牧師 杉山望
February, 6, 2022, Sunday Service
"Blessings Versus Disaster"
Scripture reading is taken from Exodus 1:8~14
Darkness arises in this world. God created all of creation to increase in number and be fruitful. However, darkness comes about in the world because it sees God’s blessings as a disaster and works to oppose it as the “power of death.” God resists the “power of death” for God’s purposes. God delivers the oppressed and restores their stolen humanity.
One Year Since the Coup D’état
A year has passed since the coup d’état in Myanmar that took place on February 1st last year. Myanmar's military junta attempted to seize power from the government led by Aung San Suu Kyi. However, many people refused to support the military coup and called for the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), leading to widespread protests throughout Myanmar. Medical professionals, teachers, civil servants, bankers, and others refused to work in protest of the coup, and many people poured into the city streets to protest.
But the military junta continued to take a rigid stance, and from the latter part of February, they intensified their oppression. Although citizens tried to barricade themselves in the streets to stop the junta from advancing, live ammunition was used to suppress the citizens, resulting in many deaths.
So far, the military junta has killed at least 1,500 people, more than 400,000 people have been internally displaced, and more than 30,000 people are believed to have fled to neighbouring countries. Although people have fled, they do not necessarily have safe shelters, with many hiding in the jungle to avoid being discovered by the junta. It is said that there are over 14.4 million people in need of humanitarian aid, but it is not possible to deliver it adequately.
The People’s Defense Force (PDF) was created to fight against the junta that uses brutal force and violence to oppress. Some of the youths have volunteered to undergo training to fight in the PDF. Yet, the junta calls those who resist "terrorists" and repeatedly conducts aerial bombings, along with the burning and destroying of houses in various parts of the country.
This modern military junta in Myanmar has its roots in the Burma Independence Army (BIA), which was created with the support of the Japanese military during the war. Because the BIA contributed to Myanmar’s independence, the military’s influence remained strong even after independence. Additionally, Japan continued to provide massive support to the military regime even after the war. Therefore, the darkness that is over Myanmar is also linked to the darkness of Japan. Let us listen to the word of God as we turn our eyes to the ongoing darkness.
God’s Purpose of Creation
The book of Exodus is a continuous narrative from Genesis. In Genesis, God made an important covenant with Abraham, the father of the Israelites. Examples of where God speaks of the promises are in Genesis 17, where it says:
“Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers….As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations…I will make you
very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.”
(Genesis 17:2,4,6/New International Version (NIV))
God promised that the descendants of Abraham would increase in number and be very fruitful. This also points to the purpose for which God created the world. That is, God created the world with the purpose that creation would increase in number and be fruitful.
God chose Abraham and promised that his descendants would increase and be fruitful. But God did not intend to bless only the Israelites. Just as God said to Abraham that “You will be the father of many nations.” (Gen 17:4), God's purpose was that the blessings God gave to Abraham and the Israelites would be extended to all nations. The purpose of God's creation has always been to bless all of creation and to bless all people.
Exodus, which follows the book of Genesis with its promise of blessings, tells us that this very promise has begun to be fulfilled.
“...the Israelites were exceedingly fruitful; they multiplied greatly, increased in numbers and become so numerous that the land was filled with them.” (Exodus 1:7 / NIV)
When the Israelites first moved to Egypt, they were seventy people, but in Egypt, they grew in number. The message that the promise is being fulfilled here in Egypt is conveyed through a series of expressions of the increase in number in verse seven “...they multiplied greatly, increased in numbers and became so numerous that the land was filled with them.”
For readers like us in our present time, the blessings of ever-increasing numbers and ever-increasing fruitfulness may not necessarily be equated with population growth or economic growth. Rather, God's blessings or fruitfulness may be found in the liberation of those who have been suffering from oppression and poverty, or in the restoration of life and rest. The purpose of God's creation has not changed.
The Power of Death Against the Blessings of God
God's blessings were about to spread in the land of Egypt through the Israelites. But in the eyes of the new king of Egypt, Pharaoh, this was not a sign of blessing but was seen as a sign of disaster. Pharaoh wanted to prevent the Israelites from increasing in number and being more fruitful.
““Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become far too numerous for us. Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.”” (Exodus 1:9-10/NIV)
What the Bible is trying to tell us through these events is not about ethnic or political conflicts. Instead, the Bible presents this as a conflict between the purpose of God and Pharaoh. If Pharaoh's purpose is achieved, then God's purpose, which has already begun to be fulfilled, will be thwarted. In this sense, Pharaoh is a symbol of the "power of death" that goes against the God of life.
Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator, mentions as follows in his book " Pedagogy of the Oppressed":
"To the oppressor consciousness, the humanization of the "others" of the people, appears not as the pursuit of full humanity, but as subversion.”
Pharaoh must have had such consciousness or outlook. He did not see the fruitfulness of the Israelites as a blessing from God, but he feared it.
Thus, Pharaoh oppressed the Israelites and forced them to work extremely hard, in hope of weakening them and reducing their numbers. But that was not a wise idea. The more they were oppressed, the more the Israelites increased and expanded. This shows that God's will is not to give in to “the power of death” and the oppression of humans who are gripped by this power but to still bless no matter the circumstances.
God's blessings were at times given in the face of such adversity. At any age of time, there have always been people who have been seized by the "power of death", who have tried to interfere with God's blessings and take them away. Yet, God continues to fulfil God's promises despite the opposition of the "power of death".
God Who Rises and Raises People Up
Seized by the "power of death", the Pharaohs became increasingly aggressive in their opposition to the God of life. They tried to dehumanize the Israelites. At the same time, they dehumanized themselves. By opposing the God of life, they would also lose God’s blessings and become separated from the God of life.
Paulo Freire puts it as follows in his book “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”.
“Dehumanization, which marks not only those whose humanity has been stolen, but also (though in a different way) those who have stolen it, is a distortion of the vocation of becoming more fully human. This distortion occurs within history; but it is not an historical vocation.”
God's purpose was that creation as a whole, including all people, will be blessed. The pharaohs, who were now opposing God and oppressing the Israelites, were also included in that blessing. But they did not know it. Their purposes were in direct conflict with God's purposes. Stripping people of their humanity and depriving them of God's blessings comes from a distortion of humanity.
The book of Exodus tells us that when God's promise to bless all people began to be fulfilled, the "power of death" worked to interfere and oppose, as it dehumanized and oppressed the people. Furthermore, it reveals that God does not leave the "power of death" alone but will resist it. This is because the "power of death" seeks to thwart God's purpose and bring the meaning of creation to nothing. Along with that, God raises the Israelites, who had been continuously oppressed and dehumanized.
The key central question in the story is, "Who do the Israelites serve?" This means that when we read Exodus, we also are asked, "Who do you serve?". The Israelites were forced to serve Pharaoh, which meant that they were oppressed and enslaved by the "power of death". But this would not fulfil the purpose of God's creation.
When God sees people oppressed or held captive by the "power of death", God rises and moves to deliver them. What we see in Exodus is God's work of delivering people from the "power of death". By doing so, God turns the oppressed into God's people. The people would then be able to resist the "power of death" and live according to God's purpose.
Liberation from oppression requires not only defeating the “power of death”, but also restoring the humanity that has been taken away. To do this, God prepares the Israelites throughout the exodus. God's people will receive God's blessings, multiply greatly, become exceedingly fruitful, and spread the blessings they have received.
God hears the cries of the oppressed and will do whatever it takes to deliver them. God is the God of the oppressed; the One who comes into the midst of trouble takes on the situation and suffers through it. And amid it all, God is One who proclaims God’s purpose, leads us towards it, and promises to bless.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama