そこで弟子たちはイエスを起こして言いました。「先生、わたしたちがおぼれてもかまわないのですか。」(マルコによる福音書4章38節) 私たちがどうなってもかまわないのか。この真っ暗な闇の中、激しい嵐に翻弄されている私たちのことを考えてくれないのか、と彼らは思ったのです。弟子たちの姿には、危機的な状況に置かれたときの私たちの姿が重なります。
「あなたがたを襲った試練で、人間として耐えられないようなものはなかったはずです。神は真実な方です。あなたがたを耐えられないような試練に遭わせることはなさらず、試練と共に、それに耐えられるよう、逃れる道も備えていてくださいます。」(コリントの信徒への手紙一 10章13節)
魂を生き返らせてくださる。主は御名にふさわしく/わたしを正しい道に導かれ る。
希望には信頼が必要です。神への信仰、神の約束への信頼が私たちに希望を与え、逆境と危機の中でもなお歩き続ける力を与えてくれます。イエスは弟子たちに言いました。「なぜ怖がるのか。まだ信じないのか。」(マルコによる福音書4章40節) まだ怖い。まだ信じきれない。でも大丈夫。今よりもっと信じられるようになる。怖れが和らぎ、希望に変えられる時が来る。イエスがそう約束し、信じてくださっているのです。
牧師 杉山望
October, 30, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
"Even in total
darkness, there is light"
Mark 4:35-41
There are times in life when we are hit by a sudden storm, or when we are covered in total darkness and cannot see what lies ahead. Where is God and what is He saying to us when we feel fearful and ready to give up? Let us consider the experience of Jesus and his disciples.
Disciples Fearing in the Darkness
On one occasion, Jesus was in a boat on Lake Galilee, teaching a large crowd that had gathered. When evening came that day, Jesus told his disciples, "Let’s cross over to the other side of the Lake Galilee. So the disciples rowed out into the Lake Galilee at night with Jesus in the boat.
A number of fishermen were among Jesus' disciples . They were fishermen on Lake Galilee, so they knew the area well and were familiar with the handling of the boat. Fishing was usually done in the middle of the night, so it was not unusual for them to go out to sea in their boats in the evening. They had experience and skill.
A fishing boat dating from the first century was once unearthed on Lake Galilee. If the boat in which Jesus and his disciples boarded was similar to that one, it was about 8 meters long and 2 meters wide. When Jesus and his disciples boarded it, there was not much room to spare, and it was of modest construction with no special equipment.
How long had it been since they rowed out? Suddenly, a violent gust of wind began to blow across the lake. Lake Galilee is surrounded by mountains, and storms blowing down from the mountains could suddenly wreak havoc on the lake. Fishermen feared this storm, and some would have lost their lives.
Boats would be driven by violent gusts of wind and tossed about by large waves. The boat was repeatedly covered by waves and the inside of the boat was flooded. To keep the boat from sinking, the disciples desperately tried to steer the boat, pump out the water, and hold on to it to keep it from being swept away. Everyone felt fear and was about to give up.
Then the disciples turned around and saw Jesus lying asleep in the stern of the boat. Jesus was also being rocked by the waves and covered by water, but he was sleeping without moving at all. The disciples were amazed and perplexed at the sight. They wondered if we were in such a critical situation and they didn't even realize it.
So the disciples woke Jesus up and said to him, "Teacher, we have fallen down. Teacher, do you not mind if we drown? (Mark 4:38) Do you care what happens to us? (Mark 4:38) They thought, "Don't you care what happens to us?" They thought, "Don't you care that we are being tossed about by a violent storm in this pitch darkness? The disciples image overlaps with our own in times of crisis.
God is always with us
Hearing the disciples' cries, Jesus got up. He rebuked the wind and commanded the lake, "Be silent and be still. Then the wind stopped and the lake became completely calm. The two-word command, "Be silent and be still," testifies that Jesus has the storm under control.
The "storm" here represents the demonic forces at work in the world. In other words, this event shows that Jesus is not merely reigning over natural phenomena, but that he has the power to oppose forces that do harm to human beings. Even when we have no control over them, God has the power to overcome them.
Where is this God? Jesus was not outside the storm. He was in the boat with his disciples, tossed about by the waves and repeatedly covered with water.
Jesus is with us even when we are in total darkness. When we are in a boat being tossed about by rough seas, Jesus is in the same boat with us. God is always with us, even when we cannot see Him, even when we feel afraid or ready to give up.
God always looks at us, knows all our thoughts, and knows our circumstances. God never leaves us in any moment. Just as the disciples cries reached Jesus, He hears our cries and our prayers.
Therefore, we are not alone in any moment. God is with us in every adversity and crisis. Just as Jesus was in the boat with his disciples, God will be with us in our lives.
A Beacon of Hope
When adversity or crisis strikes us, when it seems unbearable, a way out may unexpectedly present itself. In this way, God also prepares a way of escape for us.
God is true. He will not subject you to trials that you cannot endure, but He has prepared for you a way of escape so that you may be able to endure them.
(1 Corinthians 10:13)
Not only we have to face adversity, but sometimes we are led to take the escape route that God has prepared for us. So, even trials that seem unbearable, we do not always have to bear them.
Nevertheless, sometimes it will be necessary to endure and somehow move forward in the face of adversity or crisis. At those times, hope is what gives us strength and pushes us forward.
Not only that, but we also take pride in our tribulations. We know this. We know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces discipline, and discipline produces hope. Hope does not deceive us. For the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. (Romans 5:3-5)
In the midst of adversity and crisis, we need hope to keep going and not give up. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, an Anglican priest in South Africa, says, "Hope is being able to see that there is light in the midst of total darkness. If we can turn our eyes to the fact that there is an unquenchable light in the darkness, that there is a light at the end of the storm, then we can move toward that light.
Hope means that we have not given up yet. It means that we have not run out of motivation to move forward. It means that our hearts are directed toward the vision of what we want to be, what we want this to be, and what we want to see happen.
When man was in darkness, God showed him the light.
Jesus said again, "I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)
Jesus showed us that God is always with us. By his words and deeds, the Kingdom of God, which God has planned and intends to realize, has been revealed. God promises to confront and subdue any power that threatens or obstructs its fulfillment.
”The Lord is my shepherd, and I shall lack nothing.
He makes me rest in fields of green grass; He accompanies me by the waters of rest.
He revives my soul. He is worthy of his name: he leads me in the right path.
I will fear no evil when I go through the valley of the shadow of death. Thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff / give me strength.
Thou prepares a table for me in the presence of my tormentors. Thou anoint my head with oil; Thou make my cup to overflow.
As long as I live / Grace and mercy will always follow me. To the house of the Lord I will return / And there I will abide all the days of my life." (Psalm 23:1-6)
Faith that foster hope
Hope is not given by turning away from reality. If the disciples had turned away from the fact that a storm was brewing and the boat was about to sink, they would not have survived. They needed to accept the reality and deal with it in a way that would not sink the boat. It is important to accept what is happening first, rather than denying reality or shifting the issue.
However, we do not have to face the problem alone. We can face it together, think about it, and move on. You can ask someone to talk to you or ask for help. The disciples were working with each other and they asked Jesus for help. That was a good thing. It is not important to get through it on your own. It is okay to ask for help.
And that is where we look for hope. With concrete help, and in dialogue with one another, we look for where that hope is, for the vision that raise us hope. We have been given a vision that God has shown us. We have been shown what the predecessors of faith wrote down in the Bible, and we are told of the hope that kept us walking toward it.
God will surely seek to fulfill that hope. He is always with us, giving us that hope and inviting us to walk toward it with him. We are given help in unexpected ways, and we are taught to move toward hope.
Hope requires trust. Faith in God, trust in His promises, gives us hope and the strength to keep walking even in the midst of adversity and crisis. Jesus said to his disciples, "Why are you afraid? Do you still not believe?" (Mark 4:40) Still afraid, still not believing. But don't worry. You will be able to believe more than you do now. The time will come when your fear will ease and be replaced by hope. That is what Jesus has promised us, and we believe it.
Pastor: Nozomu Sugiyama