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そのときには、「主なる神は、すべての顔から涙をぬぐい/御自分の民の恥を/地上からぬぐい去ってくださる。」(イザヤ書25章8節) そのときには、もはや誰も泣くことはありません。誰も恥じ入ることはありません。神様は全ての人を「御自分の民」と呼ばれます。誰も辱められず、誰も苦しめられず、悲しみは喜びに変えられ、死はなく、生命に満ち溢れるのです。











「神がわたしたちを救い、聖なる招きによって呼び出してくださったのは、わたしたちの行いによるのではなく、御自身の計画と恵みによるのです。この恵みは、永遠の昔にキリスト・イエスにおいてわたしたちのために与えられ、今や、わたしたちの救い主キリスト・イエスの出現によって明らかにされたものです。キリストは死を滅ぼし、福音を通して不滅の命を現してくださいました。」(テモテへの手紙二 1章9~10節)








牧師 杉山望

November, 20, 2022, Sunday Worship Service(Memorial Service)

“The Day Tears Are Wiped Away from All Faces”

Isaiah 25:4-10



There is an end to everyone’s lives. No matter how much our society has changed, death is something we all experience without exception. However, everyone does not face death in the same way. Today I would like to read with you what the Bible says about death. This will also help us to think about God, who conquers death and gives life.



Death Comes with Loneliness and Oblivion


To think about death, let us first look at what the Bible says about life.


“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." (Genesis 2:7)


The human body is nothing more than the dust of the ground. What is simply created from dust does not have life. It is only when God breathes into it the breath of life that it becomes a living being. Being alive means that we keep the life that God breathed into us. We receive a life force from God. That is the biblical understanding of human beings.


Death, then, is the loss of the breath of life. The breath of life is not ours, but God's. When our lives end, the breath of life returns to God. By giving back to God the breath of life that was lent to us, our bodies turn to dust and return to the earth from which they were formed.


Death becomes a problem when it severs all relationships we have. Any death separates the deceased from those left behind. But what is worse is when the connection to the deceased is completely severed and forgotten. To be alone, forgotten, and lost is a serious matter.


Such death is considered the wages - the punishment - for our sins. To be cut off from others and from God forever is like being cast into darkness.


“But I cry to you for help, Lord;

    in the morning my prayer comes before you.

Why, Lord, do you reject me

    and hide your face from me?

From my youth I have suffered and been close to death;

    I have borne your terrors and am in despair.

Your wrath has swept over me;

    your terrors have destroyed me.

All day long they surround me like a flood;

    they have completely engulfed me.

You have taken from me friend and neighbor—

    darkness is my closest friend. " (Psalm 88:13-19)


To be separated from everything and kept in darkness is the most terrible punishment of all. Death is to be avoided, as it is to be accompanied by fear and pain as well as sorrow.



When Death is Destroyed


Against this power of death, we are helpless. Not only at the time of physical death, but many times in our lives we are threatened by the power of death and is continually exposed to the temptation of sin. In such a condition, God becomes our fortress and refuge.


“You have been a refuge for the poor,

    a refuge for the needy in their distress,

a shelter from the storm

    and a shade from the heat.” (Isaiah 25:4)


The Israelites were repeatedly attacked by the forces of death. People were sometimes in danger of death, and sometimes in danger from the destruction of their nation. Sometimes they suffered from lack of food, and sometimes they lived in solitude, being cut off from other people. Sometimes accidents happened suddenly, and other dangers were caused by their own sins.


The power of death separated people from each other and from God. It could even lead one to renounce God, betray others, and be condemned forever. It was like being drenched by a torrential downpour and baked by the heat.


But even in such times, or rather, it was precisely in such times that God became "a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy" (25:4). Those who repented, turned to God, called out to the Lord, and trusted in His power were protected by God. Through the experiences of their ancestors, the Israelites learned that God conquered death.


God promised that He would eventually destroy death and hold a great feast with all people.


“On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare

    a feast of rich food for all peoples,

a banquet of aged wine—

    the best of meats and the finest of wines.

On this mountain he will destroy

    the shroud that enfolds all peoples,

the sheet that covers all nations;

    he will swallow up death forever." (Isaiah 25:6-8)


The "shroud that enfolds all peoples" and the "sheet that covers all nations" are symbols of the things that have threatened people. God will remove that covering from everyone and every nation, and He will take away all fear, sorrow, and suffering. Then everyone will gather around the Lord's table - a feast of joy - to rejoice and celebrate the work of salvation that He has accomplished.


Then “[t]he Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth." (Isaiah 25:8) At that time, no one will weep anymore. No one will be ashamed. God calls everyone "His people.” No one will be disgraced, no one will be afflicted, sorrow will be turned into joy, there will be no death, and life will abound.



Waiting for the Day of the Lord


Death is the end of our earthly life and the time to say goodbye. However, death is not something that separates the deceased from us or from God. When we finish our earthly life, we give back the breath of life that God has entrusted to us and are called to be with the Lord. The power of death cannot keep us in darkness and cannot separate us from God.


The power of death has been defeated. It is not only a promise of the future, but it has already become a definitive fact through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus died on the cross and was once completely handed over to the power of death. Through His Passion leading to death, the Lord Jesus experienced the full force of death - all its horror and pain, being abandoned by people and by God.


However, on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead and revealed the power of God over the power of death. Jesus, who descended even to the grave, will no longer leave us. Wherever we are - even if we are headed for destruction - He is able to rescue us from the destruction and give us life again.


“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel." (2 Timothy 1:9-10)


Death is not the end. Neither can death separate us from God. Through God we are still connected together beyond death, and together we look forward to the time of the Lord's salvation.


“In that day they will say,

‘Surely this is our God;

         we trusted in him, and he saved us.

This is the Lord, we trusted in him;

         let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.’" (Isaiah 25:9)


It is the day when everyone gathers around the feast prepared by the Lord to rejoice and celebrate His salvation together. It is the day when there will be no more sorrow, fear, or suffering. It is the day when tears will be wiped from all faces and shame be erased. On that day, we, who are alive now, and those who have been called before us will dance joyfully together in communion with the Lord. Let us continue to look forward to that Day of the Lord.


Pastor: Nozomu Sugiyama