牧師 杉山望
March, 13, 2022, Sunday Service
"Let's Seek the Right Politics"
Scripture reading is taken from Mark 12:13-17
Today is the day for voting in the Ishikawa prefectural election for governor and the Kanazawa mayor. Have you been to the polls yet? The prefectural election is the first election between two newcomers in 28 years, and it seems that a fierce battle is being waged. Voter turnout is declining year by year in Japan, but elections are still important. In particular, not everyone has the right to vote, even if they live in the same Ishikawa, Japan. Nevertheless, everyone will be affected by the outcome of the election. In some cases, those who do not currently have the right to vote may even be affected to a greater extent. One person's vote alone will not change the outcome of the election, but think carefully, exercise your rights, and fulfill your responsibilities.
Since it is such a day, let us consider today the relationship between the church and politics. The Bible is deeply involved with politics, and Jesus also looked at politics. Jesus' words, " Give back to God what is God’s," are a call to question not only the values and priorities of the people of his day, but also those of ours today.
The Church's Relationship with Politics
What is the relationship between the church and politics? Among Christian denominations, the Baptist Church has made the "principle of separation of church and state" one of the distinctive features of its faith. When religion and politics are cozy, power cannot be stopped from running amok. It is important to learn from such history, which has been repeated, and to uphold the principle of separation of church and state.
However, the principle of separation of church and state does not mean that religion should be indifferent or irrelevant to politics. Nor does it mean denying political talk in churches or prohibiting churches from speaking out against society. Besides, by its very nature, the church is inseparable from politics.
The Bible is full of political matters. The law was like a law to Israel. Religious leaders were also political leaders, and prophets often preached the word of God to kings, trying to get them to change the direction they were going. In the Old Testament, we see that faith and politics were closely intertwined.
It is carried over into the New Testament. Jesus witnessed the social distortions created by politics and the misery of those burdened by them. That is why Jesus also turned his attention to politics and opposed the leaders. Jesus was not a "politician" in today's society, but he was involved in politics.
So faith is not just a matter inside the heart of an individual. Politics and religion are separated, but the church looks at the affairs of the world and is involved in politics as well. God's work is not only directed to each individual, but also to human society.
The Adversary's Trap
Mark 12:13 and the following verses describe an incident in which Jesus was questioned about his views on politics. At this time Jesus had come up to Jerusalem with his disciples. There they were confronted by religious and political leaders of Israel, such as the chief priests and rabbis, who wanted to kill them.
The chief priests sent several Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus. Their purpose was to bring down Jesus. The Pharisees, who taught obedience to the law, and the Herodians, who belonged to the court of King Herod, who were leaders in both religious and political life, were sent to Jesus.
They posed questions to entrap Jesus.
“Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we?" (Mark 12:14-15)
Whether taxes on the emperor are in accordance with the law is a question that followed the interest of the Pharisees. The question of whether or not taxes should be paid was also a question relevant to the Herodians, whose livelihood depended on taxes.
In the eyes of the Israelites, the Roman emperor is a conqueror. The Herodians would pay the tax as they were told, and the Pharisees would pay the taxes reluctantly, because they did not want to openly rebel.
On the other hand, there were those who were then known as the zealous party. They were looking for an opportunity to revolt against the Roman army, and they were waging guerrilla warfare or starting an insurrection. The zealous party would have answered this question by saying that they should refuse to pay taxes to the emperor. This coincided with the thoughts of quite a few of the people.
What would Jesus answer to this question? If Jesus had said, "You should refuse to pay taxes," as the zealots did, the people would have rejoiced. But the chief priests, who were hostile to Jesus, could sue him for inciting them to rebellion. Or if he had said, as Herodians did, that they should pay taxes, the people's expectations of Jesus would have been betrayed. Then the chief priests could have caught Jesus without causing a fuss.
Jesus' answer, however, was neither.
He said, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s." (Mark 12:17).
At this answer, the adversaries were taken by surprise. Their attempts to ensnare him with a verbal attack were successfully dodged.
Peace in Rome and the Kingdom of God
But Jesus' reply, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s," had a deeper meaning.
Jesus did not mean to suggest that we should separate what belongs to the emperor from what belongs to God. In other words, he did not mean that we should separate money, or politics, from the things of God because money is a thing of the emperor.
For, according to the biblical understanding of faith, there is nothing in the world that does not belong to God. Everything in this world belongs to God and was given to us by God. Everything we have - and we ourselves - belong to God.
Even if it is a silver coin stamped with the portrait of an emperor - or a banknote marked "Bank of Japan" - it belongs to God, and only to the extent that it does not conflict with God's justice, it should be used.
When Jesus proclaimed the "Kingdom of God," there was a golden age of "peace and stability" within the Roman Empire. But the "peace of Rome" was not true peace for Jesus, who lived in Palestine, a remote region. Jesus decried the injustices contained in the "Roman peace" and called for the repentance - a change of direction - of society as a whole.
The peace of Rome was at odds with the Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed. Rome valued the strong, while Jesus chose the sick and the poor. Rome gained its position as ruler through violence, but Jesus refused to use the sword and served men. Rome oppressed people by imposing heavy taxes, but Jesus taught people to share what they had.
The "peace of Rome" may have changed its name and appearance, but I assume it still attracts people's hearts and minds. Even though there is no "emperor," the strong are still respected, ruled by violence, and the gap continues to widen. Jesus challenged the oppression and injustice on which such a pretense of peace is based. The Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed was a true peace - shalom - that was at odds with the peace of Rome.
Therefore, Jesus' response to that question included a critique of following, condoning, and prioritizing Roman values. Everything belongs to God. Jesus asked that the politics of this world, the economy, and society be considered in terms of God's justice. For those who were hostile to Jesus, the question was also unexpected.
Let us seek righteous politics.
Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine, we have been hearing a great deal of news about it every day. It is heartbreaking that so many people have been killed, and unbelievable that they would attack towards a nuclear power plant and stop the power supply from the outside - but what was asked when the plant was restarted also happened. Such violence must be stopped as soon as possible.
Yet, I cannot focus only on this. For example, we need to repent for the military invasions that have been carried out by Western countries and with which Japan has cooperated. Wars and conflicts are happening in other countries and regions as well, but it is an injustice that the way they are covered in the press and people's reactions to them change depending on the color of the victims' skin.
Not only military invasions, but also economic invasions are causing serious life-threatening situations in many parts of the world, and this too must be remedied. It is also heartbreaking to see that the imprint of climate change caused by rich people is costing poor people more and more.
Even during the COVID-19 Crisis, the economic gap widened. There is also the contradiction that the work that is essential for people to survive is being devalued. Free preschool education has begun, but there are few policies that consider the children - their future, and children are always put on the back burner.
It seems to me that these things are not completely separate but are connected at the root. That we have sought something like the "peace of Rome" rather than the Kingdom of God as proclaimed by Jesus. Acting arrogantly, forgetting or refusing to "give back to God what is God's."— Such things have something in common.
I seek righteous politics. I am disappointed many times, and I know it will not be easy to achieve. Still, I seek righteous government - government that is just and righteous of God. It is a response to Jesus' call to " Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s". We would like to pray and seek this with hope and trust in Jesus, who gave his life to bring about the Kingdom of God, and God, who loved the world and us so much.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama