June, 13th, 2021 Sunday Service
"In a World where Dividing Walls are Created"
Scripture reading taken from Ephesians 2:14-21
Dividing wall that is still being made
For about a month from May 9th, we have been offering our worship service at each of our own places while connecting online. Finally today, we can meet you and worship God. This time I felt it very long, but I am very happy to have this day.
During this time, we had a prayer meeting on Wednesday night in Zoom, and the meeting last week was very interesting. In addition to the usual members, Mr. Dominique, Mrs. Lee Peng, Mr. Maninder, and Mr. Henry, a friend of Mr. Hiraba from the United States, attended. During the prayer time, we also remembered and prayed together for each family and friend in India, Malaysia, and Australia.
The New Testament describes how faith in Jesus Christ given to Jewish people spreads across national borders, across ethnic groups, and into the world. The church, the body of Christ, is created by different people. Who is united in Jesus Christ, as it is said, "[Y]ou are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household” (2:19), anyone connected to Jesus Christ is considered to be God's family.
However, it seems that, in today’s world, people are becoming more and more divided. Nationalism for patriotism and xenophobia based on race and ethnicity stand out in Japan and abroad. Globalization has progressed in various fields, the Internet has developed, and it seems that the world has become smaller, but there are parts where hostility and hatred are increasing against that.
It is said that one of the factors is neoliberalism. Neoliberalism causes global competition between nations. At that time, nationalism is mobilized within each country to fuel competitiveness. In addition, while society is being dismantled by neoliberalism, there are appeals to regain the bonds of "nation," "home," and "community." However, it is said that it is done without re-questioning various disparities and discriminations, which leads to justification of the new class structure.
Paul's "dividing wall of hostility” is not a thing of the past. In this world, people have created and used "dividing walls" over and over again. That has been hurting people.
Break the wall and bring people closer
The "dividing wall" at issue in the church of Ephesus was between the Israelites and the Gentiles. The basis for this was the law. God first chose the Jews and entrusted them with the word of God. But it is not just about blessing Israel. The purpose was for God's voice to echo throughout the earth and for all living things to receive God's blessing.
The law is not the only thing that was originally a blessing of God, but has been transformed into something that separate and alienates people and creates hostility. God originally says it is good that no one is the same, there are diverse people, they have different cultures, history, and languages, and people with such differences meet each other. However, it is people’s sin to use this to separate people and incite hostility.
God sent the world someone to tear down that dividing wall. This is Jesus Christ. The dividing wall does more than just separate people from each other. It also keeps people away from God. Due to the wall, people do not know God, cannot hear God's word, and are deprived of hope. We may have been so too.
However, Jesus will tear down the walls and make those who are far from God closer to Him. Jesus will demolish all the walls of the law and other dividing walls, connect with us, and make us closer to God. God is very close to you. Jesus said,
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20) There is nothing blocking you and God anymore.
Jesus who connects us
"[H]e himself is our peace." (2:14)
Paul said this. In the Bible, peace includes not only that there is no visible conflict, but much more. Not only does it include stopping conflicts between countries and ethnic groups, but it also means that the countries and towns where people live are safe and they can live happily, and moreover, that people have a favorable relationship with each other. The word peace in the Bible refers to happiness, security, and good relationships at all levels.
Christ is our peace. Christ Jesus came to a world where peace was lost or deprived, "has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility”. (2: 14). Jesus reconciles us with God. "[W]e have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5: 1) and are led into a new relationship with God.
In addition to this, Jesus connects separated people with each other. The world tries to use the differences that people have to make them hostile to each other, but Jesus is the one who connects people. Jesus connects us to each other so that we can say, "We are one in Jesus Christ."
It does not mean that the differences between each other are eliminated. Rather, it is about being united with each other, knowing what is different from each other and what is trying to separate us. There is more than just a direct connection between people. Jesus, who is united with each other, connects each other.
Christ-based church
" Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. " (2: 19-22)
We are all considered to be God's family and part of the building that has been built on the history of the church. The " the chief cornerstone" of this building is Jesus. "a chief cornerstone" is also called "a parent stone in the corner". The foundation of houses at that time was made of stone, but the corner stone was the most important foundation stone to be placed at the four corners of the house.
It is Jesus Christ who builds the church and supports it as a foundation, and He is the one who connects us with differences and makes it one building. Jesus was crucified for us and atoned for our sins. He demolished the dividing wall by His death on the cross. That is why we always look to Jesus, listen to Him, and follow him.
Just as Israel was chosen by God for all, the church was built to become the light of the world, the salt of the earth, to convey God's love and to witness the gospel of Christ. In a world where dividing walls are created, the church tells the world the one who tears them down. To that end, we will receive the peace of Jesus Christ together, with all differences, and we will build a church together, united by Jesus.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama