牧師 杉山望
February, 20, 2022, Sunday Service
"The Girls Who Saved a Life"
Scripture reading is taken from Exodus 2: 1-10
This month we have been reading the book of Exodus. I haven't decided how far I want to continue reading, but I want to focus on the event in today's passage, which is the starting point of our biblical faith and connects God's work of creation to His work of salvation.
Pharaoh, the incarnation of chaos, becomes more oppressive. However, there were women who resisted his orders to save lives. These women thought, chose, and acted on their own, but God was working through them. God invites us to participate in the work of salvation, but His love always comes first. This incident in the life of a baby points to God's love and the saving work of all people.
The Girls Who Resisted the Pharaoh, the Wielder of the Power of Chaos
Last week, we learned about the Hebrew midwives who feared and trusted God and disobeyed the orders of the Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. "Hebrews" was a term used to refer to the lowest class of people in Egypt who were subjected to forced labor. When the Pharaoh realized that he could not use the midwives, he finally ordered all the people.
"Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live." (Exodus 1:22)
Fearing that the Israelites would be blessed by God and increase in number, Pharaoh wanted to take away the power of these people at any cost. Pharaoh was not just another tyrant who tried to take away the lives of those he could not control. Biblical authors portrayed him as an incarnation of the chaos that interfered with God's blessings and covered the world with darkness.
Pharaoh tried to destroy life with the utmost force. In the midst of the chaos, where there seemed to be no way to escape, there were those who still chose to protect life. Following the secret resistance of the midwives, it was once again women - especially young girls - who resisted Pharaoh's orders and saved lives.
The rescued boy was named Moses. After many years, he became the leader of Israel, the one who did God's work of salvation. It was his mother, introduced as the daughter of a Levite, who began a secret resistance to save the life of the baby Moses.
She hid Moses in her house for three months after he was born and raised him. When she could no longer hide him, she prepared a basket made of a plant called papyrus. She waterproofed the basket with pitch (resin), laid the baby in it, and placed it in a thicket of weeds by the river. She resisted Pharaoh's orders and did not take the baby's life immediately.
Then Pharaoh's daughter came to bathe in the water. She found the basket among the bushes and sent her female slave to fetch it. When she looked inside the basket, she saw a baby boy crying. Pharaoh's daughter took pity on the child and refused to obey her father's orders.
During this time, Miriam, Moses' sister, was watching what was happening. When Pharaoh's daughter found the basket, Miriam went before the princess and offered, "Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?" (Exodus 2:7) Pharaoh's daughter accepted the offer, and the baby was returned to his mother. Moreover, Pharaoh's daughter decided to adopt the child and also provide the mother with an allowance to raise the child.
In this way, the women whom Pharaoh despised, resisted his orders and saved the life of a baby. Pharaoh's daughter not only disobeyed her father's orders, but also paid for and even adopted a Hebrew child. Moses, whose life was protected and who was also educated in the palace, would later become the leader of Israel.
The Lord does His work even in the midst of chaos, not through people with great power, but through people with little power in low positions.
God Works Through People
As in last week's message, the subject here is not God, but people. Moses' mother, his sister, and Pharaoh's daughter all chose to act on their own, and not one of their actions was manipulated or forced by God. God does not manipulate people's minds, nor does he force them to do anything.
Their actions were certainly pleasing to God. But it was their own thinking, choice, and actions in the situations they were in. There must have been some divine guidance and encouragement, but it was the women themselves who did it.
Later on, God would appear in a clearly visible way, giving clear instructions and performing miracles. However, that is not the only time that God's plan goes forward. God does not do everything at will. Rather than destroying the order of the world that He created, He chooses to work while preserving it.
We were created in the image and likeness of God. We have the freedom and power to resist God's words and will and to behave as we wish. Because of this, we sometimes create chaos and undermine the blessings of God. Nevertheless, God includes our choices and actions in the fulfillment of His plan.
It is not always clear that God is present, that God is at work, that God's plan is in progress. God is working through some people when at first glance we don't know where He is or what He is doing, when all we can recognize are the thoughts, choices, and actions of people.
Even in times of apparent chaos and hopelessness, God is at work. Just as the life of baby Moses was protected by the choices, and actions of the women, God is working through the people in this world today. There is hope. We can see God at work in those who fear and believe in Him, in those who follow His blessings to preserve and multiply life.
God's Love Precedes Human Actions
God's work is in sharp contrast to Pharaoh's actions. Pharaoh tried to make everyone do what he wanted based on the fear he felt. He wanted to change not only people's behavior, but also their thoughts and even their lives. Pharaoh himself did not change, but he manipulated and forced people to change without any regard for the pain and suffering of others.
On the contrary, God is the one who hears the cries of those who suffer and knows their pain.
"The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them. " (Exodus 2:23-25)
"The Lord said, 'I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians….'" (Exodus 3:7-8)
God, who knows human suffering, sorrow, and pain, does not try to manipulate or force people through abuse or oppression like Pharaoh. On the contrary, He takes on the suffering and acts in the midst of it. The Lord is "the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin" (Exodus 34:6-7).
God works on us with deep compassion, strong patience, mercy and truth to bring about His work of salvation in the world. God invites us to participate in His work. But before participating in His work, we need to experience and receive God's mercy, compassion, and love.
Moses served in God's work to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He was saved by women shortly after his birth, and he continued to be protected and helped in many other ways. Before we do anything, God's love comes first. God's love, which gives us life, protects life, and enriches it, always precedes us.
Pointing to God's Salvation
In today's passage, Pharaoh was the incarnation of chaos. At the same time, there were words and actions that paralleled God's work of salvation.
One is the word "basket" in which the baby Moses was laid. This is the same word in Hebrew as Noah's "ark" in Genesis 6. Just as Noah was placed in an ark and floated through the water, Moses was placed in a basket and floated on the water. Both of them were protected from chaos by God.
The actions of Pharaoh's daughter are also depicted in parallel with the actions of God. Pharaoh's daughter "went down," "saw" the baby, "felt sorry" when she heard him crying, "drew" him out of the water, and took him as her own. In the same way, God "comes down" and "sees" us, hears our cries, "feels sorry", "draws" us out of the water, and takes us in as his "children".
What Moses experienced was what Israel would experience. And it points to what we will also experience, that is, God's action for people who are suffering. Saving lives points to the salvation of the Lord, the God of life. Saving lives and bringing the abundance of life to many people is God's plan and goal. God is always working toward that future.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama