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「わたしは自ら手を下しあらゆる驚くべき業をエジプトの中で行い、これを打つ。 その後初めて、王はあなたたちを去らせるであろう。」(出エジプト記3:20)
牧師 杉山望
February, 27, 2022, Sunday Service
"Pursue Justice So That We May Live"
Scripture reading is taken from Exodus 2:11-17
Today we will reflect on justice. Throughout the Bible and in the book of Exodus, justice is a critical issue. Although Moses’s actions, based on his sense of justice, were incomplete, they were a foreshadowing of God’s justice. Let us learn of the justice of God, which promises us life by pursuing justice.
Justice—an Important Theme in the Bible
Justice is one of the recurring and central themes of the Bible. The Hebrew and Greek words meaning justice appear over a thousand times in the Bible, but they are translated differently depending on the situation. So, you may not always find the exact word “justice” that many times in the translated version of the Bible. Nevertheless, the issue of justice is an important theme in the Bible.
Is "justice" something important to you? When do you become aware of the existence or non-existence of justice? This past week, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Upon seeing the news, I could not see any justice in this. There is no justice in Russia's military invasion. Nor is there justice in the Western countries or Japan who criticize Russia.
The world we live in today is built on a handful of people who take a lot from the many others. Developed countries are exploiting less developed countries, and the few wealthy people in developed countries are exploiting the masses of people in other countries. Such a system has been maintained or strengthened by military power. From this point of view, I do not believe there is any justice in the Western nations or Japan.
However, the issue of justice is not just about large-scale matters such as war. We also have a sense of justice in our daily lives, and when that justice is violated, we instinctively sense it. This is something that has been with us since our childhood.
Thinking back on our childhood, let us say a friend hit you or says mean things about you. When we were children, we would fight back because we felt that such mistreatment is unjust and that it is just to take revenge. If someone is treated specially or with favour, we would also feel that it is unfair and feel angry and sad.
The issue of justice is also not only limited to battles and conflicts. Justice includes proper distribution of both rewards and punishments, the legitimate use of power, and respect for human rights and entitlements. Therefore, the presence or absence of justice is closely related to our daily lives, and when justice is violated, we suffer and become angry.
In short, the issue of justice is important both in our daily lives and on a global scale. That is why justice is a central theme in the Bible. Two events are particularly important for us to understand what the Bible reveals about God's justice. One is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The other is the Exodus.
Moses in the Face of Injustice
Previous verses in the book of Exodus have had to do with God's justice, but in today’s passage, a character is finally confronted with the issue of justice. That person is Moses. Miraculously saved as a baby and raised as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, Moses as an adult was faced with three distinct types of injustice.
On one occasion, Moses saw that his people, the Hebrews, were forced to do hard labour. They were forcefully overworked and driven to the brink by hard labour such as kneading clay, baking bricks, and all sorts of farm work.
Then Moses saw an Egyptian beating one of his people. He made sure that no one was around, killed the Egyptian, and buried him in the sand. Just as the Egyptian had beaten the Hebrew, so Moses beat the Egyptian.
The following day, Moses went out to his people again. This time, his fellow Hebrews were fighting each other. The day before, it was the oppressor's violence against his people, but now it was a fight between two fellow Hebrews. Moses intervened and rebuked the wrongdoer, saying, "Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?”
However, the man replied, "Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian? (Exodus 2:14/ New International Version (NIV))” Moses was not recognized as a leader of his people. When Pharaoh heard about this, he ordered Moses to be killed. So, Moses fled from Egypt to Midian.
As Moses was sitting by a well in that region, daughters of a Midianite came with their flock to get water to drink for them. But some shepherd men came and drove them away. In this case, injustice was done to the women by the men. In response, Moses confronted the shepherds, rescued the Midianite women, and watered their flock.
God’s Plan of Deliverance Revealed Through Moses
These events give us the impression that Moses had a strong sense of justice. He stood up to the oppressor, attempted to reconcile his people, and got up against injustice to the daughters of a stranger, from a different people. Although these acts were based on his sense of justice and not God’s justice itself, his actions revealed God’s plan of deliverance that was to come.
Moses saw the oppression of his people. Likewise, God sees the suffering of those who are oppressed and seeking help.
"The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering."(Exodus 3:7/NIV)
Neither Moses nor God stand by and watch the people suffer. "Seeing" evokes a response. Just as Moses saw the oppression of his people and acted in his way, God sees the suffering of the people, understands their pain, and acts. God does not overlook injustice. When God sees the suffering and pain of the people, God gets up.
Moses striking the Egyptian, who was beating Moses’ people, is a foreshadow of the work that was to come.
"So I will stretch out my hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I will perform among them. After that, he will let you go."(Exodus 3:20/NIV)
Moses’s action and God striking the Egyptians involve death. So, although this is not easily applied to other matters, here we see God's work of overthrowing injustice by standing firm against the oppressors who continue to abuse and terrorize the people.
Moses also tried to intervene in a dispute between his fellow people. Although he was unsuccessful at that time, he continued to be involved in mediating between the fellow Israelites to bring reconciliation and peace when he later became their leader. In such a way, God's justice is also directed at conflicts within a community to create reconciliation and peace therein.
Finally, Moses rescued the daughters of the Midianite. The words "save" and "rescue" also point to God's salvation and the deliverance of the Israelites. Just as Moses watered their flocks, God provided water for the Israelites who escaped from Egypt. It is God's unchanging purpose to rescue the oppressed, give them life, and bless them.
Follow God's Justice and Justice Alone
After many years, God calls Moses to lead the Israelites and to deliver the people from Egypt. This is no longer an act of his sense of justice. It is an act of justice that is led by God and brought about through God's intervention. But God's ultimate purpose is not to be solely just.
God gave the Law to the people through Moses and commanded them to pursue justice.
"Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you."(Deuteronomy 16:20/NIV)
" Justice" that is called for here is not the "justice" that each person holds individually, but the justice of God. God's justice is revealed in the stories of God in the Bible and the Law. Therefore, the Law was not only important to the Israelites, but it is also relevant and very important to us today.
The Law is not meant to set penalties and inflict punishment. Rather, it is given to serve an instructional purpose. The Law shows us how to maintain the right relationship with God and what is important for our communities and society.
The Law (Torah in Hebrew) means "guidance". The Law and God's stories in the Bible are guides that point the way for us to walk in our relationship with God. For us to have life and to protect it, we need God's justice. When we follow God's justice, we can bring about a world where life is protected. God urges us to pursue such justice.
See the pain and suffering of the people. Do not just stand by and watch but see so closely that you cannot help but act. Resist oppression and stop the violence. When people conflict with each other, seek to create reconciliation and peace…. When people are oppressed and exposed to violence, God urges us to get up and go to their rescue.
This is not something that can be accomplished immediately. But we are to pursue such justice - God's justice. Pursue only God's justice, and nothing else. Then we will have life and be blessed. Let us continue to pursue God's justice to restore the life and blessings that this world continues to lose.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama