牧師 杉山望
October, 3rd, 2021 Sunday Service
" Speaking of God in the Midst of Suffering "
Scripture reading is taken from Job 2:1~10
Job’s Journey of Faith
The Book of Job is a massive story that deals with human suffering and God's sovereignty. Other books of the Bible deal with similar issues, but the Book of Job deals with this issue in greater depth.
Job, the central character of the story, is tormented with suffering after suffering, yet he holds on to his faith. The lamentations and meditations of Job bring us to face the question of how we can speak of God amid suffering.
The Book of Job stretches from Chapter One to Chapter Forty-Two. This theme of how we speak of God during suffering runs through the entire book. We could cut out parts of it and receive messages on other issues, but today we will deal with this central theme of the book.
However, the Book of Job is too large to deal with in a single sermon. So, we will read it in several sermons, so that we can go along with Job as he discusses with his friends, deepens his understanding of the Lord God, and renews his faith. I hope that you will take the time to open your Bibles before next Sunday's worship service to read the Book of Job and partake in Job's lamentations and meditations.
Now the first two chapters of Job are the introduction (prologue) to the whole book. Before getting into the full-scale insights of faith, the writer establishes the situation and shares with the reader the key to interpreting the book of Job. Let's begin our journey in the Book of Job with this part of the story today.
Job was "the greatest man among all the people of the East" (Job 1:3b/New International Version (NIV)). He had seven sons and three daughters, a fortune of seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred donkeys, and many servants. Job was also considered "blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil" (Job 1:8/NIV), even in the eyes of the Lord. The Lord was convinced that Job was a righteous man.
So, the story starts with an almost extreme setting of Job to be a perfect and wealthy man to clarify the main issue of the Book of Job. Therefore, even if we, the reader, are not as perfect or wealthy as Job, we along with everyone else in the world can relate themselves to Job.
In Job Chapter 1 verse 6, the setting shifts to the heavenly realms. One day, the angels of God were gathered before the Lord, and Satan was among them. The Lord said that Job was blameless and upright, and Satan admitted that. Satan, however, argues with Job's motives. Satan claims that Job is righteous because of all the blessings and rewards that he has received from God.
In other words, Satan is saying that human beings cannot continue to believe in God and remain blameless and upright before God without having their interests at heart. Humans believe in God either because they want a reward in their life, or because they are afraid of being punished. Satan is speaking of the notion that religion is a transaction with God.
Thus, the question here is, are faith and understanding in God rooted in right and wrong and reward and punishment (karma/”as you show, so shall you reap” relationship). Satan claims that humans perform for reward to avoid punishment, that they will do the right thing if they can gain something but will not honour God and will even curse God if they do not get anything in return or God does not do what they desire.
The Lord accepts Satan’s challenge and allows Satan to go against Job. Now, this is an introduction to the story, not a suggestion that the sufferings of the world are caused by the Lord's transaction with Satan. Why we suffer is not the theme that the Book of Job is trying to convey. What is important here is whether Job's faith is based on rewards and self-interest or not.
Satan went out from the presence of the Lord to strike Job. In one day, Satan took all of Job's possessions and the lives of his sons and daughters. Job got up, tore his robe, and shaved his head. Suddenly, everything was taken from him, and he grieved with all his being.
However, amid his cries, Job fell to the ground and professes the following.
“Naked I come from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." (Job 1:21/NIV)
Despite the unspeakable tragedy of his life, Job did not blame God. Even though he had lost his wealth, loved ones, and all the things he cared about, he did not lose his faith in the Lord.
Satan's challenge seemed to have failed. But Satan was not convinced and continued to lash out at God. Satan now claims that Job did not blame God because no harm had come to him. The Lord was challenged by Satan again. Satan then attacked Job once more, and “…afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head."(Job 2:7/NIV).
The following verse illustrates Job’s physical suffering.
"...Job took a piece of broken pottery and scraped himself with it as he sat among the ashes." (Job 2:8/NIV).
But Job’s suffering was not limited to physical suffering. In those days, a full-body skin disease meant a “social death” as well. Such illnesses were considered a punishment for the sins committed by the affected person or their family. Those who were considered as sinners were cast out from their society, stripped of all their rights, and left in isolation.
Everyone saw Job as a sinner, including his friends who appear later in the story. But we, the reader, know that Job was blameless and righteous. We also know that the Lord and Satan acknowledge this. Therefore, within the first two chapters of the Book of Job, the writer puts the following questions before us: "Why do blameless, innocent people suffer?"
Job, who had lost everything and now sitting in the ashes, speaks for the experiences of the blameless, innocent people of the world who suffer. Even though Job is considered blameless, Job himself later confesses that he is not entirely without sin. Nonetheless, the sufferings and disasters that Job suffered seem unfair/unjust. In this way, Job speaks for the lamentations and cries of all those in the world who have claimed such sufferings, who have claimed that the sufferings they have received are too disproportional to the sins they have committed.
God’s Gratuitous Love
Next in Job Chapter Two, Job's spouse comes into the picture. She says the following to Job.
“Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!” (Job 2:9/NIV)
It is not surprising that she would say this. She has lost so much with Job. She, too, speaks on behalf of those who suffer.
Yet, Job does not curse God. He replies with the following words.
“You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” (Job 2:10/NIV)
The profession of faith made by Job in these opening chapters, specifically Job 1:21 and Job 2:10, conveys the faith that the writer emphasizes throughout the book, not to mention the faith that Job keeps to the very end of the story. It speaks of the faith that the Lord is gratuitous and gives freely. The ground of the world is not rooted in right and wrong and reward and punishment, but the Lord's gratuitous love. It is through that unmerited love that God creates our world, gives life and happiness to all creation.
Job believed in the Lord's love. Yet, he did not necessarily fully accept the sufferings he had gone through. Job himself was not free from the simplistic understanding of God rooted in reward and punishment, which added to his sufferings. Job was not a man of patience. He was not a man who simply endured hardship in silence when he felt it was unjust. Rather, he was a person of rebellious faith. While still believing in God, he continued to seek to hear God speak to him.
To rebel, to lament, to be angry, to complain, was and is never condemned. It was through such meditations, rebellions, and struggles that Job came to know God more deeply.
Of course, we are not expected to blindly accept or follow Job’s profession of faith. But just as Job’s faith and understanding of God were deepened through his discussions with his friends, let us seek to hear God speak, to listen to God’s word in the midst of suffering through sharing our cries, dialogue, and lament with each other.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama