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牧師 杉山望
January, 9, 2022, Sunday Service
" The Eternal Purpose of God "
Scripture reading is taken from Book of Ephesians 1:7-10
God's Purpose
Book of Ephesians talks about the plan of the Lord God. It is a plan that God had from the beginning of creation. He created the world for the purpose of fulfilling that plan, and He made us human beings in His image. Therefore, this world and we do not exist by chance, without meaning. The world and we exist because of God's purpose. That purpose is that "to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ." (1:10).
We who are adopted by God
This letter refers to those who believe in Christ Jesus as those who are "blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ” (1:3). In other words, Christians have been made believers in Jesus and have been filled with blessings in Christ.
Here we are told that God chose us "before the creation of the world" (1:4). We are chosen by God to be filled with blessings. Receiving blessings is not an accidental event, nor is it something that can be obtained through human effort. It is a free decision made by God.
This does not mean that God chooses and distinguishes between those who will receive blessings and those who will not. Being filled with blessings is not something that happens by chance, without anyone's will. It is also not based on the ability of each individual. The reason we were filled with blessings is that we have God who reached out to us and loved us unconditionally.
God decided this before the creation of the world. He decided to love us and bless us, and created this world. Therefore, the purpose of creation included loving and blessing people from the beginning. God fills us with blessings so that we can become "holy and without blemish" and live in His love.
That blessing was expressed in a concrete way in making us "children of God.” The literal translation of this is that we are "adopted children of God.” We are not born of God, but as His adopted children, we are welcomed into His family. In doing so, God will transform us into a holy and spotless image, just like His only Son, Jesus Christ.
The Sin of Breaking Relationships
Christ, the firstborn Son of God, unites us with God. In the beginning, we were created to live as one in this world. The word "united" gives the impression that everything is mixed together and becomes one thing, but I think it is more like a relationship that has differences but is connected as one.
For example, it may be something like an ecosystem. There are many different ecosystems on the earth. There are 1.75 million known species of organisms that support and are supported by these ecosystems. There are 1.75 million known species of organisms that support and are supported by these ecosystems, and as many as 5 to 30 million unknown species.
None of these organisms can live alone, and they are all interrelated. They all interact with each other and create the diverse and harmonious environment on earth. The world that God created was a diverse, yet connected world. The completed world is not depicted as a world of only one species. Diverse things relate to each other and are connected as a whole, creating a harmonious relationship. Humans were also considered to live in such a world, and human society had such relationships.
Now, however, human beings are destroying ecosystems and drastically changing the global environment. In human society, too, relationships have been disrupted, leading to division and conflict. Such major trends are not unrelated to our personal progress, and we are also involved in and cause divisions and conflicts.
This is where human sin comes in. In the Bible, sin means "missing the point.” None of us set out to cause division or strife, but to live a more prosperous and happy life. However, what we chose to do with that in mind has deviated from the original purpose, and there is no going back. We know we should stop, but we can't, and it brings division and strife. That is the sin of us humans who live in a way that misses the mark.
Bringing in the Kingdom of God
Nevertheless, God's purpose is an eternal purpose. From the beginning of the world to the end, it will never change. God has an unchanging purpose for us, even when we live our lives in a way that misses the mark, strays from His purpose, and even loses sight of the path to our own purpose. That is "to be united in Christ.” In Christ, we are reunited with God and restored to a harmonious relationship with Him after we have become divided, warring, and disunited.
Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. Jesus Christ paid for our sins, so that our sins could be forgiven and we, who were lost and living in the wrong place, could become children of God. The cross of Jesus shows us the unchanging love of God. No matter how much division and strife we create, no matter how far we stray from God's purpose, God will not abandon us. He takes all the hurt and pain we create, welcomes us as His children, and reaches out to us to make us holy and undefiled.
Jesus came into the midst of a chaotic world of division and strife. He faced that reality and lived for God's purpose. He became a friend to those who were hurting and hurting in the chaos of the world. He became a friend to those who were hurting and hurting in the chaos of the world. He connected with all people and through Him they were connected to each other.
In this way, Jesus represented the Kingdom of God. In the kingdom of God, where God's purpose is fulfilled, all things are united, diverse, yet interrelated and harmonious. Everything is filled, lacks are filled, wounds are healed, tears are wiped away, joy is created, prayers of thanksgiving are offered, and songs of praise are heard. To bring about such a kingdom of God was the purpose of God's creation and the purpose of the saving work of Jesus Christ.
The Purpose of the Church
When the fullness of time has come and God's eternal purpose has been fulfilled, all things, both in heaven and on earth, will be united in Christ. The interrelationships among them may not be all that close. Just as ecosystems are diverse, some are directly and deeply involved, while others are indirectly or distantly involved. There is harmony among them, and they are connected as a whole. This is how I perceive the Kingdom of God.
The church is walking toward the Kingdom of God. The purpose of the church is to create a harmonious relationship of diversity and interconnectedness. In so doing, it is to serve the work of God in bringing about the Kingdom of God where all things are met, lacks are made up, wounds are healed, tears are wiped away, joy is produced, prayers of thanksgiving are offered, and songs of praise are heard. The church proclaims the hope of Christ by serving in that work and by representing the kingdom of God in the church.
God is still leading this world toward his eternal purpose. He has chosen us for that purpose through Christ Jesus and invites us to be like Him. If we believe in Jesus, then a new walk begins. From there, we already begin to walk with Jesus toward God's purpose for us. Let us believe in the promises of God, place our hope in them, and walk with the Lord Jesus toward the Kingdom of God this year.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama