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牧師 杉山望
August, 28, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
"The Journey to Be Blessed Together"
Scripture reading is taken from Genesis 12:1-3
Reverend Akinori Taguchi will be going to Fukuoka to serve as a pastor of the Japan Baptist Convention (JBC) ‘s "Fukuoka Bethany Village Church" in less than two weeks. So, in today's worship service, we will take time to pray together for the blessing of the start of a new ministry. Along with that, let us read about God's calling through today's passage.
In the Bible, we read of people like Abraham who have been given a special mission or a certain calling by God. But if you look at things from a different perspective, we are all given our lives by God and called to live out that life. Both are callings from God. And like Abraham, our calling will lead us to be a blessing.
God Wants to Bless
Genesis chapter 12 is the story of Abraham’s calling. The keyword here is “bless/blessing.” The words “bless,” or “blessing” is repeated five times in just two verses (Genesis 12:2-3). From this, it can be said that Abraham’s calling is associated with God’s blessing.
On the contrary, a word that repeatedly comes throughout Genesis chapter 3 through chapter 11 is “curse”. The word “curse” is repeated five times in these chapters (Gen. 3:14, 3:17, 4:11, 5:29, 9:25). The stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Adam’s genealogy, and Noah’s ark all tell of people who were supposed to have been created and blessed by God but lost their blessings and were cursed.
“To lose one’s blessings” means to lose life itself. It refers to the loss of strength to live and important relationships, which are vital for living. It refers to losing our way through life as if we were wandering away from God’s presence and plunging back into chaos.
And the “curse” that humans brought upon themselves was something that God would not ignore or sit idly by. Rather, it was something that moved God to act and do something new. And what God did was to “bless through” (Gen. 12:3) Abraham.
Therefore, the calling of Abraham was not FOR God. It was for us and all people. Because God cannot stand by and watch us being cursed, God was moved to act. God is moved because God wants to bless us. God wishes to give life and give it abundantly. This is the unchanging will of God.
At the same time, another we should keep in mind is that the world is not in our hands. We have no control over this world or even our own lives. When we assume that we humans determine all that goes on in this world, that is when the Bible becomes almost meaningless.
In other words, there are things in this world and areas in each of our lives that are beyond our control. Those are the things that God calls us to submit. And when we do, what is to follow is God’s blessings and abundant life that surpasses all our thoughts. This is why we entrust ourselves to God.
The Call to “Be a Blessing”
Thus, the call of Abraham was God’s plan to bless us all once again.
“The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” (Gen. 12:1 / New International Version (NIV))
Abraham was called to go towards the land that God would show him. He was not told what would happen there or what he would do. All that was asked of Abraham was to go according to the word of the Lord. And God’s word was accompanied by a promise.
“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Gen. 12:2-3 / NIV)
Abraham stood on God’s word and headed off towards the promise God had made to him—the promise to bless. His destination was a life and a place blessed by God. And that blessing was just not for him. All people on earth were to be blessed through him.
When we look at the last part of verse two in the Japanese New Interconfessional Translation, which is the translation that was read earlier, it is written: “be the source of blessing.” The original Hebrew text says, “be a blessing,” (as the New International Versions is translated). Although our calling from God may differ from Abraham’s, one common thing would be that God calls us to “be a blessing.”
The Mission Team that Blessed Us
However, this difference in the Japanese translation is something we should be careful about. By translating this passage to “be the SOURCE of blessing,” it gives an image that God’s blessing is something that trickles down from a certain source or fount, which almost sounds like the “trickle-down theory.” This economic theory refers to the idea that granting benefits to the rich or people at the top of a system will eventually be passed on to the people lower down the system. But the Gospel of Matthew makes it clear that this is not a reality.
“For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them” (Matthew 25:29 / NIV)
It could be said that the trickle-down theory imagery illustrates the cursed human state. God’s blessing is not something that flows down and spreads through the divide between those who have and those who do not. So, what does it mean to “be a blessing”?
Last week, the JBC’s Chubu-Region-Youth Committee’s Summer Mission Trip was held simultaneously at the three JBC churches in the Hokuriku region—one of the churches being ours. On Saturday, twelve teens served JBC’s church in Fukui prefecture then later split into three groups to serve each church on Sunday. Although our time of fellowship was restricted due to COVID19 preventative measures, it was a blessed time for each of the team members and for the churches that hosted them.
When I was in my twenties, I, too, participated in a similar mission trip that was held by the JBC’s North-Kanto-Region-Youth Committee. Eventually, I also had a chance to be involved in the planning of the mission trips as a staff member. Each summer we would go to a church in the region to hand out flyers, hold a special children’s program, or serve in the worship service. The churches that hosted us were grateful for the uplifting visit, but every time, it was always us, the mission team, who would feel more blessed and encouraged.
Responding to God’s Call
Through these experiences, it has dawned on me that perhaps blessings are not something that flows in a single direction. Blessings are to be shared. Just as bread was shared at the feeding of the five thousand, God’s blessing is be meant to be passed on from person to person; not something that flows from top to bottom.
Moreover, God works to bless us through others. Have you ever been blessed by another person? Take our church, Kanazawa Baptist Church, for example. Over the years, our church has been blessed through working together with other churches. We hope that we, too, have been a blessing to others through our ministry.
So, as we reflect on God’s calling today, let us go to the land that God shows us—towards the promise to bless us all. For some, this may mean leaving a place we have stayed so far, just like Abraham. For others, it could be a journey of leaving our old way of living and heading towards a new one. Either way, God will bless us repeatedly along the way, as we head towards and pray for the fulfilment of God’s promise.
Remember, God’s promise is a blessing to us, as well as our neighbours because it is a promise to bless all people. Let us stand on this promise and trust in the Word for this is how we respond to God’s call.
Pastor: Nozomu Sugiyama