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あなたを憐れむ主は言われる。」 (イザヤ書54章10節)
わたしたちの神に立ち帰るならば、豊かに赦してくださる。」 (イザヤ書55章6~7節)
わたしの思いはあなたたちの思いを、高く超えている。」 (イザヤ書55章8~9節)
牧師 杉山望
June, 5, 2022, Sunday Worship Service
"Beyond Our Thoughts"
Scripture reading is taken from Isaiah 55:8-11
Amagi Sanso
The Japan Baptist Convention is now voting at its general meeting on the sale of Amagi Sanso. Amagi Sanso is a lodging facility that was created in 1954 with the support of people from the Southern Baptist Convention of America.
The Sanso has a large wooden chapel that can accommodate up to 400 people for worship, a dining hall that can accommodate 400 people for meals, a gymnasium that is indispensable for youth retreats, and three accommodation buildings equipped with a chapel. The Convention has used the building for various gatherings as well as for its regular general meetings.
Last week, Mr. Motoi wrote an article about Amagi Sanso, in which she described the first time she met me. At that time, I was a member of the steering committee for the general meeting, so I was spending a flurry of time. At that time, Mr. Motoi, whom I had never met before, stopped me and said, "I will ask you to preach in our special evangelism meeting at our church next time, so please don't refuse. I had never been invited to a special evangelism meeting before, so this was completely unexpected and I remember being very surprised and perplexed.
Not everyone has been to Amagi Sanso, even though it is an important facility of our convention. Nevertheless, the time spent with people from churches all over Japan, separated from everyday life, was special, and unforgettable memories have been created. Through these experiences, various connections have been made and decisions of faith have been given.
For this reason, there was some confusion about the decision to let go of Amagi Sanso. Especially this time, since the proposal is to sell Amagi Sanso to a general real estate company, there are people who do not agree with it and are opposed to it.
We do not know what the outcome of this general meeting will be. But in any case, it is probably impossible to restore the Amagi Sanso as it was before. The convention does not have the strength to utilize Amagi Sanso in the future. The people who have been responsible for the work of Amagi Sanso for a long time have already been forced to retire. In this sense, the "Amagi Sanso" as we remember it has already been lost.
Furthermore, Amagi Sanso is not the only thing that will be lost. A number of churches are facing the crisis of closure or dissolution. They are reaching our limits financially and in terms of human resources. We will not be able to send missionaries, we will not be able to continue our publications, we will not be able to hold a Boys and Girls Camp on a national scale, or other things will happen ....... We must live in such times.
Returning to God
So today, we hear God's words to those who have lost something precious. Chapters 40-55 of Isaiah are called “Second Isaiah”. The people of Judah who heard this prophecy were living in captivity in a corner of the Babylonian kingdom. Jerusalem, the city where the people of Judah lived, and the temple, the center of their faith, had been destroyed.
At first the people of Judah were upset at the loss, but as the decades passed, some of them lost all hope. To those who had lost their stronghold and could no longer stand, God told them, " Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
says the Lord, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54:10)
We are perplexed and shaken by various events. When things that we took for granted, things that we thought belonged to us, things that we never doubted would last forever, are lost, we feel anxious, fearful, frustrated, and sad.
We all waver. If we are made to believe that nothing lasts forever and nothing can be shaken, then we are more upset. But don't worry. There is one thing that never changes and never wavers. It is the mercy and compassion of the Lord God. God is going to make a covenant of peace with you. God will never leave you, and His love for you will never waver. You can have hope in that God.
God empowers those who lose hope in Him to do so. On the other hand, more and more people have tried to rely on something more powerful than the Lord God. Instead of living according to God, they followed the power of the world, from which they also gained worldly power, and through it, life. To such people, God says,
"Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call on him while he is near.
Let the wicked forsake their ways
and the unrighteous their thoughts.
Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them,
and to our God, for he will freely pardon." (Isaiah 55:6-7)
God has loved us unchanged. Yet we are put in adversity not because God failed to protect us. Nor is it because God has failed to extend a helping hand. It is because we did not seek God, did not call on Him, and walked in the ways of the disobedient.
Even in such times, God is with us. If we ask, He will find us; if we call, He will answer. If we turn to the Lord God, He will have mercy and forgive us abundantly. For us to regain hope and life, we need to leave our schemes behind and turn to God.
My Thoughts and God's Thoughts
We are called to do so because God's thoughts are different from our thoughts.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9)
God affirms that His thoughts are "different" from your thoughts, and that His thoughts are "high above" your thoughts. God's thoughts are not a supplement to our thoughts, nor do they add anything to our thoughts. It is different - or at least, sometimes different - from our thoughts.
What are "our thoughts" that are different from God's thoughts? For example, there is the endless desire for us to be rich. This is a widely shared desire in today's society. Of course, it is natural to seek abundance in order to escape from a life of hardship, but in today's world, there is no longer an upper limit to satisfying abundance, and the desire to be rich seems to be running amok.
Modern affluence has been created at the cost of many sacrifices. For example, the consumption of large amounts of fossil fuels has produced a lot of material goods and created a "comfortable" life. However, behind the scenes, environmental destruction has become serious, endangering the lives of many people and organisms living today. It is increasingly likely that such a situation will become more serious for hundreds and thousands of years to come. Still, it is "our thought" to continue to seek abundance, but I believe that this is not the same as God's thought.
We have been led to believe that the fulfillment of "our thoughts" is happiness and God's grace. However, at this time when so many things are being lost, I would like to stop and think about it once again. I wonder if it was really so. If all the people of the world continue to seek the fulfillment of "our thoughts," will that world be a world in which we can have life?
There is a Lord God who always loves us, always guides us with unfailing compassion, and always waits for us to open the door to peace. Isn't it necessary to return to that God, to ask Him, to call on Him, in order to gain life? Isn't it best for me to have God's thoughts come true, not to have my thoughts come true?
The Word of God on a mission.
Having said that, we live in an age in which "my thoughts" are considered the best. No, I am not even sure if those are really "my thoughts" in the first place. The things we want or need may have been induced by advertisements or commercials. My thoughts may not be determined by me alone, but may be influenced by people with influence.
In such a world, who can receive God's thoughts? Can nothing be created? No, that is not true. God's thoughts become words and accomplish what He wants in this world.
“As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Neither rain nor snow can be made to fall by human beings. They occur outside the reach of human hands and fall to the earth. Both rain and snow eventually turn into vapor and return to the heavens. In the meantime, rain and snow moisten the earth, causing plants and flowers to makes it sprout, grow and nurture life.
In the same way, the Word of God, which comes from the mouth of God, returns to God in vain and without producing anything. It will accomplish what God desires and will surely fulfill the mission that the Lord has given it. When, where, and how it works, we cannot know all of it. The Word of God fulfills its mission as it wishes, even when we cannot see it or notice it.
It does not say, "Walk as you wish." Human beings need the true God. It is important for us to realize God's thoughts, which are high above our thoughts. We can only know a part of God's thoughts, but let us trust and walk according to Him, who thinks of us more than anyone else.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama