「2022年3月11日 東日本大震災から11年を数えての祈り」
牧師 杉山望
March, 6, 2022, Sunday Service
"Siding with the Lowly"
Scripture reading is taken from Exodus 2:23-25
About the “Prayer on the Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake”
March 11th marks eleven years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. The children who were born that year are now in the fifth grade of elementary school (eleven years old). It may feel like quite some time has passed. Yet eleven years is still not enough time to completely heal the wounds caused by the earthquake and tsunami. Moreover, there are still ongoing problems, such as the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)'s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident, for which there is no prospect for a solution.
After the disasters, Japan Baptist Convention (JBC) established the "Local Support Committee", with churches in the Tohoku region taking the lead to continue relief efforts. Each year, the Local Support Committee would compile a word of prayer for March 11th and send it to churches across Japan. Today, let us read the words of this year’s prayer and join in prayer.
“March 11th, 2022, Prayer on the Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake”
Dear Lord, it has been eleven years since the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred at 2:46 p.m. on March 11, 2011. We thank you for your continual guidance and support in our lives up to this time. This year, we continue to remember that day and join in prayer.
We remember and pray for the 19,617 people who lost their lives in the disaster. We ask that you turn your face toward each of their precious lives and hold them in your peace.
We remember and pray for the 2,524 people who are still missing and have not been found even after eleven years. The search continues to this day. We ask you to be with them and call each one by name. We pray that they will be found as soon as possible.
We remember and pray for the countless people who suddenly lost their precious family members, friends, and daily lives in the disaster. Eleven years is not enough time to put an end to the deep sadness. We ask that you put their tears in your wineskin and that you will give them deep comfort and hope. We believe that you will give those who spend the night weeping a morning with songs of joy.
Lord God, we remember and pray for each person who lives in this moment. There are still areas that are on the way to recovery. Some have lost their hometowns.
The damage caused by radioactive materials from the nuclear power plant accident has yet to be contained, and although the declaration of a nuclear emergency has not been lifted, the return and relocation of people to Hamadori, Fukushima Prefecture, is being promoted. Work to decommission the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant that caused the nuclear accident is still in the investigation stage. The contaminated water from the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), which continues to store up in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, is scheduled to be discharged into the sea in the spring of 2023. Furthermore, the Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant in Miyagi Prefecture is preparing to restart operations after 2022, and drills are being conducted to prepare for the evacuation of approximately 200,000 people within a 30-kilometer radius in case of a major accident. Lord, we ask that you declare your true peace and let us serve in the work of reconciliation so that we do not return to our foolish ways.
On top of the various challenges, the spread of the new coronavirus is making matters worse. Additionally, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other disasters are occurring frequently in various regions of the world. We who are living "in the time between disasters" feel anxious as if we are being repeatedly dropped into the midst of chaos/darkness.
However, amid the chaos and darkness, you, Lord cry out, “Let there be light.” As written in Genesis, “Let there be light,” and there was light.,” we place our hope in this overwhelming work of creation. Lord, we ask that you bring light in the darkness in which we live. May the Light that is you, Lord, warm and illuminate all people. May the comfort and presence of the Lord Jesus, who bore the suffering on the cross and rose again, be with all life.
To the Lord be the glory, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God Hears the Groaning, Remembers the Covenant, Looks on the People, and Is Concerned About Them
We learn from the story of the Exodus that God hears the cries and groaning of the people, and from chapters one and two, the oppression of the Israelites, who were slaves, gradually increased. Finally, after many years, the cries of the Israelites are mentioned here. Their cries reached God. The cries were not echoed hollowly, unheard by anyone, but God heard them.
However, they did not immediately know that their cries reached God. There was no direct response from God to those who cried out. Nevertheless, it would later become clear that God heard their cries and knew their pain. Because God sends Moses to meet their cries.
In verses 24-25, God responded in four ways. First, "God heard their groaning" (verse 24). To "hear" ("shama" in Hebrew) means to pay attention, listen, and respond. God had heard the cries of the people up to that point. Now, at last, God has decided to pay attention to their cries and respond to them.
God "remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob" (verse 24). The word "remember" (Hebrew "zakar") means to pay active attention to what is being remembered. God fulfils the responsibility for what was previously promised. To fulfil that covenant, God decides to initiate actions that will have an impact on the future.
God “looked on the Israelites” (verse 25). The word " look" ("ra'ah" in Hebrew) means to begin approaching a person with kindness and compassion. God looks to those who cry out for help. This means not only looking at them from afar but also drawing closer to them, empathizing with their pain and suffering.
God “was concerned about them" (verse 25). The Hebrew word translated “concerned” in the NIV is “yeda,” which means “to know,” but it refers to more than just knowledge. It means to know the experiences of others so well that we can call them our own. God, who looks and draws near, deeply knows and takes in the experience of those who cry out, to the extent that God can call it God's own experience.
God responds in this way not only to the cries of the Israelites but also to the cries of others. God responds to our cries, to those who suffer from disasters, those who grieve from conflicts, and to those who moan from oppression. God listens attentively to their cries, remembers the promise to give life and to bless, looks and draws near, taking the experience as if it were God’s own, and begins to act proactively to influence the future.
God Who Takes Sides
God's response to a cry for help is also God's justice. One of the characteristics of God's justice is that the way God responds varies depending on the matter at stake. For example, when dealing with crime, the Bible emphasizes equity. Everyone is held to the same standard of obedience to the law, no matter their status.
On the other hand, the Bible demands special consideration for certain people; repeated references are made to widows, orphans, sojourners, and the poor. Sometimes prisoners and the sick are also included. These people do not have anyone to protect their rights, and they are made less resistant to exploitation compared to others.
God does not treat those who are vulnerable to being robbed of their possessions and to have their rights trampled upon in the same way as others. God has made it clear that the cries of these people are heard first, and that God wants them to be a priority. Such a bias is also a characteristic of God's justice.
To the God of life, the presence of poverty in the world and the violation of people's rights are wickedness that cannot be left alone. God does not think it is good that some people live in luxury while others die of hunger. God does not turn a blind eye and say that these things are inevitable.
Meeting the needs of the poor and restoring the rights of the oppressed is not about charity. It is a matter of justice and something that must be done. If society fails to do so, then that society is wicked.
God Works Through the Law
God's justice is taught and demonstrated to us through the Law given by God, along with the stories that describe what God has done. Exodus 22:20-26 records such a commandment.
“Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.
“Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.
“If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest. …When they cry out to me, I will hear, for I am compassionate.
Exodus 22:21-25, 27b /New International Version (NIV)
God hears the cries of the people and acts directly or sends someone like Moses. The Bible stories tell us of this. Along with that, God seeks to bring about justice in the world through the Law. God did not simply give the Law, but God is present in the works of the Law to implement God's justice.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, said the following about the Law.
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17 / NIV
God works through the Law. That Law seeks to favor those who are forced into lowly states in this world. But that does not mean that we are to literally do what the Law says, but rather that we are to act according to God's will as revealed in the Law, in the places and situations that we may be facing. We are called to go beyond the Law, to continue the path toward the fulfilment of the Law.
It may not seem that God is at work. Yet God works justice in the world through the Law and through us. To learn God's will as revealed in the Law and to walk with Jesus Christ, who came to fulfil the Law, is to serve God and become instruments in God's work to bring about justice in this world.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama