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記憶されない歴史 ~沖縄の例~
August, 29th, 2021 Sunday Service
"To a World Without Fear"
Scripture reading is taken from Ezekiel 34: 25~31
Turning Our Attention to Those Driven to the Margins
In today's passage, we read God's words to the shepherds of the Israelites. In the Bible, political leaders are often compared to shepherds and the people to sheep. If we try to read the words spoken to the leaders as if they were addressed to us, we may feel uncomfortable in some respects. It is true that directly, those words were addressed to the leaders, but what God had to say there relates to us as well.
When Ezekiel spoke this prophecy, he was living in a Jewish settlement in Babylonia. He was living there because where he used to live, Jerusalem, had been invaded by the Babylonians and he had been brought there as a captive. In a sense, he was driven to the margins of the Babylonian Empire and was almost a forgotten being in the history of the world.
However, God appeared to Ezekiel and entrusted him with the words to tell the Israelites. God spoke not to the people at the centre of history, but to the forgotten people, those who had been driven to the margins. The Israelites were chosen in the first place because of the Lord's love for God’s people, who were "the fewest of all peoples" (Deuteronomy 7:7/ New International Version (NIV)). It was out of this affection that God rescued them.
Moreover, in today’s passage, God’s attention was turned to the Israelites who were particularly driven to the margins and weakened-- to those who “were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them” (Ezekiel 34:6/ NIV). While God spoke to the leaders of the Israelites, God’s heart went out to the lost.
To hear God’s words and know God’s thoughts, we too need to turn our attention to those who have been driven to the margins. Sometimes we ourselves may be lost. It is important to be reminded of this as well. Yet, at the same time, to know God’s thoughts, it is also necessary to turn our attention to the lost, to those who have been driven away and controlled by the powerful forces of this world.
History That Has Not Been Remembered: The Case of Okinawa
This month, our worship services prayed for peace. On August 8th, Aikawa-san reported on an online meeting remembering “Okinawa (Nuchi-du-Takara ‘Like is Precious’) Day. In the history of Japan, the people of Okinawa were the lost and those who had been driven to the margins.
Okinawa was originally an independent nation, the Ryukyu Kingdom, that prospered through diplomacy and trade with China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asian countries. However, Japan sent troops to forcibly assimilate the Ryukyu Kingdom to Japan as "Okinawa Prefecture". Despite being made a part of Japan, the history of the Ryukyu Kingdom is not taught in history textbooks.
During World War II, Okinawa was the only place in Japan where ground battles took place. The U.S. military intended to use Okinawa as a frontline base for attacking the Japanese mainland. The Japanese military, on the other hand, wanted to delay the attack on the mainland by keeping the American troops in Okinawa.
The ground battle, which involved civilians, resulted in the deaths of 122,228 people from Okinawa Prefecture. If the deaths due to starvation and malaria around the end of the war were included, the total death toll is said to be around 150,000. This means that one out of every four people in the prefecture died. The people of Okinawa were thrown as “sute-ishi” (“sacrificial stones” or riprap) into the ocean to protect the mainland.
After the war, Japan signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty and gained its independence as a nation, but Okinawa remained under the control of the U.S. military. While the mainland was transformed into a peaceful and democratic society and achieved miraculous economic development, Okinawa's political rights and freedoms continued to be severely restricted by the U.S. military.
The U.S. military forcibly took land from the residents and expanded the base to make Okinawa a permanent military base. Meanwhile, fierce opposition to the U.S. military bases arose in various parts of Japan. As a result, bases on the mainland were withdrawn or integrated with bases in other parts of Japan, including Okinawa. Nowadays, the anti-base movement may seem to be an Okinawan matter, but it has been taking place all over Japan throughout the years.
The history of Okinawa is hardly remembered as Japanese history and is driven to the margins. Okinawa still has many military bases, where the blasting aircraft noises are heard every day and pollutants being discharged from the bases. There have also been repeated accidents and incidents involving U.S. military personnel.
The Lord Who Seeks and Searches as the Shepherd
What God wanted the leaders to do was to work as shepherds. The work of shepherds is different from the image of so-called authority figures. Shepherds guard the sheep through the night, confront bandits who would want to steal the sheep, and drive away predators like lions. They also pay close attention and tend to their sheep by leading them to meadows and giving them water from the well. If shepherds lost a sheep in their care, they would have to pay for it.
It was the duty of the leaders to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bring back the displaced, and seek out the lost. God often sought them to do so, but the leaders refused to listen and neglected their duties, which finally led to the destruction of their nation.
The people who lost their leaders were placed in great hardship, but God declared to them that God would be their shepherd to feed and guide them.
“‘For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness… I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord. I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.”
(Ezekiel 34:11-12,15-16/ NIV)
Even if we are ever driven to the margins or are lost, God has not forgotten us. Even if leaders have neglected their duties or even if no one turns their attention to us, God will rescue every single scattered person from every single place.
Such a picture of God can be seen in Jesus's parable of the lost sheep, if one of the one hundred sheep wandered off, the shepherd would leave the other ninety-nine behind to go and find the one which is lost. Jesus says, “In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” (Matthew 18:14/NIV)
The Process to Peace
The other day, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan after twenty years. With the invasion after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the U.S. military took the reins of power from the Taliban and created a pro-U.S. government. During these twenty years, military conflicts continued, resulting in many civilian casualties due to aerial bombings. However, now, these military actions have come to nothing.
Dr. Tetsu Nakamura was one of those who objected to this war from the beginning and argued that Japan should not be part of it. Dr. Nakamura even declared to the Japanese Diet, “Dispatching the Japan Self-Defense Forces is harmful and futile.” He must have realized that war can only bring chaos and destruction because he had been working in Afghanistan and had seen the lives of the local people up close.
Military force is ineffective when it comes to creating peace. Unfortunately, this seems to have been confirmed by the twenty years of futile war in Afghanistan. We, as those who pray for peace, need to find and seek a different path from control and violence. This process that leads to peace has already been shown to us.
God declares, “‘I will make a covenant of peace” (Ezekiel 34:25/NIV). This peace is different from that desired by the leaders who were so occupied with caring for themselves that they forgot about the people driven to the margins. They desire violence and control, but the covenant of peace that God makes promises to “shepherd the flock with justice” (Ezekiel 34:16 /NIV).
“‘I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of savage beasts so that they may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety. I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. The trees will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops; the people will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them.” (Ezekiel 34:25-27/NIV)
Dr. Tetsu Nakamura dug wells and built irrigation canals in Afghanistan which was experiencing a long-time drought. He used to be a doctor, but as he realized that water was more important than medical care, he focused on humanitarian efforts to obtain water while learning various techniques.
Dr. Nakamura's works not only involved Japanese staff but also local workers. Some of them were Taliban sympathizers, some worked for the Islamic State, and some had been mercenaries to U.S. military.
Dr. Nakamura said that there were only two wishes that all these people had in common. One was to be able to eat three times a day. The other was to live with their families in their homeland. Because they could not do so, they became refugees or mercenaries. If they had access to water, could cultivate their fields, and were not bombed, no one would become a soldier or mercenary by choice.
Dr. Nakamura would say, “What I am doing is not a peace movement. If people could farm and their families have food to eat the result would be peace. Peace is only a result.” In other words, peace should not be the goal or objective but rather a process leading to peace. Such a world would be one where everyone has access to water, enough food, and be able to live in their homeland with their families in peace with nothing to fear. The process(es) of doing what is necessary to achieve such a world will lead to peace.
God, whose attention is turned to those driven to the margins, is the one who tends and shepherds us in justice so that no one is left behind in the process of moving towards peace. This process that leads to peace has already been shown to us. Let us not forget nor stray from this path. Let us believe in God’s promise and join in this process, as we turn our attention to the most marginalized.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama