「地は、それぞれの生き物を産み出せ。家畜、這うもの、地の獣をそれぞれに生み 出せ。」(創世記1章24節)
牧師 杉山望
May, 15, 2022, Sunday Service
"Scattered and United"
Scripture reading is taken from Genesis 1:1-9
I was asked to write an article for the magazine "Baptist", the official magazine of the Japan Baptist Convention (JBC). This year's theme is "Get Connected and Walk Together. I am involved in the reorganization of the JBC, and a reform of the General Assembly. Because of this, I was asked to write on the theme of diverse people getting connected.
However, when I read the Bible, I realize that getting connected is not always a good thing. Rather, in some cases, God scatters the people who are trying to get connected in order to bring different people together. Today, let's think about the connectedness that the Lord values.
The Story of the Tower of Babel and Its Background
Today's passage is known as "Tower of Babel." At the beginning of the story, "the whole world had one language and a common speech" (Genesis 11:1). It is not just that people spoke the same language, but that they shared one set of values, thought in the same way, and acted in the same way. There were no differences between people; they were one civilization.
Then those people, using bricks and clay, said "let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves" (11:4). It was not one person who initiated the idea, but all of them discussed it together, coming to the same idea, and tried to build a tower that would reach to the heavens.
The reason they wanted to build a tower was so that the people of Babel would not "be scattered over the face of the whole earth" (11:4). They feared that they would be separated, that they would fall apart. If they were scattered, they would speak differently, think differently, and act differently. That is what the people of Babel feared.
Then, the Lord God came down and saw the city with the tower that the people of Babel had built. The Lord did not think it was good and confused the people's language, saying "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them" (11:6). After that, the people could no longer understand each other's words, and they were scattered all over the world.
This story is so impressive that several painters have depicted it. When I was a child, we had a jigsaw puzzle of the Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel at home. It was a 5,000-piece puzzle, large enough to fill a table. I remember spending many days trying to solve it with my mother and sister. However, this puzzle was too difficult, and I gave up before I could complete it. Trying to build the Tower of Babel caused me to experience the confusion that of that story.
When the people of Babel tried to build a city with a huge tower, they said that they would "make a name" by it (11:4). To "make a name" meant not merely to be known, but to make themselves special, to be great. Trying not to be scattered means staying safe by being united with one's peers.
The Tower of Babel had a model. It was a huge tower called a "Ziggurat." It is said to have reached 90 meters in length and width and about 90 meters in height. It was a place of worship for the gods of the city, but it also symbolized the immense power of the people who ruled the city. People with differences were subjugated under that great power. While the people were being unified as one in the city, the strong and the weak - the rulers and the ruled - were created.
Power that Forcibly Creates Unity
Under great power, differences are lost, and people are unified as one. Conversely, in becoming one, people can have great power. Becoming one does not mean that everyone becomes the same, but rather that some people gather power. By bringing in people with differences and making them equal, people with power can get more power.
For example, Hokkaido had the Ainu language, Okinawa had the Ryukyuan language, Taiwan had the Taiwanese language, and the Korean Peninsula had the Korean language. However, in order to have the power to compete with the Western powers, prewar Japan incorporated Hokkaido, Ryukyu, Taiwan, and Korea into Japan one after another, forcing the local people to use the Japanese language. Prewar Japan tried to unify the incorporated areas as "one people" by eliminating not only languages but also various cultural differences.
More than a year has passed since the coup took place in Myanmar, a multi-ethnic country consisting of more than 130 ethnic groups. There has been a great struggle between the Myanmar military and ethnic minorities. Myanmar has had a long military dictatorship, but there have also been democratic movements. Nevertheless, the military has tried to stay in power, claiming that the unity of the country cannot be maintained without them in power.
Becoming one may not always have negative implications. In sports, for example, a team under a strong leader could be united to win a game. If players want to win an important game at all costs, becoming one may be a surefire way to do so.
Nevertheless, this kind of unification by force inevitably involves coercion and ignores the differences between people. It may lead to a risk of losing individuality. We are reminded from today's story that the Lord sometimes hinders us from trying to have great power through coercion.
We Are Loved Because of Our Differences
Last week, we restarted our Wednesday worship service with a new format, "Bible Reading Group." As for the program, not much has changed. We sing hymns, pray, read the Bible, and talk about the message. However, the biggest change is that we have made is that the participants can talk and listen to one another, instead of just the pastor speaking.
Last week we had Mother's Day. So, we read a passage about mothers and children. I asked the participants what things came to mind when they thought about their mothers. About 10 of them told me different stories. This is probably because their past relationships with their mothers and their current situation with their mothers and themselves are different.
We are different to begin with, and we have lived different lives. We have some things that are similar, but more things that are different. In the beginning, God created the things that live in the world in a variety of forms.
"Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind. " (Genesis 1:24).
In recent years, there have been calls to protect biodiversity. A wide variety of organisms exist on the earth, and they live, influencing one another. Without these interactions, none of these organisms would be able to survive.
One type of biodiversity is called "genetic diversity." Even within the same species, individuals with different genes are more likely to be able to adapt to changes in the surrounding environment. For this reason, it is better to have individual differences within the same species.
It is the same for us humans. The Lord created us to have differences. It is better to have differences. Times and societies change, and groups of all sizes are subject to change. Because of this, it is better for us to be different than to be the same in order to continue to exist, even in different ways.
It is because we are different that we can notice things. It is because we are different that we can see things. The Lord loves and accepts us as we are with differences. He values the words each of us speaks and the thoughts each of us holds. The Lord makes it good that we are different.
Journey Toward Blessing
In the story of the Tower of Babel, the Lord confused the people's languages so that the people could not understand each other's words. When people speak different languages, they do not always understand each other immediately. If they only listen to their own ideas, they will end up being scattered like the people in Babel.
Scattering the people was a judgment on those who tried to unite against God's will. But it was not mere punishment. The scattering of the people throughout the land was in accordance with the Lord's purpose of creation, which was to increase and spread life in all its diversity.
If the scattering of the people were to divide them and prevent them from relating to one another, that would not be the Lord's intention. Or, if it caused people to be hostile and fight one another, that would not be the Lord's intention either. God's purpose is not to scatter people for the sake of scatting them.
The story of the Tower of Babel leads to Abraham's calling and promise of blessing. The Lord invited Abraham to travel to a land he did not know. Abraham was told not only that he himself would be blessed, but also that all the people of the earth would receive a blessing. By then, people already spoke different languages. Abraham was chosen so that those who lived differently could enter the blessing.
The Lord is bringing the scattered people together. It is for all people to regain a relationship with God, to know and respond to God's creative intent, and to enter the Lord's blessing. The Lord seeks to create a new union where we are bound together by the Lord, recognizing differences, by trusting the Lord who gives us His blessings.
A unity where different people can relate to one another and live together in peace is not just for some people. If we are scattered by the Lord and joined together by Him, we may be able to create a society in which each individual is valued and no one is left behind, even if we do not have great power.
To create such a society, we need the Lord's help and guidance, just as Abraham followed the Lord's words and set out on his journey. We need to trust the Lord and pray to Him. We need to listen to the Lord's words together and also listen to one another. This may be a slow journey, but I believe it will be a journey of hope.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama