April 26th,2020 Sunday Service
"Jesus lives with those who are suffering"
Scripture reading taken from Luke 7:36~50
Jesus who was not welcomed
Jesus dined with numerous people. At that time, to dine with someone means to be a part of that group. In other words, having the same mindset and values, and at the same time, having similar standings in society. To dine with those who are considered sinners even by society’s standards, Jesus must have had a deeper meaning behind the act of dining with them.
On the other hand, Jesus had also dined together with the pharisees. The pharisees’ group consists of those who obey the teachings and protecting the tradition to the letter. They label those who could not protect the covenants and law as sinners and avoid mixing around with them. The pharisees believed that if they obey the covenant and not mingle around with the sinners, God will send to them a savior.
One day, a pharisee named Simon invited Jesus to his house to have a meal with him. When Jesus was eating with him, a woman who was known by the whole village as a person who is living a sinful life visited him. The woman though uninvited, came to the pharisee’s house to see Jesus.
She came to pour perfume onto Jesus’ feet. The woman has probably either seen Jesus before or have heard rumors about Jesus before. She heard that Jesus dined with sinners, healed the sick, and preached about how God loves those people as well. She felt like the message was speaking to her. It was a message that released and lifted up sinners such as herself. To show gratitude for the Gospel, she cleaned Jesus’ feet and poured expensive perfume on his feet.
The owner of the house, Simon, felt attacked by the actions of this woman. Jesus arrived at the dinner table without washing his feet. The reason why Simon felt attacked was because Simon as the host did not do anything for the guest (Jesus). It was the obligation of the host to greet the guest with a kiss, prepare water for the guest to wash their hands and feet as well as olive oil to put on their body. Simon as a host did not prepare water nor oil to welcome his guest, Jesus.
It is unthinkable for the pharisees that emphasizes on keeping the law to forget common manners in welcoming guest. Since Simon invited Jesus to the dining table, we can see that Simon accepted Jesus up to a certain level, but not at the level where Simon respects Jesus. In fact, it might be that Simon is trying to put Jesus to shame or to test the character of Jesus. To put it simply, Simon is trying to humiliate Jesus in front of other pharisees.
The gratitude towards Jesus who suffered with us together
How did the woman who was known as a “sinner” felt when she saw Jesus being humiliated? “Unbelievable! How dare you humiliate the Jesus who has taught me about God’s love?”, could be what the woman was thinking. It could also be sadness thinking that the way Jesus was being treated was because he associated with the sinners. Or it could also be her seeing Jesus’ humiliation as her own.
And so, the woman began to weep. She decided to offer to Jesus the hospitality that the host did not provide. However, this was not something she had planned to do, so she did not have water nor cloth. She then used her tears as a substitute for water to clean his feet, her hair as a substitute for cloth to wipe his feet, instead of kissing his cheek as a sign of welcome, she kissed his feet, and finally instead of olive oil, she poured expensive perfume onto his feet.
This woman did not cry so that her sins can be forgiven. She knew that Jesus was proclaiming the forgiveness of sins and befriending those who are called sinners. She knew that Jesus despises sin, yet he is sharing the gospel to those who are driven to the lowest level of society.
On the other hand, the pharisees who gathered at Simon’s house were ridiculing Jesus. Jesus took in all the ridicule without running away. The woman understood the meaning of Jesus’ actions, that he would stay with those who are called sinners even if he were to receive the same sufferings as they did. The tears shed by the woman was not only out of anger towards the ridicule towards Jesus, but also gratitude towards Jesus. Her tears took form of gratitude to Jesus at that time.
Those who are forgiven becomes those who love
The pharisees felt disdain towards the woman. They dislike associating with people who are known as sinners, and her actions of hospitality was one that Simon did not perform, it was as if she was accusing them.
Not only that, they felt disdain towards Jesus who was accepting the actions of the woman. They were thinking, “If it were me, I would have chased her out. She is a sinful and defiant woman. As expected, we are different from Jesus who is receiving the service of a sinful woman. No matter how famous or how powerful this being was, if he associates with sinners, there is no way he is the Messiah.”.
Jesus knew the thoughts of the pharisees and responded with a short parable. It was the parable of the moneylender. Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. 1 owed 500 denarii and the other owed 50 denarii. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. In this parable, the debts were referring to the sins. The one who owed 500 denarii was the sinful woman, and those who owed 50 were the pharisees.
Through this parable, Jesus showed that those who have committed more sins and were forgiven tend to love more. The woman who was known as the sinner could not obey the commandments. But that was not the extent of her sins. She was separated from God, unacknowledged by fellow humans, she didn’t even treasure her own self. In that situation, you can say that she is taken over by sin. Not only was she responsible of the sins she committed, she is also responsible of the sins she caused others to commit.
Through that parable, Jesus was declaring that not only was the woman a sinner, the pharisees themselves were sinners as well as disobeying God’s will is a sin itself. Not doing what was supposed to be done for Jesus and instead humiliating him was Simon’s sin. Simon was in the end, just another human who sinned.
However, they did not acknowledge that they are sinners, resulting in them being unable to receive God’s forgiveness. And even if he were forgiven, he would not know of it, therefore showing less love than others.
Jesus is telling them to look at the woman who is called a sinner by others. She showed great love towards Jesus. It was because she was forgiven. Those who know that they were forgiven of their many sins will be able to love others more. The woman was not forgiven because of her actions. She became one who loves because she received God’s forgiveness and love.
We can also use this event to compare between Jesus and Simon. Here, Simon is telling us to look how sinful this woman is, but Jesus did not do that. Jesus is asking us to see the love of a God who forgives. The love shown by the woman is a result of receiving free grace from God. It is important to know that you are invited, loved and treasured by God just as the woman knows.
Jesus showed the love of God. Jesus shouldered the pain of being with sin while living with those who are known as sinners. Even so, he showed us the love of God, and that we will be reborn by the love of God. We will never be chased out of God’s presence. On the contrary, he is inviting us.
In the same way Jesus spoke to the woman, he is also speaking to us. “You are forgiven”. It is not because we did something great. God and Jesus never give up on us. He is determined to atone for our sins, bear the suffering, to be with us without abandoning or overlooking us.
“You are forgiven. You should also live as God’s children. I(Jesus) will be with you. Sufferings may come as you try to live a life filled with love. At that time, I will be with you in your suffering. So go on knowing that peace is with you.”
This is the Jesus we believe in! Let us believe in the forgiveness that Jesus spoke of. And let us be like the woman, filled with gratitude and live as one who loves.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama