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先月、『17.3 about a sex』というドラマを見ました。17歳の3人の女子高校生を主人公として、誰も教えてくれないセックスのこと――避妊や生理、体型の悩みやセクシャリティなど――を語り、学んでいくというドラマでした。性的少数者のことも丁寧に描いて、とても興味深い内容でした。
エリサベトは妊娠から5か月が過ぎたとき、こう言いました。「主は今こそ、こうして、わたしに目を留め、人々の間からわたしの恥を取り去ってくださいました。」(1:25) エリサベトは闇の中を歩むような長い年月を経て、今や光に照らされているのです。
牧師:杉山 望
December, 13th, 2020 Sunday Service
"Wrapped in God’s power"
Scripture reading taken from Luke 1:26~38
In last week's service, we focused on Zachariah and Elizabeth in preparation for Christmas. Today's passage is the scene where the "Annunciation" happened to Mary, the mother of Jesus, which I touched on last week. It is also a part of the Christian tradition that is closely related to the "virgin birth of Jesus".
But today, I will not be paying attention to the "virgin birth". That's because I think the events that happened in this scene have a more important message. Consider the grace that the angel gave, the power of God, the meaning of "there is nothing that God cannot do", and the meaning of Mary's response. From that, I would like to ponder the hope that God shows.
Mary was a girl who lived in Nazareth, Galilee. It is believed that Maria was also in her early teens at this time because of the practice of early marriage. Galilee was a remote area in Israel, and Nazareth was a small rural village with a population of about 100 people. So, it would have been unlikely that her name, Mary, would be remembered historically if it weren’t for her being Jesus’ mother. Mary was just another person, like us.
The angel Gabriel sent by God appeared in front of Mary. The angel told Mary, "Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you" (1:28). Maria is surprised and confused by the sudden event. She has no idea what words the angel said. She wondered why she was blessed because she wasn't seen as special by herself or anyone else. It was the nature of her Mary to think and ponder to know God's will.
The angel went on to say to Mary.
"Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favour with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end."(1:30 -33)
In other words, this was a message that Mary would be the mother of Jesus, the Saviour. But this message was told to Mary during her engagement. So, Mary was confused and replied, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?" (1:34).
Mary's doubts
Traditionally, Mary's trouble can be understood as to why she may have children when she has no sexual relationship with a man. But perhaps it wasn't that she herself was a virgin that Mary was most confused about here, but why this would happen to her.
She was engaged to Joseph. But she has a child who is not Joseph's child. It was considered "adultery" in Jewish law, and if Joseph sued Mary, she was in a state of emergency at risk of being stoned. Even if she escapes the sentence, if she is cut off from Joseph, she will remain unstable for the rest of her life. She would have been accused by the villagers of being a lewd and sinful woman and by her family for defaming her home. There is no place for her to live, and no one would understand her, so she would have to raise a child alone. You could easily imagine such a situation.
The angel did not just tell Mary that she would give birth to a child. That child is a child that God names "Jesus" and gives blessings, and when he grows up, he would become a great person and is called the Son of God, and he also guides and governs people as the prophesied Saviour. The angel was telling her that.
Mary replied, "How will this be?" Why would I have a child when I’m not married? Is it okay have a child like this? What's more, how can a born child become a blessed child, a great child of God, a saviour, and so on? If the child was born in this situation, we would most likely lose our place in the society and be excluded from the community, why would that happen?
What Mary questioned was not part of the angel's words, but the whole thing. She, a "blessed person", who is about to be driven into a corner, and the prophecy that the child born of herself will be a blessed child and a saviour is rather incomprehensible to her. How is this a blessing.
Hopelessness and helplessness
Last month, I watched a drama called "17.3 about a sex". It was a drama about three 17-year-old high school girls, who weren’t taught about sex -contraception and family planning, physical conditions and sexuality, talked and learned about sex. The drama also gave a thorough explanation on sexual minority. It was very interesting.
Among them, a girl in the second year of high school, who is a friend of the main character, became pregnant. She cannot have an abortion because she was over 22 weeks pregnant when she noticed it. Growing up in her single-mother family, she worked hard to achieve excellent results, and her goal was to go on to college and get her teacher's license. However, she became pregnant due to inadequate knowledge and was expelled by her school. At that time, she said that "Her life is over".
There is a "right way" in life, and if you deviate from it, it is game over. That was also the case in Mary's day. And even in modern times, such things happen in different ways. The "emergency situations" and "crisis situations" that come to people are not limited to pregnancy. Perhaps there was a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness behind Mary's words as she deviates from the "right path."
The feeling of despair and helplessness that attacks Maria may also attack us. It can be a sudden event, or it can be imminent over the years. In some cases, it something you carried since birth. At such times, if an angel appears and tells us that it is God’s grace and blessings, how can we believe and accept it? Mary's question is the same as ours.
Common points and differences between Elizabeth and Mary
In response to her question, the angel replied:
"The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to be conceive is in her sixth month. For no word from God will ever fail.” (1: 35-37)
Mary will be blessed, and her child will be the Saviour and Son of God because the Holy Spirit will fall upon her and the power of God will surround her. And it was what happened to Elizabeth that allowed Mary to believe that.
At first glance, the events that happened to Mary and Elizabeth do not seem to overlap. Elizabeth had been unable to have children for many years after her marriage, but she was told by an angel that she had a child with her husband Zachariah. Mary, on the other hand, is not married yet and will have a child who is not the child of her fiancé Joseph.
What they both have in common is that were considered as sinful women and had lost their place. Women at that time were required to give birth above all else. Infertility was all a woman's problem and was considered either not being blessed or a punishment. Elizabeth has lived enthusiastically as "a righteous person before God, the impeccable person", but the fact that she cannot bear a child is considered shameful, and her painful feelings went on for years.
When Elizabeth was five months after her pregnancy, she said: She said, "In these days he has shown his favour and taken away my disgrace among the people" (1:25) Elizabeth said that she walked in the dark for many years. Now, she is illuminated by the light.
Mary, on the contrary, was about to step into the darkness. Though for different reasons, she is about to walk down the dark path Elizabeth did. Moreover, Mary knew that this would befall on her as it was spoken by the angel. In a way, Elizabeth stepped out of the darkness, and Mary was about to step into the darkness.
But the angel said it she would face neither despair nor helpless. The Holy Spirit descended on Mary and the power of God envelops her. Her blessing is also given to her child, who is called the Holy One, the Son of God, and the Saviour of the people. Even if she walks in the darkness, the light will always shine beyond it. As Elizabeth experienced, Mary will also be illuminated. Because “there is nothing that God cannot do”.
Mary's dedication
From Luke 1:46 onwards, there is a "Mary's Hymn" that is said to have been sung by Mary when she visited Elizabeth. In it, Mary said that God was mindful of the humble state of his servant, who was insignificant. She was delighted and said that she will be known as blessed by all generations. She knew that she was God "raising the lowly and filling the hungry with good things."
Isn't the last declaration made by the angel, "There is nothing that God can't do," refers to this? God can elevate, enlarge, empower, and regain those who have been lowered, those who have been made smaller, those who have been deprived of their power, those who have been driven to the periphery. When people think that "life is over", it is a declaration that "there is nothing that God can't do" that tells us that it is not over yet.
Furthermore, to the Mary who is about to undergo hardships and trials, the angel told her about Elizabeth, to give Mary hope that God will illuminate the path beyond the darkness, and that it is not the end yet. That doesn't mean you don't have to walk in the dark. That was also necessary or unavoidable. But God gave Joseph as a partner to walk in the darkness, and above all promised that God would be "with you."
It is difficult to start with hope when you cannot see the future and when you know that you are covered in darkness. Mary was also in such a situation. At that time, God encouraged Mary by pointing out the hope that Jesus would be the Saviour and setting a precedent in Elizabeth.
"I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled." (1:38)
It was Mary's dedication after knowing God's feelings in a dialogue with an angel and making a decision wrapped in the power of God.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama