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May, 30th, 2021 Sunday Service
"A Light to a World That Has Lost Justice"
Scripture reading taken from Isaiah 42:1-9
A Crisis Is a Time of Hardship and a Time of Change
It has been four weeks since we stopped gathering in church because of the spread of covid19 in the prefecture. I am tired of this situation, which is having a great impact on the activities of the church and on each of us in our lives as Christians.
When we are tired, we tend to forget about those who have a greater burden than we do. For example, how much stress do medical professionals have? In a survey conducted by the Aichi Federation of Medical Workers' Union, more than 70% of the nurses who responded to the questionnaire said that there are times when they feel like quitting their jobs. In addition, 72% of the respondents said that last winter's bonus was less than the previous year, 25% said it was the same, and only 3% said it was more.
Nurses have always been in short supply, but the number of those who quit is increasing due to overwork caused by covid19. The shortage of nurses is becoming even more serious, as some new recruits are turning down jobs due to anxiety over getting infected. Due to the shortage of nurses, overtime is increasing and the number of night shifts is also increasing.
If the working environment for nurses had been protected before covid19, and if there were enough medical workers, the situation would have been very different, even during the Corona crisis. However, under capitalism, everything that does not lead to profit is cut off. The fact that we have been deprived of our protections, even before the corona virus, has made the current era even more serious.
The Corona crisis has exposed the problems of our society. We are painfully aware of the oppression and discrimination that exist in society. Some people may have realized that they have been oppressed and discriminated against. We are living in a world that has lost, or continues to lose, its sense of justice.
On the other hand, we are at a major turning point, a time of choice. Someone once said, "A crisis is not only a time of hardship. It is also a time of political awakening and an opportunity for social change. In the midst of a crisis, things that have been hidden or rejected are exposed, and each of us is forced to make choices about how to live our lives in the future. The world can change, depending on our choices.
A Prophecy for Those Who Are Hurt and Depressed
Chapter 42 of the book of Isaiah is part of what is called "Second Isaiah.” This prophecy was made at a time when Israel had been conquered and many people were held in captivity. The second Isaiah told the captives that they would soon be released from their exile.
Here, Isaiah uses the metaphors of a "bruised reed" and a "smoldering wick" to describe the condition of Israel at that time. With their lives destroyed, their freedom lost, and so many lives taken, the Israelites' faith was shaken, and they were unsure of who they were and what they could rely on.
The world we live in is so different from the world Isaiah lived in. However, there are some similarities in that people are hurt and depressed. The world Isaiah lived in was also a world that had lost its justice. Throughout the captivity, the Israelites were forced to confront their problems. It was there that God's voice came to them.
God's words through Isaiah are words to people who are hurting and depressed. They are not just words of comfort, but words that convey God's thoughts and plans, that make us think about the future of the world and our own way of life, and that turn our eyes toward the world that God envisions.
The Lord's Servant - a Person Who Works for Justice and Harmony
In today's passage, God introduces a servant; a person who serves God, and who has been specially called by God. The servant is charged with a task and has been given the Spirit of the Lord as the driving force to face that task.
There have been many speculations as to who this servant might be. Some say it is Isaiah himself, others say it is Israel, while others think it is Jesus. It is true that Jesus is like the servant Isaiah introduces. However, that does not mean we have to think that Jesus was the only servant of the Lord. What Isaiah is referring to is the kind of person who serves God as the servant of the Lord. This is also an invitation to those who love God to become like this.
The servant's mission is to "bring justice to the nations" (42:1). Since the word "justice" is repeated three times in verses 1-4, we can see that the mission of the Lord's servant is centered on "bringing justice.”
The word translated as "justice" (or judgment) is the Hebrew word "mišpāṭ". The entire world that God created is supported by this "mišpāṭ" (God's justice). When it is rejected, evil is brought into the world, and the harmony between people, or between people and other creatures, is destroyed. The Lord's servants are to work for the preservation of God's justice and the restoration of harmony.
Listening to the Voice, Not Relying on Strength
However, the attitude of the Lord's servants was completely different from that of the rulers of the nations. It is so different that it could be called the exact opposite.
"He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets.
A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged
till he establishes justice on earth. (42:2-4 / New International Version)
Rulers with great power shout loudly, exert great influence, and try to move the world as they wish. But the servants of the Lord do not shout loudly and do not make their voices echo throughout the city. They will not use their great power to crush the hurt or trample the depressed. The Lord's servants are to have a different attitude than the prophets and rulers before them.
The Lord's servants do not rely on their own strength, whether they possess it or not. At the same time, the Lord's servants will not be diminished or crushed by resistance or obstruction. They will continue to serve the Lord with patience until God brings justice to this world. It is the spirit sent by the Lord that gives them strength. They are sustained by God who speaks to each of them so intimately, "my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him".
The Lord's servants care about and listen to the victims of this world - the hurting and the depressed. In a society where oppression and discrimination against some people prevail, the servants are not complicit, nor do they passively observe. Rather, they turn their eyes to the victims, listen to their voices, and work to bring justice.
The servants of the Lord listen to the words of God and the voices of those who have been sacrificed, sharing what they have learned. This is the teaching that the lands are waiting for. The lands are not only Israel, but also the whole world. Thus, the Lord's servants are to work for God's justice, which the whole world is waiting for.
Be the Light of the World
"The Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it" (42:5)
God is the creator of this world and the creator of all life on earth. We are all created and given life by God. God does not want anyone living in this world to become a "bruised reed " or a " smoldering wick."
In society, there is oppression and discrimination. However, God does not say that it is inevitable. He has always wanted people with differences to live in harmony with each other, as well as with other creatures, without oppression and discrimination. This has never changed, never changes, and will never change.
In order to realize this desire of God, Israel was chosen to be His instrument.
“I, the Lord, have called you with grace, and have taken your hand. I have formed you and set you up as a covenant of the people and as a light to the nations I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness.I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles." (42:6)
God expected that each Israelite would become a servant of the Lord and then the entire community would become servants of the Lord, leading people to connect with God and become lights to the nations of the world. Israel failed to live up to His expectation. Nevertheless, God sent Jesus Christ and continued to invite the people of the world to live as His servants.
As God's covenant spreads and the Lord's light shines on the nations, the just world that God wants will be restored. In the restored world, the hurting will be healed, and the oppressed will be set free.
"To open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. (42:7)
In this world today, we can find people who are on a mission as servants of the Lord. We would like to listen to their testimonies and learn from them. God also invites us to be His servants. We can be one of those who shine a light on a world that has lost its justice.
To do this, it is not necessary to have great power. It is important to continue seeking God's justice, to care about those who have been sacrificed in this world, and to listen to their voices. We must testify about what we have learned from them and continue down a path toward the just world that God has revealed to us.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama