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June, 20th, 2021 Sunday Service
"We Are One of God’s Diverse Creatures"
Scripture reading taken from Genesis 1:28-31
Humans Created with Blessings
Last week, I visited the Ishikawa Forest Park in Tsubata. I walked through the forest for a little while and felt the presence of various living things, including plants. We tend to forget this in our daily lives in towns and cities, but when we go into nature, we are reminded that there are many living things on Earth. I was able to see the diversity of the world that God created and the richness of God's creatures interacting with one another.
The center of the creation story in Genesis 1 is the creation of humans. In the latter half of the story, we are told that humans are precious beings created in the image of God, and that God was pleased and blessed with the creation of humans.
It is believed that this story was written after Israel was destroyed by the Babylonian Empire and the core people of the nation were being held captive. It seemed to the Israelites that the Babylonian Empire ruled this world and would continue ruling long into the future. They felt they were trivial and worthless in captivity.
In such a desperate situation, the Israelites turned to God and questioned who was in charge of this world and what humans were. In the midst of this process, God showed them the story of creation, which was passed down from generation to generation.
This world was created by God. All humans were also created by God, and the Babylonian rulers were not gods, but only creatures - things created by God. Come to think of it, we were also created in the image of God and blessed by God.
In their desperate situation, the Israelites heard such a message from God. And that message is directed to us as well. God is the creator of all life, and we are important beings blessed by God.
Blessed Are the Creatures That Fill the Earth
However, this creation story is not only about humans. More than half of the story, up to verse 25, talks about the creation of things apart from human. These were not created merely as resources for human use, but each of them was considered good by God and even blessed.
The story of creation is told as a seven-day event. The earth was in chaos and covered with darkness. Chaos is a state of being in opposition to God or against God's wishes. On the first day, God said, "Let there be light," and separated this chaos from the light. On the second day, He created the sky, and on the third day, He separated the land from the sea. In addition, God caused grass to sprout in the earth, so that the earth was covered with seed-bearing grass and fruit-bearing trees. When God saw these things, He was pleased.
Then on the fourth day, God made the sun and the moon, and on the fifth day, He made the creatures that inhabit in the water and the birds that fly in the sky. Here, God not only looked at them and said they were good, but also blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." (1:22). On the sixth day, He created the beasts of the earth, each domestic animal, and the creatures that creep on the earth. He looked upon them, saying that they were good, and then created humans as a final act with blessings.
God did not only bless humans. He saw the whole world, including humans, as good, and blessed the creatures that were growing and spreading in our world. Although humans are special to God, He is still interested in other creatures and the state of this world. When He sees that these creatures have life and are filling the earth, He says, "Good.”
This world was created based on God's will, not by chance. God created various conditions for the world to be filled with life. He allowed each living creature to freely develop life. God, who rejoices and blesses our birth, also rejoices and blesses the life that fills this world.
Ecosystems That Keep Us Alive
Of the living things that exist on the earth today, about 8 million species have been discovered. This alone is a tremendous number, but it is expected that there are many more species yet to be discovered, and the total number of species is thought to exceed 10 million. This alone is a staggering number, but 99% of the creatures that have appeared in the history of the earth are said to be extinct. From another perspective, that means that more than a billion species have been born on this planet.
The world that God created is so diverse and so rich. We were born in a world where God created various creatures, affirmed their existence, and blessed them by saying, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth." In the midst of diverse ecosystems, we humans also live. That was the world that God created and blessed.
We live by sharing the environment of the earth with many living creatures. Without the resources produced by diverse ecosystems, we could not survive on our own. For example, without plants, oxygen would be depleted. Invisibly small creatures and plants clean the water and soil that we pollute in our daily lives. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the things we build our houses with, and the energy we use come from living things.
Because we live in an environment that is distinct from the natural world, we are rarely aware of our connections to other living things and ecosystems in our daily lives. There is also the idea that humans are distinct from other creatures and have the ability to rule the world. Some say that humans are the "spiritual head of all things" - the best of all things.
However, humans cannot live on their own. Even today, we cannot survive without the help of other creatures. Not only domesticated animals, but also the diverse ecosystems on this planet that support our lives.
God has created such an environment for us to live in. This does not mean, however, that other creatures are merely to be used by humans and considered as resources. God sees all creatures as good and blesses them.
God blessed humans and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (1:28)
When God said, "Rule," it did not mean that humans should use other creatures and nature as they please. It means to protect and govern the world that God created. The role of "ruling" given to humans overlaps with the work of shepherds. Shepherds receive the necessities of life from their sheep, but they also care for and feed them.
Coexisting in Diverse Relationships
On the other hand, we do not always receive only good things from other creatures and nature. Sometimes, they turn on us and cause us harm. For example, in recent years, bears have been appearing more and more in towns. Animals can attack us and injure us. They may damage crops that have been carefully cultivated.
Ecosystems and the natural environment are changing, and so is the weather. Large-scale floods are on the rise in many countries around the world, including Japan, and widespread wildfires occur frequently. The spread of infectious diseases from other living things can also have a serious impact.
This world does not provide blessings only to us. We are not created to be superior to the creatures in this world, but as one of them. All creatures are good and blessed by God. They freely relate to one another and coexist in order to nurture life. The natural environment brings us many blessings, not only because of the diversity of living things, but also because of the diversity of relationships that exist there.
We cannot only receive blessings. Humans have also changed and used nature in order to survive. To some extent, it is necessary for humans to live. However, somewhere along the way, we have tried to take advantage of the best parts. We may have tried to take only the blessings and push all the inconvenient things out of our lives.
As a result, out of the 8 million species of plants and animals known to us, 1 million are in danger of extinction. It is said that about 100 species are disappearing from the earth every day. It is feared that by losing this diversity, we lose the blessings that we have received.
The world that God created was filled with diverse creatures. It was a world in which a variety of living things were coexisting, intricately related to one another, and nurturing life in abundance. There was no one-sided relationship of only a specific party receiving blessings. Humans lived in the midst of such diverse relationships, instead of just receiving blessings unilaterally.
This may not be just about the relationship between humans and nature. In this world, not only are there a wide variety of living things, but also a wide variety of humans. God did not intend to create a relationship in which someone unilaterally receives and uses the blessings of others. The world God intended to create is a world in which diverse people coexist in complex relationships with one another.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama