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「神はキリストによって世を御自分と和解させ、人々の罪の責任を問うことなく、和解の言葉をわたしたちにゆだねられたのです。」(コリントの信徒への手紙二 5章19節)
牧師 杉山望
May, 1, 2022, Sunday Service
"The Journey to the Other Side"
Scripture reading is taken from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Paul the Apostle describes our ministry as “the ministry of reconciliation.” However, in the world we live today, divisions among people are deepening and widening, and peace is continually disappearing. “Reconciliation” not only feels difficult with conflicts between countries but in our daily lives as well. Despite such realities, God shows us a vision of reconciliation. Let us hear from the Word of God about the journey towards God’s vision of reconciliation which goes beyond our imagination.
Hope That the Light is Indeed There
I became more aware of the word “reconciliation” after visiting the country Rwanda. The Rwandan genocide occurred in 1994, in which more than 800,000 people were killed over one hundred days. Among those who survived, there were some who were severely wounded, some whose houses were burned down and left homeless, some who became orphans, and women who were raped, as well as children who were born because of these rapes.
While in Rwanda, I visited a genocide memorial and sites of massacres. There I saw the bones and clothes of the victims and heard the testimonies of survivors. I was left speechless at the devastating scars. What confused and shocked me, even more, was that Rwanda had been held up as a model of “successful evangelization” in the world and that about 95% of the population were Christians. Many of the victims and perpetrators of the genocide were also Christians.
Ten years have passed since I went to Rwanda, but ever since then I have been continuously asking myself the question, “what is the ‘gospel’?.” Christianity was not able to prevent or resist the genocide in Rwanda. Thus, I believe that what was passed on to Rwanda from Europe as the “gospel" was somehow misaligned, that something had been missing.
Perhaps this is also because I received the gospel of "reconciliation" in Rwanda, where the genocide had occurred. There I heard a woman who had lost her family and suffered deep wounds say that she forgave the men who had perpetrated violence against her. I also saw a victim's house rebuilt by the perpetrator's own hands. I met men who faced their mistakes, spoke the truth, and expressed sincere apologies. These people were also sustained and led by the "gospel.”
These stories are only a small part of the whole story. But to me, it seemed like a small light was lit in the deep darkness. The light is not big enough to wipe out the darkness. Nor can it erase the past or make the suffering of the present go away. Still, I could believe that the light was certainly there. No matter how deep darkness is that is not how it should be. God is there to shine the light and rebuild the broken world. There was indeed such hope.
Being Reconciled to God
Even Paul, who preached the gospel of reconciliation, faced broken relationships with people. He himself had been a persecutor before he met Jesus Christ. He pleads that making peace between people is accompanied by peace with God. Because of sin, we are separated from God, but when we are reconciled to God and bound to God, then peace is manifested between people as well.
Our sin separates us from God, and peace is lost. We harm our neighbours, destroy relationships, and fail to protect the good world God has created. Being reconciled to God does not mean that God overlooks our sin. If God did nothing and said nothing there, this world would remain broken, and the darkness would only grow deeper.
Yet, this does not mean that God punishes sinful beings. The idea that having extremely harsh and severe measures will eliminate sin, which is like Draconian laws in recent criminal justice policies in Japan, does not lead to the creation of a more peaceful society. Since punishment is all that matters, it does not face sin in the end either.
Let us consider reconciliation between God and human beings by comparing it to the relationship between a teacher and a child. Any child can hurt a friend, break something, or violate a rule that he or she is supposed to keep. Teachers, then, are not to overlook it and not get involved, nor are they to harshly scold and punish them and force them to change. Instead, they show what has been hurt and broken, encouraging them to work toward mending it. That means apologizing to friends, fixing what was broken, or making sure they will be able to properly follow through next time.
God is not an uncaring bystander, nor is God a harsh judge. God is Creator who restores what is broken and makes it new. God is the one who redeems our sin by binding us to God, even when we have fallen into sin. Jesus died on the cross for all people. Through Jesus, God binds our sin to Godself. God reunites us with God by the work of God's Word, so that we may be made new.
“that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. “ (2 Corinthians 5:19 / New International Version (NIV))
Having been reconciled to God, we are joined to Christ and transformed by God through Christ. As Christ is risen from the dead, we too are created anew. And having been committed to the message of reconciliation, we are moved by God's love which does not give up on us, and we serve in the work of reconciliation, mending wounds and rebuilding what has been broken.
The Journey of Reconciliation
Someone once said, "Reconciliation is a long and fragile journey.” Reconciliation is not something that happens anytime, anywhere, or with ease. As we see in Rwanda, or as you can imagine from our individual experiences, it is not always easy. Moreover, even when we think we have been able to rebuild, sometimes it can be broken again.
Nevertheless, the lack of immediate results does not mean that the pursuit of reconciliation is in vain. Rather, reconciliation is increasingly necessary and has been always sought. It certainly takes a long time, but step by step, inch by inch, reconciliation has indeed been brought about.
If reconciliation is a journey, it is a crossing from here and now to the other side. The other side is where God's vision that is beyond what we can imagine is revealed. This is not a place that we can reach on our own, but one that is guided by God's grace.
Moreover, the journey of reconciliation is a walking journey with God. Once we are reconciled to God and united with Christ, our desires are transformed into God's desires. The things we aspire to become are turned into the things that God invites us to become. Although not perfectly, but little by little, we are transformed into the likeness of Christ. Thus, it is a journey of walking with God and drawing closer to God.
It is also a journey that is accompanied by hope. Amid a world of increasing darkness, we tend to lose sight of the other side. But God's story teaches us that this broken world is not the way it should be. God's story tells us that God has descended into this darkness to restore what is broken and make a new creation while engaging in the pain and suffering of humankind.
This world is full of repeated events that make reconciliation seem impossible. Retaliation is often met with retaliation, and divisions between people are deepened. However, if we look closely, there is light in such a world. God's work of reconciliation is already taking place. We have encountered people who have been made new and we ourselves have experienced being renewed.
That is why we do not lose hope but serve the ministry of reconciliation. We share God’s story and God’s vision. Let us continue in reconciliation journey with God so that we can pass on the baton to the people of the future, as we have received the baton from others who have travelled with God in this journey.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama