「いつも喜んでいなさい。絶えず祈りなさい。どんなことにも感謝しなさい。」(テサロニケの信徒への手紙一 5章16~18節)
「わたしたちは絶えず神に感謝しています。なぜなら、わたしたちから神の言葉を聞いたとき、あなたがたは、それを人の言葉としてではなく、神の言葉として受け入れたからです。」(テサロニケの信徒への手紙一 2章13節)
実はパウロは、テサロニケの前に訪れたフィリピで苦しめられ、辱められていました。神の言葉を伝えたいという熱い思いを持ちながら、挫折を経験したパウロにとって、テサロニケでの出会いは助けとなり、励ましとなりました。彼はテサロニケの人々のことをいとおしく思い、「自分の命さえ喜んで与えたい」と願うほどでした(テサロニケの信徒への手紙一 2章8節)。パウロにとって、テサロニケの人々は「愛する者」になったのです。
「わたしたちは、祈りの度に、あなたがたのことを思い起こして、あなたがた一同のことをいつも神に感謝しています。あなたがたが信仰によって働き、愛のために労苦し、また、わたしたちの主イエス・キリストに対する、希望を持って忍耐していることを、わたしたちは絶えず父である神の御前で心に留めているのです。」(テサロニケの信徒への手紙一 1章2~3節)
牧師 杉山望
October, 2, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
"Grateful for Everyone- For Being There for Me"
Scripture reading is taken from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 / New International Version (NIV))
Some say that the very foundation of the Christian life is joy, prayer, and thanksgiving. But for today, let us reflect on “giving thanks”. We are all where we are today because of all the people who have been there for us, and we, too, at times, have been that shoulder to lean on for someone else. We give thanks in our day-to-day lives because it is God who leads us to such relationships and helps us through such encounters.
What Gratitude is Based On
In 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13, Paul, the author of this letter, writes what he is constantly thankful for.
And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe. (1 Thessalonians 2:13 / NIV)
Before going to Thessalonica, Paul was humiliated and tormented at Philippi. Because of such setbacks, despite the passion to preach the word of God, Paul’s encounters at Thessalonica were a great encouragement and help. He cared for and loved the Thessalonians so much that he was willing to share his “lives as well” (1 Thessalonians 2:8 / NIV).
Since the Thessalonians accepted Paul’s words as the word of God, he acknowledges how much their mere existence was a comfort for him because of the hardships he had just experienced. Furthermore, Paul also writes how grateful he was for the support he received from them.
We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 / NIV)
Paul’s thanksgiving grew through his bond and interconnectedness with the Thessalonians as they supported each other in their relationship. If we only focus on his hardships, they were certainly not something to be thankful for, per se. But because of all the things he experienced, including the setbacks, he was given relationships and ties that he was continually thankful for. Thus, when Paul encourages us to “give thanks in all circumstances”, this gratitude is based on the connections that we have been given and the help that we have received through such relationships.
The Help We Have Received Thus Far
What comes to mind when you reflect on the relationships you have had with others or what you have encountered thus far? Have you ever assisted anyone, or have you ever been helped by someone else? Although we may have different encounters and experiences, when we look back on our lives, we must have had bonds, persons, and relationships that have helped us or have left a life-fulfilling impact to get us where we are now.
When I asked the same question last Wednesday at our Bible Reading Session, the participants shared various stories about their parents, teachers at school, bosses at work, support group staff, and many others. I have had precious connections and have been helped by numerous people, as well. I especially remember a mysterious encounter with an elder member of the church during my last year of high school. I had never talked to him much before, until that time, and he eventually ended up leaving the church as well. But this one time, when I was thinking about my path after graduation, he strongly encouraged me to do whatever I wanted to do and to make my heart’s desires a priority. Although our connection was a brief one, if it were not for him, I would not be where I am today. As I look back, I see God’s leading hand and am grateful for this experience.
God helps us in countless ways, whether it be big or small. For instance, we may receive strength from the giggles of happy children, or our hearts may be comforted through someone’s kind words. Or from another perspective, it could be said that our lives are sustained by someone delivering or making something to meet our daily needs.
Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 writes how, “The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (NIV). This conveys our interconnectedness and the importance of living with others. It shows how we are not meant to live alone in the first place. We live interdependently, receiving help in various shapes and sizes. This is how we were created to be.
Furthermore, we have not only been supported, but we, too, have been a shoulder for someone to lean on or a special someone for another person. Sometimes we may forget the little things or even the big contributions we may have made, but we have, at one point or another, been there for someone.
God created us to be interconnected and to thrive in relationships with each other. Whether it be big or small, we all have had encounters that helped us get to where we are now. And along the way, we too have helped others. It is through these numerous connections that God helps us and leads us in our lives.
Grateful for Everyone
None of us have gotten where we are on our own, nor can we live alone. Therefore, the Bible makes clear that “It is not good for the man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18 / NIV). Our connectedness not only helps us in obvious ways, but it also brings comfort and peace to our hearts. It is through such relationships that our souls are fulfilled. We all benefit from embracing others.
These relationships are not limited to those with whom we have close ties. Our cups can be filled with connections other than family and friends, and we too can fill someone else’s cup no matter how close we may be with that person. That is why it is important to recognize all people in yourself, not just in immediate bonds.
Have you ever thought about how many people are connected to you? Think of the people we come across in our day-to-day lives, even those who we do not even know by name. Let’s also dig deeper and think of our interconnectedness. How about the people who bring or make the food in our neighbouring supermarkets or those we are connected to through the internet? If we could see the value and worth of those we are close to and those beyond our everyday encounters, wouldn’t that contribute to making choices to help someone’s life a little better? And wouldn’t that be a wonderful action to share God’s love?
We are who we are and where we are today because of everyone with whom we have come into contact and received help, whether it be big or small. Each encounter is precious, and likewise, our lives have been embraced by someone else. Even now, someone’s life may be encouraged by our assistance or our very existence.
We are created to live together and to help each other out. God creates such connections between us, and at times, leads us to be the shoulder to lean on or gives us someone to lean on. In those bonds and connectedness, God is with us and guides us. So, let us thank God for all the people who have helped us along the way, and for God’s guidance to such beautiful encounters.
Pastor: Nozomu Sugiyama