「わたしは主、あなたの神、あなたをエジプトの国、奴隷の家から導き出した神で ある。あなたには、わたしをおいてほかに神があってはならない。」(出エジプト記20章2~3節)
牧師 杉山望
March, 20, 2022, Sunday Service
"Escape from a Discriminatory Society"
Scripture reading is taken from Exodus 6:2-9
God's Motivation to Take an Action
At God's call, Moses and his brother Aaron went to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. The will of God, which Moses conveyed, was to send the Israelites into the wilderness to worship God. Pharaoh, however, resisted the request and made the Israelites work even harder.
The Israelites were asked to do harsh labor and were beaten if they couldn't do it. Therefore, they protested to Pharaoh, but he would not listen. The anger of the Israelites was directed at Moses and Aaron, who were negotiating with Pharaoh. Moses, too, wondered why they had to suffer like this and why the Lord would not save them.
So, the Lord again told Moses what He was going to do.
"Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh: Because of my mighty hand he will let them go; because of my mighty hand he will drive them out of his country." (Exodus 6:1)
For God, this was the fulfillment of the covenant He had made with the people of Israel. God had promised to give the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants. Hearing the people groaning in pain, God remembered this promise and planned to fulfill it.
In today's passage, God declared three times over, "I am the Lord." This was God's way of expressing His responsibility. It means that He would not disappoint or abandon those whom He had called "My people," and that He was determined to do whatever it would take to fulfill the promises He had made.
Thus, God acts when people are oppressed, suffering, and groaning in order to fulfill His promise to give life and blessing to them. God does not ask people to sacrifice. The motivation is to fulfill the promise, is God's own determination to make it happen.
Escape from Discrimination and Oppression
Jewish people continue remember the events of the Exodus and that they were once slaves. When you think about it, this is unusual. In Japan, for example, "historical revisionism" is influencing the society to conveniently interpret past events, fabricate facts, and glorify its history.
However, the Bible records a past that is unfavorable to Israel. It is a history of failure and humiliation, a memory soaked in blood, sweat, and tears. Jewish people continually recall the past and remember their slavery.
This is because the Lord demands that those who have been liberated must never be enslaved again. They must remain free. After God's work of liberation, people must not be discriminated against and oppressed again.
The Exodus is about an escape from Egypt, where the Israelites had been discriminated against and oppressed. In other words, the Exodus is about a movement to escape from a society of discrimination and oppression and create a new society and a new community. That is why God could not allow them to stay in Egypt or return there.
In the beginning of the Ten Commandments, it is said:
"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. " (Exodus 20:2-3)
If we experience the events in the Exodus, -- if we experience God's work of liberation and salvation -- we are God's people, not slaves. If we live as God's people, we must not return to slavery. We must not believe in, submit to, or be caught up in anything but the Lord God.
That means that we are not slaves -- we should not be subject to discrimination or oppression -- and at the same time we must not discriminate or oppress anyone. God, through the Law, also repeatedly warns against discrimination and oppression.
The memory of the Exodus is important. It points to what God is going to do in the world, for us humans -- and even for all creation. God throws out the old and creates the new, bringing people out of a society of discrimination and oppression and to creating a new society.
The Structure Where the Center Takes from the Periphery
Jewish philosopher Martin Buber once said, "The real captivity of the Israelites in Egypt is that they have become accustomed to it." Certainly, the Israelites suffered and groaned in Egypt. But they may have been unable to imagine escaping from where they were and creating a different society.
In addition, even though the Israelites were suffering, they regretted their escape from Egypt and missed their lives of slavery. Moreover, after reaching the land of Canaan, they even became like Egyptians themselves, discriminating and oppressing other people.
Thus, even in a society where there is discrimination and oppression, we become accustomed it and unconsciously support it. We cannot even imagine escaping from it, and we lose sight of the hardships inflicted on us and the suffering we have inflicted.
One of the most common forms of discrimination and oppression in the world today is created by the ideology of neoliberalism. It uses the word "freedom," but it is nothing like the freedom that God brought in the Exodus.
Some scholars have said that this idea of neoliberalism has been used to restore class power. The Bible says:
"Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them." (Matthew 13:12)
Disparities have continued to widen, poverty has worsened, and ecosystems have been irrevocably destroyed. The social security system has been dismantled. Employment has become more and more unstable with the number of non-regular workers increased. Hope for a stable life and future continues to wane. Policies favor the privileged in politics, economics, justice, and the military.
The "growth" that has been achieved in this way is based on the structure where the "center" and the "periphery" are divided, with the "center" constantly taking from the "periphery. In the past, "colonies" were regarded as the "periphery," but "women" and "nature" have also been peripheralized and continue to be taken away by the "center". It has been said that economic growth will raise the standard of living for everyone. In reality, however, the disparities are only widening and the number of people being "peripheralized" is increasing.
In addition, the "center" not only takes from the "periphery," but also imposes on the "periphery" the burdens and crises caused by its growth. The damage caused by environmental destruction is more serious in developing countries than in developed countries. Even at the time of the Great Recession, the people who caused it were bailed out with a large amount of taxpayer money, but the bill was pushed onto Greece, Spain, and other countries.
The conflicts that are now taking place in various parts of the world also occur within this structure. The priority is to stop these conflicts, but if we do not fundamentally address the problem of an increasingly class-based society, crises will be triggered again and again.
History of Liberation
Reassessing Christian theology from the perspective of the Buraku issue, Teruo Kuribayashi described the challenge for the Japanese churches as follows:
"The "captivity" of the Japanese churches does not lie in the fact that the Christian population is confined to a mere one percent, nor in being surrounded by "pagan" religions, nor in lamenting the cultural climate that "rots the roots" of the mission of Christ.
The real captivity lies in the fact that the Japanese churches are so accustomed to the current discriminatory society and culture. The problem is that they have become so accustomed to the current condition that they do not see the need to escape from it. Many of the believers are so disillusioned by Japan's "prosperity" that they do not consider that they themselves must be liberated from the mammon of that prosperity." ("The Theology of the Crown of Thorns," Shinkyo Publishing Co.: Unauthorized translation)
I am sure that some of you have been discriminated against. Some of you may have suffered from oppression within this society. On the other hand, we may also be part of the structure of discrimination and oppression. We are trapped in a structure of discrimination and oppression, even though we are not conscious of it.
Within the structure of discrimination and oppression, we cannot live freely. We are forced to adapt to this society, and we are made to believe that there is no other way to live but to suffer and groan. This is just like how the Israelites reacted when Moses told them the words of God. They "did not listen to him because of their discouragement and harsh labor" (Exodus 6:9).
But God's work in the Exodus calls for a critical look at such a society. God does not approve of a social order of discrimination and oppression. He is determined to lead us -- and all people -- out of it.
The journey will be a long one through the wilderness. Nevertheless, the Promised Land awaits at the end. In the Promised Land, no one will be a slave, but will live freely as God's people. The promise, "I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God," will be fulfilled, and everyone will live as God's people. The Bible tells the history of such liberation, and how we will inherit it.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama