このような状況において、教会はどんな群れであるようにと神様に招かれているのか、と問う中で、私はジャン・バニエの言葉に出会いました。彼は知的障がいをもつ人と持たない人が共に生活するコミュニティ「ラルシュ共同体」を設立した人です。『暴力の世界で柔和に生きる』(Living Gently in a VIOLENT WORLD)という書籍の中で、ジャン・バニエは福音のヴィジョンを次のように語っています。
June 7th,2020 Sunday Service
"A community of blessing"
Scripture reading taken from Luke 14:15~24
The Parable of the Great Banquet
This parable is about eating in the kingdom of God. The feast in the kingdom of God, a banquet where God prepares for us the way a master prepares for his guests. If you read Isaiah chapter 25, you will know that not only was a great meal provided, but "The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth." (Isaiah 25:8) A banquet of joy and celebration, with all sadness and suffering removed, that is the feast in the kingdom of God. I would think that everyone wants to be invited to such a banquet.
This parable tells about the people invited to eat in the kingdom of God. It also shows what kind of fellowship God wants to happen in the Church, the body of Christ. It's a community that blesses by enthusiastically invites those who think they aren't invited.
Those who declined the invitation
This parable begins when a master of a house tries to invite a large number of people to hold a banquet. Following the customs of the time, the master informed his friends about the banquet beforehand, and when the banquet was ready, he will send me to say, "Come, for everything is ready" (14:17).
However, the invitees in turn gave reasons to be absent from the banquet. The first person said, "I bought a field, so I have to go see it. Please excuse me," (14:18). The second person also said, "I bought five sets of two cows each, so I'm going to check it. Please excuse me." (14:19). They declined the invitation because they had urgent business. But if you think about it, it may not be the real reason.
They say they have bought fields and cows, and after paying for them, they need to check out their purchases. But whether it's a field or a cow, it's hard to imagine that you haven't done enough research before buying it. In the case of a field, trading can take at least months, and maybe years if it is a long transaction. The quality of the soil of the land and the sun, etc. need to be thoroughly investigated and prices need to be negotiated before the purchase is finally made. In the case of cattle, even if it doesn't take that long, there is no reason not to check the health condition.
It's like, for example, when we buy a used home or car, we don't even investigate it nor do we even have a look at it, we just sign the contract, transfer the money, and then rush to check out our purchases. No one will do that. If you've checked in advance, you don't have to turn down the banquet invitation just to rush to see your purchases.
The third person refused, saying, "I just got married, so I can’t come." (14:20). It's good to take good care of your home, but it's not an urgent need. And unlike the first two, he doesn't even say, "Please excuse me."
Apparently, the people declined the invitation because they didn't really want to go, rather than because they wanted to go to the banquet but couldn't. I don't know what they really are, but they may have had some kind of antipathy or hostility towards the organizer of the banquet.
Invitation of God crosses over borders
The owner got angry when he receives a report that not one of the invited attended the party even though the party is ready. However, the owner did not stay angry nor did he cancel the banquet and did something unexpected. The master told me.
"Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.” (14:21)
The master hurriedly invited other people. They were probably people who aren’t familiar with social events. The reason these people were in town squares and alleys may be because they were begging. They were never invited a luxurious banquet and were driven to a corner of society and quietly lived there. Those were the kind of people that the master invited.
These are the ones that Jesus dined with and shared the gospel, and these are the ones were willing to hear Jesus' teaching. Jesus told us that these people will be invited to eat in the kingdom of God, and that God's invitation will be delivered to those even if they are not at the center of the world.
The character of the master didn’t stop there. Even after the people who were in the plaza or alley were brought here, there were room in the banquet. Then the master ordered me.
“Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.” (14:23)
The word “country lanes” is also translated as “farmland” or “hedge”. In other words, the master is commanding not only those who are inside the village, but also those who are outside the borders of the village. The people on the other side of the borders that were invited are people from other villages and Gentiles. He told me to bring him anyone that is available.
"Compel them to come" does not mean ignoring the will of the other person and forcibly bringing them. It means that I, speaking on behalf of my master, desperately ask them to come to the banquet of the master. These words reflect the passion of the God invites us to eat in the kingdom of God. All of the invited people would be surprised. God's invitation is delivered across all walls and borders. God's passionate invitation to eat in the kingdom of God is open to us and everyone else.
A community of blessing
The word “social distance” has become firmly established in the last few months. Distance is of course necessary as a countermeasure, but I think that during this corona crisis, the distances and walls that existed between people were also exposed. The distance and barriers are reflected in differences in nationality, race, gender, employment status, social status including property, and age.
In such a situation, I asked myself, what type of group is God inviting the church to be? And it was then I bumped into Jean Vanier’s words. Jean Vanier is the person who founded the community "L’Arche Community" where people with and without intellectual disabilities live together. In the book (Living Gently in a VIOLENT WORLD), Jean Vanier describes the gospel vision as follows:
[We have to come back to the gospel vision. When I reflect on the gospel vision, I find that it is incredible. It is a promise that we human beings can get together. It is a vision of unity, peace and acceptance. It is a promise that the walls between people and between groups can fall, but this will not be accomplished by force. It will begin at the bottom of the ladder of our societies.
He has chosen the most despised, the people right at the bottom of society. They are not obsessed with being well-situated in a group that offers acclaim and promotion. They are crying for what matters most: love. And God hears their cry because in some way they respond to the cry of God, which is to give love.]
The gospel vision that Jesus spoke and expressed was also "unity, peace, and acceptance." Jesus invited the people who cried out for the most important thing, love, and he began the journey toward this vision by becoming friends with them. Jesus breaks down the wall by becoming a friend, not by rule or integration by force.
The distance and walls created between people tells a story of distress. When we stand in front of that story, we don't know what to do and we feel powerless to be able to do anything. That's exactly what we need a community, says Jean Vanier. We are a community where those who cannot do anything alone can be together. Knowing that we are loved, believing in Jesus and sharing that vision cannot be done alone. For that, we need a community.
Jean Vanier says there are three things that need to be done to create that community. It is "to eat together at the same table," "to pray together," and "to celebrate together." To celebrate together is to say, "I'm glad to be together with you".
[Maybe what we need most is to rejoice and to celebrate with the weak and the vulnerable. Maybe the most important thing is to learn how to build communities of celebration. Maybe the world will be transformed when we learn to have fun together. I don’t mean to suggest that we don’t talk about serious things. But maybe what our world needs more than anything is communities where we celebrate life together and become a sign of hope for our world. Maybe we need signs that it is possible to love each other.]
There is no one who is uninvited to eat in God's Kingdom. However, there are those who refuse the invitation by repelling the master who tries to remove the distance and the wall. Still, the Lord Jesus did not veils himself in anger, but invites the people who were placed outside the wall to reveal the vision of God. When we are led by Jesus, the church will be a group that manifests this vision. Whether in a world of rapid change or in a world where distances and barriers to people cause distress, if the church is a community of blessing, it will be a sign of God's hope in this world.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama