August, 1st, 2021 Sunday Service
"Let Us Walk in the Light of the Lord"
Scripture reading is taken from Isaiah 2:1-5
An Unfair Post-war
Last Sunday after the worship service, we had a lecture on fair trade from Ms. Miyoko Nakatani, who is the representative of the fair trade store “Azir” in Kanazawa. She shared the initiatives of her store with us as well.
One of the initiatives “Azir” has been involved with is the “Hand-Delivery Banana Club”. Once a month, people would buy one kilogram of bananas grown naturally in the Philippines without pesticides for 600 yen. By doing so, the farmers who produced the bananas were able to earn a stable income and live fully.
I feel that I was not the only one impressed by this story. However, at the same time, it made me realize that our day-to-day lives are actually “unfair”. The term “fair trade” is used intentionally to show that all other trade practices are, in reality, “unfair”. Even if such practices were not illegal, if they make people’s lives unstable, destroy the environment, or even make it impossible for people to live fully, then it certainly cannot be called fair trade.
At our church, we have set the whole month of August as “Peace Month”. This is because August 15 is the day Japan surrendered and the second world war came to an end 76 years ago. It certainly is important to learn about the history of war, but I have come to believe that to create peace, thinking about war is not enough.
Until two summers ago, that is before COVID-19, we would read the Japan Baptist Convention (JBC) “Peace Declaration” together in the worship service. The “Peace Declaration”, which is one of JBC’s resolutions made at the general meeting, is a statement of faith based on the Ten Commandments. Within the “Peace Declaration”, each of the Ten Commandments along with a statement of faith regarding each commandment is made in detail. Here is what is written after the eighth commandment “You shall not steal”.
“…Yet the world, which was created by God, continues to be despoiled as it is constantly exposed to exploitation and plundering. Exploitation and plundering produce some wealthy people and many poor people, and this is a primary cause of conflict. In order to protect their interests, the wealthy wage war. Where there is exploitation and plundering, there is no peace. We will not steal. The Church shares the grace given by God.”
“Where there is exploitation and plundering, there is no peace.” Thus, if there is exploitation and plundering—in other words, unfair trade practices—there is no peace, even if it has not yet led to war.
If we think about it that way, we cannot say that Japan’s 76 years of what is often called “post-war” is peace. This is because Japan has taken part in and has been enriched by the exploitation and plundering done by powerful countries and global corporations. If we were to truly desire peace, there is more to face than what happened 76 years ago. We must also look at the power inequalities, economic exploitation, poverty, political oppression, discrimination, and colonialism that is still embedded in our social structures and seek a different path.
The Fundamental Sin of Wanting Control
The prophet Isaiah lived in a time of war and crisis. The small kingdom of Judah was under threat as the great powers expanded their dominions. But the words of Isaiah's were not to prepare for the invasion of an enemy nation but to listen to the word of the Lord and learn to do righteousness so that the city would once again be filled with fairness and justice.
The kingdom of Israel and Judah were chosen by God with the mission to point everyone else to God. However, the situation in Judah was such that it was lamented as follows.
“See how the faithful city has become a harlot! She was once full of justice; righteousness used to dwell in her—but now murderers! ...Your rulers are rebels, companions of thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the fatherless; the widow’s case does not come before them.” (Isaiah 1:21-23)
Human sin is evident here. A theologian once pointed out that the desire to have control is the source of violence. This desire often comes hand in hand with coercion, the use of force to persuade someone to do something that they are unwilling to do. Trying to control more things, including having more things and not lose them, almost always involves violence. Even if the violence is not visible, something is being forced or taken away.
In Genesis chapter 3, the serpent tempted humans to eat from the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, which God had told them not to eat. The serpent suggested that they eat from the tree by saying, “…when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5)
Trying to be like God, or even thinking that you are like God and acting like it is the root of sin. This fundamental sin is what causes the unlimited human desire and arrogance to want more control. On the other hand, to fall prey to our desires, to be controlled and dominated, and to give up thinking that there is nothing we can do, is also not what God expects from us.
There is not anyone who does not want peace. I believe we would all, at least, like to see peace around ourselves. Nonetheless, it seems that people have lost the soul to live in peace. Even though we are told that we can live in peace if we stop trying to control and use violence, we are either afraid to let go of our control, violent ways, or we shun it as something dull. This is where the sin and foolishness of humanity lies.
Let Us Walk in the Light of the Lord Jesus
Even so, the Lord God will not give up on us. God will do whatever it takes to bring us back into the light of the Lord and let us live in peace, although it seems as if we have already lost our souls to live in peace. Isaiah tells us the words of the Lord as follows.
“’ Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’” (Isaiah 1:18)
“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)
The peace Isaiah speaks of is the peace that is to come on the Last Day, but that does not mean that it is irrelevant now. The Bible tells us what God created this world to be like, how God will lead it, and how God intends to build it up.
In the beginning, a light shone on the chaotic world—the world that was created and declared good by the Lord God. In that world, humans betrayed the Lord and lost the blessings by trying to be like God. Nevertheless, God chose the Israelites and tried to call all people back into the light of the Lord. God is still trying to rid the world of conflicts, domination, violence, exploitation, and plunder.
The Israelites failed in their mission to how the light of the Lord to the world. So, God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to the world. By learning how Jesus lived and following his example, we can walk in the light of the Lord and be a peacemaker that God calls us to be. This walk is not just for us to live peacefully in the light of the Lord. We have inherited the mission given to the Israelites and are called to join in the work of shining the light of the Lord into the world that we live in today.
Jesus completely renounced control, dominance, and violence. Even in the temptation in the wilderness, he would not accept it. Jesus carried out his mission even in the face of those who relied on violence. He did not depend on violence even to the point of drying on the cross. Jesus was crucified because people chose a violent world instead of the Kingdom of God.
Of course, we cannot be Jesus Christ. However, God invites us to live like Jesus. We are invited to learn from the life of Jesus and be trained to live in the love that renounces violence. It is not up to us to complete the Kingdom of God. We are to walk in the light of the Lord Jesus as we trust God to lead us to the completion of God’s Kingdom. We are to trust in God’s promise that peace will be fulfilled and to live in the hope of that promise.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama