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牧師 杉山望
May, 8, 2022, Sunday Service
"Give weigh to your old mother and father"
Scripture reading is taken from Exodus 20:12
Commandments addressed to adults with aging parents
The Ten Commandments are the most important and central of the laws written down in the Bible. The way of human life as set forth by the law is indispensable for man to live in peace, happiness, and contentment. But Jesus does not say that by keeping the law we will be saved. You are already saved. God loves you. God's desire is taught through the Law - and through the Ten Commandments - that you, who are already saved and loved, can and should live this way.
One of the commandments contained in those Ten Commandments is "Honor your father and your mother" (Exodus 20:12). The Hebrew word translated "honor" originally meant “to weigh”. Therefore, this is a commandment to "give weight to your father and your mother”. Furthermore, father and mother are placed on equal footing here, and both are taught to be equally respected.
When I read this passage, I thought of children thanking their fathers and mothers. That is all well and good, but the Ten Commandments are addressed more to adults than to children. They are directed to those who have been accepted as full-fledged adults in society, who have become independent in their respective functions, some of whom have children and have become parents ......, and they are teaching them to honor their own fathers and mothers.
If this were spoken to young children, it would be a matter of feeling and attitude, “Let us be thankful to our fathers and mothers”. Parents would be assumed to be hard working. On the other hand, if this was spoken to adults, then the father and mother who should be respected are already elderly.
In ancient Israel, life expectancy was shorter than in modern Japan, and people aged more quickly. By the time their children reached adulthood, some of them would have been unable to work due to age, illness, or disability. The passage may have conjured up images of a father and mother who were even older than they thought they were.
Even though the positions are reversed, we still value them.
Aging was a sign of blessing in the Bible. Old age was seen as a blessing because the person was in God's will. The wisdom, life experience, judgment, and God-fearing faith of the elderly have also been emphasized and spoken of as something to be respected. This is evidenced by the fact that it was said, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.” (Proverbs 16:31).
However, even in ancient Israel, the elderly were not always respected. For example, the Bible says this.
For example, the Bible also says, "Whoever robs their father and drives out their mother is a child who brings shame and disgrace." (Proverbs 19:26)
“Anyone who attacks their father or mother is to be put to death.” (Exodus 21:15)
The reason these words were spoken and written down was probably because there were actual instances of violence against one's father, casting out one's mother, or whipping one's parents. We do not know how often that happened. But it must have been something that was not to be taken lightly.
Parents, who were absolute in their early years, gradually age, and children grow up and become more powerful. Children, who have gained more power than their parents, should respect and continue to honor their elderly parents, which is the way of life that is considered good by God.
Incidentally, the commandment, " Anyone who attacks their father or mother is to be put to death," may seem too severe a punishment. The Law describes several wrongs for which the death penalty is imposed, but they were not always carried out to the letter. God's intention was to teach us that this was important enough to be life-threatening.
Does this society also value parents?
If we expand a little, it is possible that what is taught in this passage is not only about respecting one's own parents. In today's Japan, the nuclear family has become the norm, and the traditional community has been lost. In such a society, one might think that this commandment is only about respecting one's own parents.
However, in ancient Israelite society, people from the same tribe lived together. Whether they were living on the road to the Exodus or settling and making their homes in the land of Canaan, they did not live independently with only a small family. People formed extended families and lived together, sharing meals, sharing what they had, and accommodating each other.
In such a situation, it would be difficult to say that this commandment has been fulfilled if only one's own parents are respected, while the other parents living together are not respected. Of course, this is a commandment directed first and foremost to the direct parent-child relationship. However, I think that this commandment is fulfilled when we respect and honor the elderly who were our parents together in our respective communities.
On the other hand, in the modern age, society has come to take on the tasks that were once carried out by the family and the community. In the areas of pensions, long-term care, and medical care, social functions have replaced the individual and the community. If so, this commandment is a question not only about individual family relationships, but also about social institutions, government work, and the structure of society.
We believe that not only the desire of each individual to honor and respect his or her own father and mother, but also the guiding principle of what this society should be like in order for our aging parents to actually be respected and respected. I believe that it is also God's intention to question and appeal to the elderly, no matter whose parents they are - or even the elderly who are not parents - to ask whether they are being respected correctly.
Toward a society where no one is left behind
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12)
God promised that if we would honor our parents - our old mothers and fathers - we would live long in the land that the Lord would give us. That land is a place blessed by God and full of life, a place of peace and prosperity.
God loves and rescues people - us - to lead us to such a place. He taught us how to live righteously through the Law so that we could inherit blessings and life.
His commandments are addressed to all people, but the first to be questioned are those who have power at this time. Before He asks young children, who are still weak in strength, He addresses adults with aging parents, asking them, do you honor your mother and father? And even beyond the individual, I ask whether this society values the elderly.
I believe that the commandments of the Law teach that those who have lost their strength at the time should not be left behind either. Therefore, the question being asked is not simply a matter of age, but whether those who are now weakened are being given weight. There are people who have great strength, even if they are elderly. The question is not whether such people are respected or not. It is essential for human beings to live long in God's blessing that people who have lost their strength be respected.
If that is the case, it would be a mistake to give priority only to the elderly and place a heavy burden on the current generation and the future. To sacrifice someone else in order to give priority to someone else is not the way of life or the way of society as indicated by the Law.
We give weigh to our elderly mothers and fathers. God's intention expressed in this is that those who are losing their strength now will also be respected without being left behind. It is not only for each individual to have such an awareness, but also for the community and society as a whole to choose a form that leaves no one behind. If we are led by God, who loves and saves without leaving anyone behind, and if we move forward on such a path together, humanity will live long in God's blessing. That is God's promise.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama