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『かみさまのゆめ』(GOD’S DREAM)という題が付けられたこの絵本には、世界中の子どもたちに向けて語られた愛とゆるしのメッセージが込められています。
「狼は小羊と共に宿り/豹は子山羊と共に伏す。子牛は若獅子と共に育ち/小さ い子供がそれらを導く。牛も熊も共に草をはみ/その子らは共に伏し/獅子も牛もひとしく干し草を食らう。乳飲み子は毒蛇の穴に戯れ/幼子は蝮の巣に手を入れる。」(イザヤ書11章6~8節)
牧師 杉山望
July, 10, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
“The Wolf Will Live with the Lamb”
Scripture reading is taken from Isaiah 11:1-9
God's Dream
Last Friday, former Prime Minister Abe was shot and later confirmed dead. In Japan, prime ministers have been assassinated before: Takashi Hara was stabbed to death in 1921, Tsuyoshi Inukai was shot by a young naval officer in 1932, and Korekiyo Takahashi and Minoru Saito were assassinated by young officers in 1936.
However, these incidents happened before the Second World War, and I was very surprised because I did not think it would happen again in modern Japan. Although I have many complaints about Mr. Abe's work, I do not believe that such violent means will create a better society. Rather, I am more concerned that we are on the way to war, just as we were a century ago.
Even before this incident occurred, I had intended to introduce a picture book based on the words of Desmond Tutu, Archbishop of the Anglican Church of South Africa. In South Africa, there was a policy of racial segregation (apartheid). In this context, he was the voice of the voiceless black people and devoted half his life to promoting equality, justice, and peace. After the abolition of apartheid, he became chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and worked for forgiveness and coexistence.
This picture book, titled “GOD'S DREAM”, contains a message of love and forgiveness addressed to children around the world.
Recognizing God's Promises as Truth
Isaiah 11 can also be called "God's Dream.” The chapter tells us about the age to come. It is a prophecy about the world that God intends to bring about, a world that will be realized as we listen to and live according to God's words.
It paints an impressive picture of the peace that is to come. Yet the people to whom the promise was given were suffering from anxiety and fear. The people in Jerusalem feared that the great nation of Assyria would invade Jerusalem since Assyria had already destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel. Fearing that they would be next, Isaiah appealed to the people to trust in God even as they tried to rely on the military might of Egypt.
The Hebrew word for trust is heʼèmiyn. It does not mean simply to trust but also to acknowledge the truth of a promise that is tied to a concrete matter. The reality we face is very harsh. This word is not about turning away from reality, but about accepting it, and acknowledging that God's promises are true.
In a world that causes anxiety and fear, we should not try to rely on our own strength, but rather dare to entrust everything to God. We do what we must with the confidence that God's promises are unshakable and will be fulfilled.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu said that hope is the power to see the light in darkness. When darkness covers us, we cannot see the light, and we think there is no hope anywhere. But the light is indeed with us because God's promises are never lost. If we can acknowledge that God's promises are true in the midst of darkness, and find the light in His promises, then hope will never be lost.
Realization of Fairness and Justice
Isaiah 11:1-5 tell us about a king who fulfilled God's promises. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon the king, and he was given four different gifts: "the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might," (11:2). The Spirit of the Lord "rested on", rather than simply “came to” him. This implies an intimate involvement. We see that we cannot fulfill God's promises by ourselves and therefore that we need God's guidance and help.
Isaiah describes the nature and activities of this king as follows:
[H]e will delight in the fear of the Lord.
He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
or decide by what he hears with his ears;
but with righteousness he will judge the needy,
with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.
He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth;
with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.
Righteousness will be his belt
and faithfulness the sash around his waist. " (Isaiah 11:3-5)
In other words, this king executed equity and justice. He did not judge according to the rumors circulating in the streets or the claims of those in power. This king feared God and used his righteous wisdom to discern the truth and judge impartially.
The king's judgments were for the weak and the poor. This was not a case of "anything goes as long as you don't break the law.” The king judged for the weak and gave a fair defense to the poor. And he rose against those who defied his judgment, oppressing the common people.
The appearance of this king is a prerequisite for the fulfillment of God's promises. These promises cannot be separated from the realization of equity and justice. Moreover, faith is the recognition that God's promises are true. Therefore, faith is deeply connected to the coming of fairness and justice in the world.
The Wolf and the Lamb Together
Verses 6-9 in Chapter 11 tell us about the peace God promised. Through wise judgments and opposition to the powerful, the king created a new world with God. The emphasis here was on the peaceful coexistence of those who were different.
The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling together;
and a little child will lead them.
The cow will feed with the bear,
their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
(Isaiah 11:6-8)
The wolf attacks the lamb, and the leopard preys upon the goat. Likewise, the powerful have repeatedly robbed and oppressed the powerless throughout history and are still doing so today. The reality is truly dark. But God promised to create a world where the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and the goat can lie down together.
The Israelites did not accept Isaiah's prophecy. With the threat of their enemy, Assyria, looming before them, they could not believe God's promises. They did not know when they would be conquered, so the best strategy Israel could devise on their own later came with an even greater threat.
When fairness and justice are finally realized and God's promises are fulfilled, people who used to fight against each other can live together, eat together, and play together. There will no longer be a need for a powerful king to lead. Small children will be able to lead, and the threat of the enemy will be completely gone.
This promise has already been fulfilled several times. South Africa is just one example. It is true that the world is a dark place, and light is hard to find. However, the light has indeed been lit. God has promised that light will spread and cover the world.
God taught us that this truth is assured. He has not forgotten the promise and offered Jesus himself to fulfill the promise. Jesus’s ministry is like the king who brings equity and justice. He fulfilled God's promise by remaking not only our hearts, but also the history, economy, society, and politics of this world.
We believe God's promises. We believe that the day will come when the wolf and the lamb can live together. We follow Jesus Christ, who is remaking the world to fulfill His promise. God’s words are presented to us as a sure promise in Isaiah 11:9:
They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama