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July, 18th, 2021 Sunday Service
"Faith with Good Deeds"
Scripture reading is taken from James 3:13-18
Online Joint Worship Service with Tokushima Church
Today we are having an online joint service with Tokushima Christ Church. We received an offer from Tokushima Church in August last year, but we could not do it because of the spread of corona infections in Kanazawa at that time. I thank the Lord that we are given the opportunity to worship together, even though it has been postponed for almost a year.
For me, Tokushima Church is the church I attended from the time I was one year old until I was in the first grade of elementary school. There are some similarities between Tokushima Church and Kanazawa Church. For example, both of them is the only Japan Baptist Convention church in the prefecture where it is located. They are also similar in that they have recently constructed a church building (the one in Tokushima was completed in 2017 and the one in Kanazawa in 2018) although they have few members. Another thing they have in common is that the pastors for both churches have the same name, Sugiyama.
Pastor Izumi Sugiyama of Tokushima Church is my sister, but we are not very similar. Our personalities are almost completely opposite, so you can imagine what my sister is like by imagining the personality opposite to mine. Even so, it is a wonder that each of us had God's calling to become a pastor, and it makes me realize that what God does is beyond human imagination.
The Premise of James' Complaint - God's Love and the Work of Jesus
Today's passage teaches us how to live as a Christian. James is appealing to those who gather at church to demonstrate "deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom" by their good behavior. If we only read this appeal, we might think that the Bible is a moral textbook. So, let us also remember the premise of this appeal. It is the existence of the Savior Jesus Christ.
He is the one who lived with the poor, the weak, the burdened and the oppressed. He blessed those people and announced the arrival of God's new rule. Jesus, who performed many miracles, did God's work, and shared His will, was crucified by leaders who were caught up in envy and selfishness.
However, God showed His love for us by raising Jesus on the third day after His death on the cross. Paul, the evangelist, responded to this by saying:
"Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!" (Romans 5:9)
Jesus Christ died for us. On the cross, He carried all of our sins and all of our burdens. So that the wrath of God is no longer directed at us. We are no longer condemned. God will no longer abandon us, and nothing in the world can separate us from the love of Christ.
All of us who gather in the church have been invited by God. We are, "as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved" (Colossians 3:12). The Lord God has invited us so that we "let the peace of Christ rule" in our hearts and "were called to peace" (Colossians 3:15).
James also came to know the cross of Jesus and found peace with God. And this was something he shared with the people in the church to whom he sent the letter. His gratitude for this kind of love of God and the work of Jesus Christ is the premise of the appeal of this letter.
Slaves of Sin and Slaves of Righteousness
Jesus took our sins upon Himself. "Therefore, there is now no condemnation" (Romans 8:1) for us. Nonetheless, we are still trapped in sin. Among the churches to which James sent his letter, envy, selfishness, boasting, and lying seemed to be prominent. This was causing conflicts within the churches and separating members from each other.
It is easy for us to get caught up in envy and selfishness. I myself am no different. We get jealous and become preoccupied with ourselves when we see people who have abilities and talents that we do not have. James must have been heartbroken when he heard about such a situation in the churches. That is why he asked the church members, "People who are united to Jesus should live free from sin, shouldn't they?"
James criticizes the wisdom that would lead people who know God's love and know the work of Jesus, to live in such a way that "is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice." (3:15-16).
I would imagine that if the choice is whether to be free from sin or not, everyone would choose to be free from sin. However, it is not always the case because, in Paul's words, we are either "slaves to sin" or "to obedience" (Romans 6:16).
Even when we are slaves to sin, we can be free in a sense because we do not feel obligated to be righteous. When we are slaves to sin, we ignore God's words, and live only according to our own thoughts and the values of this world. In this way of living, we may not feel trapped, but rather free.
However, Paul says, "What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death!" (Romans 6:21). If we are satisfied with the benefit we get from sin, we have no desire to be freed from it. But if we realize that the benefit is not what we want, or if we are made aware of the wonderful gifts God gives us, then we will desire the gifts.
By freeing us from the slavery of sin, Jesus does not make us the rulers of our own lives. Instead of leaving us as slaves to sin, Jesus makes us slaves of righteousness - obedient servants of God.
Paul also tells us:
"For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it." (Romans 7:18-20)
We cannot do good and be free from sin on our own. It is Jesus Christ, who bears our sins and invites us to obediently follow His new way of living, setting us free from our sins.
Learning from Gentle Jesus
James tells us that there is another kind of wisdom that is different from the wisdom from envy and selfishness. It is "the wisdom that comes from heaven" (3:17), that is, the wisdom that comes from God. This wisdom is manifested through the works and words of Jesus. It is "first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere" (3:17).
To be pure is to be single-mindedly focused on God. It does not mean being jealous of those around us, nor does it mean being selfish and thinking only of ourselves. Wisdom will be gentle if we listen to God's words that He loves us and has given us grace. He also loves the world and wants to bring peace to the world.
This wisdom, which is mild, gentle, and obedient, is the opposite of fighting and strife. It is not only free of visible violence, but it also does not intend to sacrifice anyone or take anything from anyone. This wisdom is full of compassion and good fruits, and it values "the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself”" (James 2:8). When someone is in need or weak, this wisdom leads us to care about them and try to live with them.
We learn this kind of wisdom through Jesus. Jesus is truly gentle. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus called out to us:
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Jesus invites those who are weary and burdened by the wisdom of the world and the devil to come to Him. Jesus says, "Come to me, all". There are no conditions. Anyone can come to Jesus, no matter who they are, no matter what their condition is. Anyone can rest and be at peace with Jesus.
However, resting does not mean taking off a yoke. We cannot get rid of our responsibilities. We must be responsible for our own lives. So instead of taking off the yoke, Jesus encourages us to take up His yoke. The yoke is a tool used to connect two bulls to make a pair.
It means that Jesus will walk side by side with us, helping to carry our burdens. Jesus' yoke is easy to bear and less stressful. Jesus, who walks beside us, does not condemn us, or hurt us. He helps and supports us so that we can carry what has been laid on us and bear the burdens of our own lives.
Jesus says, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me". It is not just about Him carrying a yoke. We are to learn from Jesus who takes the yoke with us and walks beside us. What do we learn? It is the humility of Jesus and the wisdom of God.
If we continue to learn from Jesus and keep our eyes on Him, God will sow seeds and grow good fruit in us. Our hearts will also be made gentle, even if it is only little by little. God will look at us and give us more abundant blessings to build us up. What a wonderful thing it would be if God's peace could be realized through us.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama