75年前、一緒に笑い大切な人と過ごす日常が、奪われました。1945年8月6日午前8時15分。 目がくらむまぶしい光。耳にこびりつく大きな音。人間が人間の姿を失い、無残に焼け死んでいく。町を包む魚が腐ったような何とも言い難い悪臭。血に染まった無残な光景の広島を、原子爆弾はつくったのです。「あのようなことは二度と起きてはならない」。広島の町を復興させた被爆者の力強い言葉は、私たちの心にずっと生き続けます。(後略)」
August 9th,2020 Sunday Service
"Hearing the lamentations of the broken world"
Scripture reading taken from Luke 10:25~37
Lamentation to hear for the promise of peace
"The town of Hiroshima was said to be "infertile for 75 years." 75 years ago, the town of Hiroshima was a city full of life and greenery.
75 years ago, the days of laughing together and spending time with loved ones were robbed. It was 8:15 am, August 6, 1945 when a very dazzling light and a loud sound that rings in your ears appeared. Humans no longer retain their human form and are burnt to death. The stench that smells like a city being wrapped by rotten fish. The atomic bomb changed Hiroshima into a cruel scenery filled with blood. "This kind of thing should never happen again." The powerful words of the A-bomb survivors who restored the city of Hiroshima will continue to live in our hearts. (Omitted)”
This is part of the "Oath to Peace" read at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony on the 6th of August, last week. The 2 6-graders that were selected to recite this Oath did not have any relatives that were A-bomb survivors. However, having heard the experiences of those that were bombed and the painful experiences of the victims of war, they welcomed that day with the desire to be the ones to create a bridge to peace.
Today, August 9th is the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. The time when the atomic bomb was dropped was 11:02 am. During this worship, we will offer a moment of silence to Nagasaki. In August, throughout Japan and in the media, many will take this time to look back on the war that ended 75 years ago and mourn the victims. We hear the lamentation of many victims of the war.
Mourning will not only be heard in Japan. There were many people in Asian countries who were deprived of "the everyday life of laughing together with loved ones". It was the Japanese army that took away that everyday life. The lamentations of the victims are heard much more in other countries than in Japan. For those who do not think so, it is because you didn’t try to listen to those lamentations.
Japan lost the war, and the war ended 75 years ago. But in China, a civil war broke out from 1946 to 1949. After the war, there were tens of thousands of Japanese who remained in China and participated in the civil war. The Korean War broke out in Korea from 1950 to 53. Japan provided supplies to the US military and made a great profit.
The scars of that war did not disappear even in the era when Japanese people forget about it and called it "post war era". War is the act of destroying the world. War is the ultimate figure in which the world made by human beings is separated from the blessings of God by human sins and the good relationship based on love is broken.
There were countless cruel damages that I urgently hoped that such a thing should never happen again. Prior to that event, we confess that we should never cause such a thing again, and repentance is a condition for the pledging of peace. To repent for having war and swear for peace, the voice we should hear is the voice of lamenting, not the voice of victory.
Slow down to hear the lamentation
A person asked Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” (10:25). Jesus suggested that the answer to that question was to keep the commandment “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and will all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’” (10:27)
I think that making peace is the same as this. The world will be closer to peace if the love for God and the love for neighbours as oneself grows. However, the question that arises there is the question, "Who is my neighbour?" (10:29). If only a limited group of people are “my neighbours” and they are loved, they may increase the risk of discrimination, violence, and war against those that are separated.
In response to the question “Who is my neighbour”, Jesus answered in one parable. When a man was on the road, he was attacked by robbers, stripped of his clothes, half murdered, and abandoned in the wilderness. The priests and Levites who came there passed by on the other side of the road. However, the Samaritan was merciful when he saw the fallen man and helped him. This Samaritan heard the lamentation of the person who was attacked by the robbers.
We must stop to hear the lamentation. But now the world is emphasizing on speed. Efficiency and performance-based society have great demands for speed. The priests and Levites in this story may have been in a hurry for something. Or maybe they prioritized their work over the fallen person. It is believed that the Samaritans were merchants. He was also rushing towards his destination. But he stopped and heard the lamentation of the wounded. Then he took him to the inn, nursed him overnight, and finally set out.
We listen to people's laments to create peace. To hear their lament, you must slow down, seriously ponder on the past-happenings, and remember the lament that you hear from history. This will slow down our pace and give up seeking outstanding results.
Lamentation reveals the cracks in this world. The call for change in this the broken world and the cries for peace comes from the hidden corners of the world, not from the top of the world. To hear the call and seek the healing of this damaged world, we have to let go of our “speed” and listen to the lamentations.
Approaching to those who are lamenting
To hear their lamentation, it is necessary to approach them. The priests and Levites kept their distance from the lamenters and left through the other side of the road. By avoiding the injured person and avoiding their laments, they avoided confusion and pain. But the Samaritan approached this wounded and abandoned man and heard his lamentation.
The cry of mourning cannot be heard anywhere. No matter how long the priests and Levites who worked in the temple stayed in the temple, they would not hear lament there. Lamentation is the cry of people in crisis and suffering, and of those who are hurt and are suffering. No matter how lamentable the world may be, we cannot hear it if we are comfortable and stay in a comfortable place.
To hear the lamentation, we change our locations and go to a place filled with troubles. This approach to lamentation is to imitate Jesus. In the first place, the act of the person who was originally with God being born as a son of man is an act of approaching those who are lamenting in this world. During the 30 years of being a person in this world, Jesus lived with the people of Galilee who were abandoned and oppressed by people in this world. Even after starting public activity, Jesus approached people who had been driven into one corner.
The power of sin is dominant in this world, and the people in the weakest position are the targets of that power. The Bible repeatedly shows that the power of sin attacks God in the immediate vicinity of the lamenters.
In order to create peace, we have to leave our comfort zone and go to a difficult place. There we can meet those who are mourning and mourn together. The church, the body of Christ, cannot be indifferent to the lamentation of the world.
Accomplice of the power of sin
When we try to hear the lamentation, we realize that we are not unrelated to the power of sin. We are not threatened by the power of sin, but are caught in the power of sin, cooperated with it, or were threatened by it into cooperating in creating a broken world. Serious lamentation makes us realize that we were also accomplices of the power of sin, even though we are not the leaders.
In society at the time, there was a group of robbers. This group was for those who were expelled from the land due to debt and violence. They were expelled due to exploitation by a small number of economic and political rulers. In order to survive, they targeted those who were in the side of the rulers.
It is believed that Samaritans were merchants traveling from town to town. The business would have helped fill a ruler’s stomach. The business he was involved in could have caused someone to lose land and become a robber. He was also an accomplice, not an innocent man.
When we touch the world's tears and hear lamentation, we sometimes face the fact that we are not innocent ourselves. At such times, we are confused and want to run away. To learn about lamentation is also to lament. It's the path to death, the way to the cross. To make peace, we follow the path Jesus walked and along with Jesus.
Lamentation as a prayer to God
If lamenting is on the road to the death of the cross, it is also the road to the resurrection. Something new will rise. Through the experience of slowing down, getting closer to the lamenters and getting crushed, God brings about new things.
Everyone can talk about "peace." There was "Roman peace" even in the days of Jesus. Many believe that "post war Japan" was also "peaceful". However, there is no hope for peace in a peace that was not brought through lamentations. The peace that Jesus spoke of is not hopeless and superficial. It seeks to fundamentally rebuild the broken world that causes lamentations.
Someone said, “Lamentation is not a cry out of despair or a cry towards the void. Lamentation is a cry directed to God. Lamentation is prayer. Lamenting is the recognition that there is no reconciliation without God's intervention.”
We do not hear lamentation to be discouraged by the brokenness of the world. We listen to the lamentations so that we can cry to God and pray together. Lamentation is a desperate need for something different from the present. We alone cannot make peace. There is no peace unless God intervenes in this broken world. When lamenting, a person waits for God's response with his hands empty to receive a new vision from God.
We pray for peace, we try to hear the voice of mourning. We hear the mourning just as the Samaritan, despite having differences with the fallen, heard the mourning of the fallen. We take the step towards peace by trying to be the neighbours of the lamenters in this broken world, rather than justifying ourselves by the question of "who is my neighbour".
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama