relationship. In the same way, Jesus also wants to have that type of relationship between us. "I know my sheep, and my sheep know me," (verse 14). We can also call and hear Jesus, who calls our name and hears us. We are loved by Jesus and we can love Jesus too.
This love is not just for us. Jesus gave up his life for all. “I lay down mu life for the sheep, I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. (verses 15-16). The work of Jesus will not end until all the lives that live in this world are enriched, and until even the world itself is enriched.
God's thought is to save everything in this world, including us. It is to regain the splendour of God's creation, or to complete his creation, his work. The gospel of Jesus delivered specially to us and at the same time also good news to all in the world.
Worship the Lord of Life
The work of Jesus which includes speaking and taking action can be called the ministry. The church is a community born for the ministry of Jesus. The church is a group that preaches the gospel of Jesus and keeps walking according to Jesus. We cannot be the same as Jesus, but we will carry out the ministry together while being made similar to Jesus.
The mission is directed toward the realization of God's thoughts. It is toward the enrichment of life in this world-the fullness of life. It is to rejoice in each life given, to protect it, and to share blessings. At the same time, it is also fighting and resisting the various forces that threaten and sacrifice life.
The missionary work we do is to serve God's ministry. In the midst of this world, God is working in certain times and situations, trying to fill the life of this world through justice, peace, and reconciliation. We receive the spirit of God, are empowered, sent out, and added to God's ministry in this world.
If the work done in the church and the work done in where we live is toward the fullness of life, it is part of God's ministry. It is not only the work that makes us feel that we have saved our lives directly, but also the creation of abundance of life or the protection and support of our lives through what we speak and do, which will serve God's ministry.
The place where we are sent to, or where we are connected with Jesus, is the church and worship. However, worship is not limited to Sunday service. Some call such missionary work "worship after worship." We worship God, the Lord of Life, by creating and protecting the abundance of life.
Jesus is always with us when we serve God's ministry. He walks ahead of us and supports us from behind. We are also firmly connected with Jesus Christ, who continues to walk toward the enrichment of life, and I would like for us to worship and bear witness to our Lord Jesus in the church and in where we are.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama