


















 するとすぐに出血が止まり、12年間も彼女を苦しめてきた病気は治りました。イエス様から力が出て、彼女を癒したのです。しかし、イエス様はそのまま立ち去るのではなく、そこで立ち止まり、自分に触れた女性を探します。「わたしに触れたのはだれか?」 「だれかがわたしに触れた。わたしから力が出て行ったのを感じたのだ」とイエス様は言いました。ご自身から出て行った力が誰かを癒したこともわかったでしょう。それでも、イエス様は「病気が癒された」ということだけで良しとはしませんでした。








 イエス様はその群衆の前で、彼女に言いました。「娘よ、あなたの信仰があなたを救った。安心して行きなさい。」(ルカ8:48) これもイエス様が伝えてくださった福音です。生きる力を奪われた人がイエス様と出会ったときに告げられる祝福の言葉です。







July 5th,2020  Sunday Service

"Regaining our powers"

Scripture reading taken from Luke 8:42~48



To deprive others of the power to live given by God

 We humans are given the power to live. For every one of us was created by God, created in the image of God, and made alive by God’s breath of life. We human beings are equipped with the power to live given by God, and we can use that power to help each other to live.

 However, that power can be deprived. Sickness and injury are crises that deprive us of our power, but they are not the only ones. Their ability to live may be deprived by other people. Acts and ideas that deprive humans of the power to live. These are human sins.

 Various discriminatory systems are depriving us of the power to live. For example, the fact that women who are non-regular workers are the first to lose their jobs due to the corona crisis which is a sign of the discrimination against women that has existed. In addition, there are criticisms that nationality discrimination is due to the requirement that foreign students need to the top 30% in terms of grades in order to qualify for the financial support for poor students. Discriminatory systems deprive us of the power to live in this world.

 Discrimination like this deprives us of the power to live in ways other than the system. For example, there is a “stereotype threat”. “Stereotype” refers to a fixed idea that is held by many people, but it has become clear that these stereotypes and prejudices make it impossible to exercise our original strength. One example of a stereotype is that "male is better at mathematics than female", but women who are influenced by that prejudice actually scores lower than usual in their math test. 

 The living power provided by God can be robbed by illness, injury, or direct violence. In addition, it can be deprived by the institutions and structures of society as well as by stereotypes and prejudices.

 In the Bible, you can find people who have lost their power to live. It is a person who lived a long time ago, but there is a common point with us in that it is deprived of the power to live. And the fact that the Lord Jesus met them, proclaimed the gospel, gave them blessings, and help them regained their strength, we can read these in the Bible as an event that might happens to us.


Women are discriminated and deprived of power

 A woman in today's passage was also deprived of her power to live. For twelve years she has been suffering from an illness caused her to bleed non-stop. Obviously, having been ill for many years has consumed her power. In addition, she used up her entire fortune in trying to find doctors to cure her disease. She suffered financial burdens while at the same time suffering from the illness.

 In addition to that, her power was deprived by the Jewish law. In the Old Testament law, a woman who bled was considered "unclean" and anything she used or touched was considered unclean. As a result, she who did not stop bleeding, though she won’t be forced out of her home, she will have to limit her contact with others and will be forced to maintain "social distancing". Perhaps this law was passed partly due to the measures taken in consideration of the poor hygiene environment of the ancient times, and I can imagine that for 12 years her actions were severely restricted, and her powers were limited. 

 Furthermore, how much of a burden was it to her to have to listen repeatedly that her body and anything she touched were dirty? I can imagine that it was a burden so heavy that she wanted to be cured from even if she had to exhaust all her money. She may have been scorned by people around her or slandered. She may have been seen as a useless nuisance. Her self-esteem may have fallen apart, and she may have become afraid of the public.

 Because of her disease, she lived as an unclean person. This disease wasn’t caused by her, but she couldn't do anything about it. Despite that, the people around her discriminated against her and deprived her of her ability to live. However, those who were discriminating her were not aware of it, and even thought it was a legitimate act of law. No one tried to stop her being marginalized from social situations. For her, the illness was of course painful, but the burden that came from the discrimination and prejudice that followed isn’t anything light.


What she was afraid of

 One day, Jesus came to her village. The crowds gladly rushed out to welcome Jesus. She also went out seek Jesus' healing. However, being regarded as a "dirty woman," she cannot stand out in public. She hid her face with a veil, mixed in the crowd, and approached Jesus from behind.

 When she finally found Jesus in front of her, she could not speak to him. That was not what Jesus wanted. Years of discrimination and prejudice robbed her of her ability to call out towards Jesus. Essentially, any human being can call on God. She was robbed of the power she originally had. All she could do was to gently touch a section of Jesus' clothes—the ornament on the edge of his clothes.

 Immediately, the bleeding stopped and the illness that had been causing her grief for 12 years was cured. The power came out of Jesus and helped her. However, Jesus did not leave it as it is, but stopped there to look for the woman who touched him. "Who touched me?" "Someone touched me. I know that power has gone out from me." said Jesus. Jesus probably knew that the power that gone out from him has healed someone. Even so, Jesus was not satisfied just because "the illness was healed."

 Knowing that the healed woman couldn't hide herself, she trembled and walked before Jesus, fell down on the ground, and talked about why she touched Jesus and how she was immediately healed. Perhaps she was afraid of others blaming her for touching someone.

 During the 12 years of discrimination and prejudice, it seems that she rarely touched or touched anyone. She has been imprinted repeatedly with the fact that she is unclean and everything she touched is also unclean. What was it that made her tremble and so scared? It's not Jesus. It is the discrimination and prejudice that people at the time shared. Among them, those with a social status and monopoly of power had justified and used it and deprived people like her of power.

 It is God who has established the law, but what God demands by that law is "to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good" (Deuteronomy 10:13). God gave the law to protect the lives and happiness of all living in this world. Nevertheless, it is against God's will to deprive a person of the power to live by using that rule.

 This is not limited to the law but may be applicable to various institutions and social structures. Institutions and structures must be put in place to protect everyone living there, and if there is discrimination or prejudice, it goes against God's will. Therefore, we cannot accept institutions and structures that deprive people of their ability to live.


Jesus' blessing and proclamation

 Jesus did not let this woman go away just because her illness was healed. Jesus' healing does not end with the cure of the disease. Through her mouth Jesus made her speak of the blessing of God on her body. The women that was alienated from society, who could only come out while avoiding public eyes, was made the centre of attraction. It is as if to show the crowd that she has the dignity to stand there and the ability to speak to others.

 Jesus told her in front of the crowd. "Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace." (Luke 8:48) This is also the gospel that Jesus told us. It is a blessing that is proclaimed when a person who has lost the power to live encounters Jesus.

 Jesus called her “daughter”. Jesus saying to her, you are my family, the family of God. Jesus says that even if you are alienated from other people, tattered your self-esteem, and are afraid of their eyes, you are still Jesus’ family.

 "Your faith saved you." It is said that your faith saved you, not the power of someone else. God was breathing life into you and giving you the power to live. Jesus has revived that power. It was not only to cure illness, but to recover the power that had been taken away in society and in relationships with people.

 Then, Jesus sends her out, saying, "Go with peace of mind." Jesus restored her position in the community by making public that she was healed and blessed by God. Discrimination and prejudice against her are no longer justified. Because going against it is equal to going against God. She can be relieved that Jesus is against the illness, discrimination and prejudice that burdened her.

 Jesus meets people who have been deprived of their power and tries to help them regain their power. Therefore, he is willing to let himself get hurt or even be the subject of everyone’s hostility, and he is willing to stand in the midst of violence caused by human sin. And even now, Jesus is encountering people who have been deprived of power and is giving them blessings. "Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace."


Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama