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「荒れ野よ、荒れ地よ、喜び躍れ/砂漠よ、喜び、花を咲かせよ/野ばらの花を一 面に咲かせよ。花を咲かせ/大いに喜んで、声をあげよ。砂漠はレバノンの栄光を与えられ/カルメルとシャロンの輝きに飾られる。人々は主の栄光と我らの神の輝きを見る。」(イザヤ書35章1~2節)











『アフガニスタン 干ばつの大地に用水路を拓く』(NDN-TV 日本電波ニュース社)




























そのTシャツに書かれた合言葉は、「喜び 喜ばれ 喜び合う教会」。まずは私が喜び、そして諸教会や地域の皆さんから喜ばれ、みんなで喜び合うそんな教会でありたいとの気持ちが込められています。Tシャツにはあえて「福井教会」という名前は入れていません。それは、皆で着ることができたらという願いをもっているからです。






牧師 杉山望

November, 20, 2022, Sunday Worship Service(Advent Week 1)

Waiting for the Lord’s Coming

Isaiah 35:1-10 



A World Cursed with Sin


While Isaiah chapter 35 speaks of God’s redeeming works, the previous chapter declares God’s judgment. This recurring theme of “judgment and restoration” is a central concept in the book of Isaiah, sharing the message that the people who have been judged by God will be redeemed by God. 


God creates our world. Just as God saw Creation including the garden of Eden to be very good, so the world is created to be good for all of us. However, we humans have sinned, turned our backs to God, closed our ears to God’s Word, and have lost the life-fulfilling blessings of God. And just like Adam was told by God in Genesis 3:17, “Cursed is the ground because of you” (New International Version (NIV)) so have we humans cursed the earth that we live on.


This month, COP27, an international conference on climate change, was held. The effects of climate change have already begun to unfold with massive floods engulfing one-third of Pakistan and historic droughts in Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia leaving twenty million people to face severe food shortages. 


The need for change is clear. The world needs to work together to prevent further serious disasters, but this is not happening easily. Rather, new conflicts and wars are raging, and strife shows no end.


What God has asked of us is to “love God” and to “love our neighbour as ourselves.” This is something that could transcend our differences including religion, culture, and language. Yet, because of humanity’s sin of turning from these commands and not thinking of or even loathing one’s neighbours, the earth is desolate, and lives are being taken. 


Such sins will be judged by God. It is through judgment that redemption is possible. To restore the world like the garden of Eden was, where it was fully blessed by God and filled with life, God judges sin and brings us back to “loving God” and “loving our neighbour as ourselves.”


Now, redemption is something that cannot be achieved by us humans. It is completed by the coming of the Saviour. Isaiah prophesies this as follows. 


“Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.” (Isaiah 35:5-6 / NIV)


The words above could only be done by the Saviour. When such things happened, people would know that the prophesied Saviour had come. As we read these words today, we know the One who has done all this. It is Jesus Christ. Jesus opened the eyes of those who could not see, the ears of those who could not hear, and made those who could not walk stand up. Through such signs, Jesus showed himself to be the long-awaited Saviour.


Jesus was born into this world approximately 2,000 years ago. The signs he showed during his lifetime foreshadowed the redemption that will be completed by God in the future. When Jesus, who ascended to heaven, comes back, God’s judgment will happen, and the earth will be completely restored. 



The Parched Land Restored


Even so, when we see our chaotic world, we sometimes cannot help but wonder whether God intends on saving those who are hurt and suffering. We may even doubt God’s promise. But it is revealed to us in Word and deed.


God’s promise is spoken to us through the words of Isaiah as in the following passage.


“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” (Isaiah 35:1-2 / NIV)


God’s restoration is described as a desolate land without any greenery blooming with fields of flowers. This is how God fills the land with life. Japan’s winters may be similar too. After a long winter, spring comes, and the trees turn green and flowers bloom with colour. In such a way, God brings life in abundance. God, the Creator, and Giver of life protect and celebrates the flourishing of life. 


As we see in today’s passage, God has promised the redemption of the land. We know this promise to be true through the Word and the deeds of Jesus as well. Furthermore, we have been given other signs. Restoration happens in our world in many ways, both large and small.


One example would be the construction of the irrigation canal by the late Dr. Tetsu Nakamura of the Peshawar-kai and the people of Afghanistan. Let us watch a short video so that we can further imagine God’s redeeming works. 


The script of the clip is as follows. (“Afghanistan Kanbatsu no Daichi ni Yosuiro wo Hiraku” (Building Irrigation Canals in a Drought-Stricken Land), Youtube, uploaded by NDN-TV Nihon Denpa News Co., Ltd., 21 September 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Du_SLRhhI) 


“Look at this field. Not a single thing grows.”

“There is no water here at all. There is no way we can farm.”

“In 2001, a severe drought hit eastern Afghanistan. Food shortages and poor sanitary conditions began to claim the lives of physically weak children and the elderly. Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who had been engaging in medical activities in Afghanistan, considered securing water to be of the utmost importance.”

” Every day hundreds of children are expired. And so many people are suffering from diseases because of the shortcoming of water. So, the success of this canal project, as well as the dam project over there, is the key for our future. "

“The construction of the irrigation canal began in 2003. But there was a serious shortage of funds and materials in Afghanistan, due to the economic sanctions and attacks from the West. This is where Japan’s ancient irrigation canal techniques came in handy. A total of six hundred thousand Afghan farmers who longed for water participated in the project. The project grew to an unprecedented scale The seven years of construction resulted in….” (Video showing children catching fish, etc)

“I never thought I would be harvesting rice in the desert!”

“It is a joy to see them finally eating fully in their homeland.”  


The words of Isaiah 35:6, “Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.,” was fulfilled in this corner of Afghanistan. And this restoration is God’s promise that all parched land over the earth will be redeemed. By doing so, God will fill the earth with gladness and joy, just like the people in the video.



The Way of Joy


When God’s redeeming works take place, it is marked with joy. The word “Yorokobi喜び”, joy, appears repeatedly in Isaiah chapter 35. (The bold words below are translated as “Yorokobi” in the referred Japanese translation. NIV translates differently in some verses.) 


“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.” (Isaiah 35:1 / NIV)


“…it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.” (Isaiah 35:2 / NIV)


“…and the mute tongue shout for joy.” (Isaiah 35:6 / NIV)


“and those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” (Isaiah 35:10 / NIV)


When we are restored by God, people will rejoice together. Not only that, but it also says that the desert, parched land, and wilderness will rejoice. As the flowers bloom and the grass grows, nature also rejoices. 


Last Wednesday, the three Baptist churches of the Hokuriku region, Kanazawa Baptist Church, Toyama Koizumi-cho Church, and Fukui Church gathered for the first time in three years. Through fellowship and worship, we were able to encourage the Fukui Church as it seeks to restore the church building after tearing down the original building, with the support of Japan Baptist Convention’s funds. 


When we visited, the members of Fukui Church were wearing matching T-shirts that were made after receiving advice from Pastor Yamada that the church should have a tagline and wear it whenever they could, especially when they serve the community through its open café. 


The tagline Fukui Church decided upon was “Rejoice. Be the joy. Rejoice with one another.” They summed up their mission in the Lord in such a way because they realized that each person is to “Rejoice” in the Lord. And through serving the community and other churches, they sought to “Be the joy” to others, as they “Rejoice with one another.” All that is on the T-shirt is the tagline. Their church’s name “Fukui Church” is not on the shirt so that so that anyone could wear the t-shirt and freely join. 


Fukui Church is literally on the way to reconstruction, to the path of restoration. They have shown the light on the path that God is leading all of us, toward the joy of the redeemed, by rejoicing, being the joy, and rejoicing with one another. They have taught us that the church is not to be divided but to move toward rejoicing together.


This joy that the church bears witness to is different from that of the world. It is a deep joy that lies beyond the highway of “loving God” and “loving our neighbours as ourselves,” instead of the way that causes conflict and disasters. It is the joy that Jesus spoke of and lived out, and it is the joy that has been expressed in many places over time since then. Have we not been given and shared that joy as well? Let us continue that way of joy today!


Pastor: Nozomu Sugiyama