牧師 杉山望
February, 13, 2022, Sunday Service
"Blessings brought by unknown people"
Scripture reading is taken from Exodus 1:15~22
One of the themes of the book of Exodus is who to follow. In this passage, two midwives carry out a secret resistance to Pharaoh, who is trying to take their lives. Because they feared and believed in God, they obeyed God instead of Pharaoh. Today, we live in an age where humans have become like gods, even without the threat of an absolute power like Pharaoh. We learn from the faith of the two women about what is expected of us throughout the ages, to fear God and be a blessing to others.
The Struggle of Pharaoh and the Midwife
Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, mistreated the Israelites who had been blessed by God and were growing in number in the land of Egypt by imposing forced labor on them. Nevertheless, Pharaoh tried to counter the growing number of Israelites with more violence. Two midwives were called in to help with Pharaoh's plan.
Pharaoh ordered them to kill the baby if it was a boy. This shows the perversion of the Pharaoh, who ordered the midwives, who had been protecting and saving the lives of babies, to take their lives. The midwives are called "Hebrews," a term that does not refer to an ethnic or racial group, but rather to the lowest class of people in Egypt who had no rights and were forced to work. The pharaoh at the top of the country is facing two midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, at the bottom.
The difference in power was absolute and overwhelming. If they disobeyed the Pharaoh's orders, their own lives would be threatened. Still, Shiphrah and Puah did not do as Pharaoh commanded. They did not let go of their mission - to protect and help the new lives that God had created. Children who were born, both boys and girls, were allowed to live.
But it was not long before Pharaoh learned of this. Pharaoh summoned Shiphrah and Puah and asked them why they did not do as they were ordered. The situation was so tense that an answer could have resulted in an immediate death sentence. To Pharaoh's question, they both replied.:
“Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive" (Exodus 1:19)
Of course it was a lie, but Pharaoh could not determine that it was a lie, so he did not pursue it further. Shiphrah and Puah did not oppose the Pharaoh face to face, but they chose to fear God and protect their lives, not the Pharaoh.
Because they feared and believed in God
Pharaoh's fear of the Israelites led to his failure. He had already failed them by subjecting them to forced labor and abuse. Despite his absolute power, Pharaoh's fears led to repeated failures.
On the other hand, Shiphrah and Puah's fear of God brought them success. They did not have any power in Egypt, nor did they even try to gain it. Yet, they did not submit to Pharaoh, they resisted and successfully saved their lives.
To fear God is not to feel fear. To fear God is to believe in Him. Shiphrah and Puah didn't follow God because they were more afraid of Him than Pharaoh. They knew who they should trust and who they should obey. They knew that the Creator, the God of life, was the one they should truly trust and follow.
The fear and trust in the God of life is accompanied by the understanding that life is sacred. In other words, life does not belong to humans, but to God, and cannot be given or taken away by humans. Shiphrah and Phua did not protect the lives of their children because they were prompted by their sense of duty as midwives. It was because their lives belonged to God, and protecting them was a priority, even if it meant disobeying the orders of those in power.
Shiphrah and Puah fulfilled their responsibilities. It is not a professional responsibility, but a responsibility to God. They made a choice to protect their lives in order to fulfill their responsibility to God, who also gives them life and blessings. I'm sure these women had their own fears of Pharaoh. Nevertheless, Shiphrah and Puah feared God and trusted in Him.
Human-Centered Modernity
The question that confronted Shiphrah and Puah was whether to obey Pharaoh, the absolute ruler, or the God of life. On the other hand, we do not live in an age where we fear a single absolute power. But we are still confronted with the question of following God or following something other than God - fearing God or fearing something other than God.
Modern thought trends include individualism, rationalism, secularization, and liberalism. It is said that this ideology has been greatly influenced by the development of industrial capitalism combined with the advancement of science and technology. There is much to be gained from this, but at the same time, it has been accompanied by imperialism in the form of invasion and colonization of other countries and exploitation from them, causing conflicts between nations and social division.
Modernity is an era in which human beings became the center and the subject. Some people refer to this modern age as "the age when man became God”. God of the Bible and the church were made to be used for man's moral consciousness, and instead of man serving God, man became the center, and God served him.
In short, they thought that humans could get along just fine on their own, and that God only needed to appear when necessary. With this kind of thinking, even without an absolute power like Pharaoh, the fear of God will be lost from us. God will be reduced to a servant of man instead of an object to be feared and obeyed.
The question is, did it work? Modern society has pursued the pursuit of human enrichment to the point of no return. This has led to wars, destruction of the environment, widening inequality, and the abandonment of the human way of life. Our desire for affluence is unquenchable, and we continue to search for unlimited wealth.
The climate crisis is one of the consequences of these human desires running out of control. We burn fossil fuels to produce enormous amounts of energy, we use convenient plastics to make various products, we clear forests to grow fields so that we can eat cheap and delicious meat, and we continue to produce and throw away large quantities of goods for the sake of a convenient and affluent life. All of these things were supposed to be for a rich life, but they are destroying the earth's environment and causing a situation that threatens human lives all over the world.
It is clear that climate change is going to get worse, but we have not yet been able to turn the tide. Since it is caused by humans, we can mitigate the effects if we change. However, we can’t do it. I feel the limits of human-centered thinking when I see how we threaten our own lives while seeking to live a rich life.
"You shall have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3)
This commandment, the first of the Ten Commandments, tells us that we are not to follow any other god. This commandment is not limited to those with absolute power, such as Pharaoh. The commandment to fear and obey God should not be lost even in this day and age when man has become the center of the world and man has become like God.
Blessings that those who fear God bring
The two midwives, Shiphrah and Phua, who were asked to fear and obey something other than God, still feared God and obeyed the God of life. They succeeded in protecting and saving lives, but that was not the only thing that came of their choice. God blessed Shiphrah and Puah, and through them the people grew in number and strength. God's blessing came through these two people who feared God and chose lives.
Shiphrah and Puah's choice to save their lives had to be made in secret. Had it been known, their own lives would have been taken. Their choice was made in secret, in such a way that no one but the mothers of the children and their relatives would know.
Although their names were mentioned in the Bible, Shiphrah and Puah may not have been widely known to the people of their time. They would not have been publicly praised. Nevertheless, God blessed the Israelites through them.
It was the unknowns who brought God's blessing. It was through Shiphrah and Puah, the lowest of the low in Egypt, that God's work of creation was carried forward. Their choices led to the events of the Exodus. Those who fear, trust, and obey the God of life will be used in God's work and bring blessings, even if their names are not known.
Pharaoh's order to kill is further strengthened later. The struggle between man, who is trying to act like a god and take life, and God, who is trying to protect life and give blessings, continues. However, we have been taught that the creative work of the God of life can never be stopped. What God is looking for is a change in our way of life from one of fearing and focusing on man. He wants us to change our way of life from fearing and focusing on man to fearing, trusting, and obeying God, and in doing so, to become people who bring God's blessings.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama