April 12th,2020 Easter Service
Scripture reading taken from John 20:19~23
Gripped by fear
Today is Easter Sunday. It is a day we remember and celebrate that Jesus Christ died on the cross, buried, and rose from the dead 3 days later. Today is the most important day for the Church, but in these times, we are spending our days restricting ourselves from going out. What we are currently doing is not only to protect ourselves, but the lives of those around us as well.
Although the circumstances were different, Jesus’s disciples were also staying at home and did not went out. This was after Jesus was crucified on the cross. The disciples were always with Jesus. They believe that Jesus was the Savior and that Jesus will bring about the new world. But when Jesus was captured, the disciples left Jesus and fled away.
This was something unimaginable for the disciples. They could not accept the fact that Jesus was crucified on the cross. They swore to follow Jesus and not fearing even death, but all the courage just disappeared. Amid the unimaginable, they did not have the leeway to even remember the words of Jesus at that time. At that time, fearing for their safety, they closed themselves at their houses. They can no longer see, hear, or testify about Jesus anymore.
The situation of these disciples is something we cannot relate to, or so we would like to think. We are not persecuted, nor do we fear for our lives like they are. But we are fearful and are afraid to go out as well. This fear is a little bit different from fearing Corona virus. This fear is born from obeying Jesus and living as his disciples. The fear of being separated from God and being hidden from God.
When such fears strike us, our hearts tend to close up. Resulting in us being unable to turn our eyes to God’s works, unable to listen to God’s words, and unable to testify for Jesus. Like the new virus, fearing what we need to fear is necessary to live. But this very fear can be the thing that breaks down social connections between people. When we are overcome by such fears, we are pulled away from God, and our salvation is being threatened.
Jesus’ peace which invites you to a special bond
The disciples were overcome with fear. In that time, Jesus suddenly appeared among the disciples. The Jesus who was crucified on the cross and buried, appeared in front of the disciples. The cross and the grave, which was the heart of the disciples’ fear, Jesus overcame those and came back to life. Jesus was not gripped by fear.
What then, did the Jesus who appeared to his disciples say to them? It was “Peace be with you” which was a blessing in a form of greeting. Jesus did not berate them for forsaking Jesus and running away nor did he lament about how they were gripped by their fears. Jesus gave words of peace to his disciples. “Peace be with you”. It can also be seen as a declaration that peace is here. Jesus resurrected to bring and grant us peace.
Before being crucified on the cross, Jesus promised his disciples that he will return. John chapter 14:18-21, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”.
This is the peace granted by Jesus, the peace that Jesus brings. Even when we are separated for Jesus, when we feel that we can’t see Jesus, Jesus will come back to us. He will never leave us alone; He will be with us and resuscitate us.
Jesus’ peace is born in the midst of our special relationship with Jesus. We are in Jesus and Jesus in us. Jesus covers us in his hands, enters our heart sealed by fear. That is how Jesus creates a special bond with every one of us.
You will understand and realize that when you come to trust and love Jesus. Jean Vanier said, “To believe in Jesus is to believe that we are loved.”. The fact that Jesus loves us will never change, and the cross has showed us that. What we can do is believe and have faith that we are loved, and that Jesus loves us. We are invited to have a special connection with Jesus.
God’s forgiveness~ You are important
The resurrected Jesus gave his disciples who holed themselves up in fear a greeting a peace. It is in this very exchange that God’s forgiveness is present. The disciples were painfully aware of their weakness and foolishness. Everything they put their hope in and believed in fell apart. They realized of their weakness and ran away and holed themselves up. They realized that they were just nobodies, had no worth, and had no one to protect them.
Jesus knew all about his disciples’ foolishness and weakness, yet he chooses to accept them all and gave them a greeting of peace. It wasn’t because what the disciples did was something minor. It was a sin so great that the disciples couldn’t handle themselves. But Jesus did not give them the greeting of peace based on whether they could stand back up again. It wasn’t when that they became great people or strong-willed people that Jesus went back to them. It was when the disciples were holding up themselves in fear, when they were weak and foolish that Jesus came to them and gave them a greeting of peace and to connect with them.
This is how Jesus loves us as we are. Jesus came to this world just to love us. God’s forgiveness is such that despite knowing all our sins, Jesus took our sins and bear the weight of our sins and still loves us. That forgiveness is as if God is saying, “You are important. You are an irreplaceable existence.”.
Humans are weak beings. It is because they are weak and are afraid of being shown that they are weak, they attack other human beings just to pass off as someone strong. The fear born from being weak can overwhelm a person, severs his relationships with others, and cast a shadow on his life. That fear will cause us to hide ourselves from God and turn a deaf ear to God’s words. This will result in us not knowing how much God loves us and how important we are to God.
Jesus bore the burden of our sins through the cross. Despite our weakness, foolishness, and all the actions born from them, Jesus accepted all of them and loved us with all his heart. It was when we bore injuries born from sin that Jesus appeared to us and gave us greetings of peace. Jesus said, “Do not fear. You are important to me. You’re an irreplaceable existence to God. I am happy just by you being by my side”. Isn’t that the Gospel – the good news?
Message of love and forgiveness
Jesus was sent to this world to spread messages of peace. The words that Jesus said to his disciples when his sends them out can be read as though as we are the judges.
John 20:23 – “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
But these are not words stating that we are judges. Forgiving sins is God’s work, not something we have any authority over.
What have been entrusted to us is to convey God’s forgiveness and Jesus’ peace. It is not our job to forgive, rather to testify to others about God’s forgiveness. The most important part of the message is that ‘You are important’. In other words, God loves you and that you are irreplaceable to God. That is why you don’t have to fear, that is the core of the message.
The latter half of the words of dispatch by Jesus, “if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”, the word ‘forgive’ has a different meaning than the one in the first half. The meaning of the Greek word that was used is ‘leave it as it is’. It means that as you spread God’s love, the message that ‘You are important’ does not get through, the sins and fear will stay with the one who does not get the message.
What we should do is not to judge others like a judge. All we need to do is to spread what we have received from God’s forgiveness, faith in Jesus’ love, and the connection we have with Jesus. This also means that God has already forgiven everyone. Jesus gave us this great commission to tell everyone that ‘you are important, an irreplaceable existence, and I am happy to have you by my side’.
When we believe in Jesus and that God loves us, our world will change. Jesus’ peace will come into our world that was dominated by fear. We may not yet be completely free from fear, but Jesus will continue to live in us, connect with us, and give us message of peace. If the peace that comes from God’s forgiveness spread throughout the world, then the world too will change into a new world.
The novel corona virus is threatening the lives of humans. It threatens not only the physical body, but also spreads fear that separates us and breaks relationships between people. But let’s remind ourselves and believe that we have an ally, Jesus Christ, who overcome death and came back to life to be a messenger of peace. We should believe in the love and forgiveness of Jesus and spread it to those around us.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama