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聖書:ルカによる福音書6章37~42節(聖書 新共同訳)
(コリントの信徒への手紙一 1:23~25)
牧師:杉山 望
October 18th,2020 Sunday Service
"Am I the one who is blind?"
Scripture reading taken from Luke 6:37~42
The one who is blind is me
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." (6:42)
Let's think about this parable spoken by Jesus today. Since Jesus was a carpenter, he may have had sawdust entered his eyes before. Even small sawdust will hurt your eyes and will cause your vision to go blurry. If you're having trouble getting it out, it's natural to say, "Let me remove the sawdust in your eyes."
But what if the eyes of someone trying to remove the sawdust contain a log that is larger than the sawdust? It's a strange sight too. Logs aren't big enough to fit in your eyes, so it'll completely cover your eyes and you won't be able to see anything. In such a state, it should not be possible to remove sawdust from another human’s eye.
Still, those who are offering to get rid of sawdust don't think they're doing anything weird, and they don't realize they're not seeing well because of the logs. When seeing such a scene, one would laugh at what they are doing. From the point of view of a person who has sawdust in his eyes, he would think that receiving help from such a person is not a good idea. Even if it is with good intentions, it is rather annoying.
However, Jesus says that such strange things actually do happen. It is referring to the person who points out the faults, weaknesses, or problems of the neighbour and tries to correct them. The person is doing theses in good faith and gives very serious advice and tries to fix the person. However, in reality, that person could not see the other person clearly and is unaware that he himself does not have clear vision. It is this word of Jesus that requires such a person to reflect on himself first.
First of all, you need to remove the logs from your eyes. To do this, you need to be aware that you have logs in your eyes, that is, you cannot see clearly. You can't correct someone when you can't see the other person or even yourself. Even if it is done in good faith, from the perspective of Jesus, it is "hypocrisy."
The me that I do not know
People think they know themselves well, even if they think they don't know what others are. However, when I try to explain about myself, I sometimes cannot explain why I think, feel, or act that way.
For example, I was not very good at speaking in public. I had extreme stage fright, and my limbs trembled just by standing in front of people, and my head was a blank. At competitions, I don’t even have leeway to think about my condition, and at school, I was so nervous that even a little talk would make my heart pop out.
I'm less nervous now, but the same symptoms appear when talking in an unfamiliar place. I knew I had stage fright, but I didn't know why, and I couldn't control myself.
In this way, you can be aware of it if it appears in your body, but you will be less conscious of habits of thinking and emotional movements in your daily life, and even if you are conscious of your habits, why is that? We may not be able to explain about ourselves.
Humans have reason, but no one is completely rational. No one understands everything about himself or can control everything about himself. In many cases, the thoughts and emotional actions that we have acquired in our lives are repeated. It is unexpectedly difficult to look back on your situation objectively and rationally.
The way you interact with people is greatly influenced by how the people around you interact with you. If you value your existence, you will be able to value others as well. If you are helped and supported when you are weak, you are more likely to naturally help and support those who are also weak.
But on the contrary, if you are not respected and grow up in a dominant relationship, or if you are lonely without being wanted, you too will try to control others or to become indifferent to others. If your heart is hurt, fear and anxiety may be ingrained in your heart, making you untrusting or lack of confidence.
The emotions in our hearts-fear and anxiety, sadness and anger-are invisible. But it clouds our eyes. You won’t be able to see the people around you, and you can't even understand yourself.
Unchanging kindness, eternal love
At the beginning of today's passage, Jesus has commanded "Do not judge," "Do not condemn," "Forgive," and "Give." It may also mean that we, who have logs in our eyes, cannot judge correctly or identify people correctly. If you want to do that, the first thing you need to do is remove the logs from your eyes.
At the same time, these sayings by Jesus may be necessary for us to get the sawdust and logs out of our eyes. Because these things are what Jesus has done for us.
Jesus became a friend to those who were judged by those around him and were categorized as sinners. He surrounded the table with such people and showed them such a place as a manifestation of the kingdom of God. What Jesus announced was not the judgment of sins, but the forgiveness of sins. Jesus was the one who gave a great deal of grace.
God, who can be seen through Jesus, is a being who has the same kindness. That kindness is not about obscuring the good and the bad, but about loving and protecting and supporting each and every one of them that is important to you. Also, always watch over, offer a helping hand, and embrace those who have fallen or are injured. At the same time, fight with all you have for the sake of protecting others.
When we believed in Jesus and decided to obey, I'm sure that everyone accepts God for forgiving our sins and giving us grace. It was only when we touched by the love of God that we looked back on ourselves and realized that we were sinners who betrayed God's expectations and trust. And while being surprised at the depth of love of God who continues to love someone as stupid as us, the desire to be reborn in the love of God may grow within us.
Unchanging kindness, eternal love-everyone needs it. You need someone who can protect and support you, keep an eye on you, reach out to help you, and hug you when you fall. In a relationship with a person, it may fluctuate or be lost. However, God never changes and is never lost. Because God is the one who will never change.
The way of the cross - to forgive and give
Removing sawdust and logs from a person's eyes is not about judging a person or condemning him. Rather, by forgiving and giving, one becomes aware of sawdust and logs in their eyes and wants to remove them.
Protected and supported by unchanging kindness and eternal love, when we gain solid peace of mind and trust, we naturally look back on ourselves and face our challenges. How can we look back on ourselves without such peace of mind and trust? Under fear, anxiety, sadness, and anger, blaming others only pushes them to a corner.
However, forgiveness is not easier than judgment. There is no immediate change. Rather, it requires dedication, the effects of which are gradual and often stumble on the way. At first glance it may look like a stupid road. But that is the path that Jesus Christ walked and the cross.
"But we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength."(1 Corinthians 1: 23-25)
The person who started to walk on the path of the cross, which looks stupid to other people's eyes, is the person whose eyes have been stripped of logs by God. Only a person who has a sense of security and peace based on their relation to people and their relation to God can continue on this path. That's why you first need to remove the logs from your eyes.
It is very difficult to remove the log from the eyes by yourself. Therefore, God will help you. You will be protected by God, who always pour out unchanging kindness and eternal love, reassured by God, and help you to reflect on yourself. God knows even our hearts that we are unaware of and accepts us.
And when we are renewed by God's kindness and love, we will be able remove the sawdust in other’s eyes and to be involved with them with kindness and love. Though it is impossible to love everyone the way God does, and even if there are people who we just can’t get along with, we should walk down the path Jesus walked and forgive and give to those who we encounter in our walk.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama