「キリストの苦しみにあずかればあずかるほど喜びなさい。それは、キリストの栄光が現れるときにも、喜びに満ちあふれるためです。」(ペトロの手紙一 4:13)
May, 16th, 2021 Sunday Service
"Do Not Anxious about Anything"
Scripture reading taken from Philippians 4:4-9
Joy Spoken of in the Midst of Hardship
This letter was written by Paul, who had taken the gospel to many places. Paul wanted to visit Philippi because he had a close relationship with the Philippian church. But Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter. In chapter 1 verse 13, he said, "I am in chains for Christ." Having lost his freedom of action and not being able to go to Philippi right away, Paul wrote this letter instead of going there himself.
This letter is also called the "letter of joy" because he repeatedly talks about "joy" in the letter. Paul was in captivity, and the newly born church in Philippi must have had other hardships. Nevertheless, Paul thought it appropriate to talk about joy in the Philippian church service.
We have not been imprisoned, but we have spent more than a year of restricted movement. As of today, the "Priority Measures for Prevention of Spread" have been applied to Ishikawa Prefecture. COVID-19 has spread in Japan and the various social changes have accompanied it. Not only the infected people, but also the workers in the medical field have suffered, and people are trying keep safe, which has reduced the number of human connections. Some people are financially burdened, while others are suffering mentally.
Amidst the chaos of this pandemic, many citizens in Myanmar have lost their lives in a coup. Desperate resistance movements are making people's lives difficult, some have lost their jobs, some have fled in fear of their lives, and some have been captured and tortured by the military. Also, the clashes between Israel and Palestine are intensifying, houses have been destroyed in the Gaza Strip, and the death toll continues to rise.
When Paul spoke of joy, he spoke of his own imprisonment, and I'm sure his heart went out to the struggles of the church in Philippi. We, too, cannot forget the hardships we are facing and the hardships of those who live in this time. That is why I would like to join the Philippians in listening to Paul's words about joy in the midst of hardship.
Source of Hope
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (4:4)
The call to "rejoice" is made in other places as well. Jesus says:
"Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." (Matthew 5:12)
Again, in Peter's letter, we are told:
"But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." (1 Peter 4:13)
Neither of these exhortations is directed at those who have easy lives and are filled with peace. Jesus predicts that he will be persecuted, and yet he tells us to rejoice. Peter tells us to rejoice even when we undergo " fiery ordeal" (4:12).
In other words, it is those who are in hardship who are called to "rejoice.” We are told to rejoice when we have lost our joy and are unable to rejoice. This is because the call is also a blessing. He is not forcing us to rejoice. When they say "Rejoice," Jesus, Peter, and Paul want you to be able to rejoice. They want to bless you so that you can rejoice.
Jesus saw that there would be a great reward from God. In the past, people who had faith in God and lived according to his word were sometimes persecuted. However, God did not leave them alone, but prepared a great reward for them.
In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul taught believers to "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12). He also learned from his own experience and the experiences of those who came before him that even though there are hardships now, there is hope for the future. When we are in the midst of hardship, it seems as if it will last forever. But hardship does not last forever. God has great rewards in store for our future and the future of this world. He is the source of hope.
Along with rejoicing, Paul says, "Do not be anxious about anything" (4:6). This also echoes what Jesus said:
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:33-34)
Everyone is troubled at times. We all have worries. Not everything goes smoothly or according to plan, and sometimes unexpected things happen. Sometimes we experience problems without knowing why. Especially when you are in the middle of difficulties, you do not know how to deal with it, and it makes you worry even more.
Throughout this past year, I have been reminded that humans are not the rulers of this world. One new virus has caused so much chaos in the world and changed our lives forever. The world has been tossed about by an invisible virus. As I looked at this situation, I realized that we humans are only one of the creatures in this world, and we are not the rulers of the world who can do as we please.
Hasn't the rapid development of our society in the past few decades made us overconfident in the power of human beings? It is true that humans have great power and have controlled much of the earth. We have continued to crave more power and want to be able to live more and more as we wish. Isn't that where human arrogance has been hidden?
Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. When he became hungry, he was tempted, "Why don't you command this stone to become bread?" Next, He was tempted to stand on the roof of the temple and told, "If you are the Son of God, why don't you jump off?" Satan, who showed him all the nations of the world from a high mountain and said, "I will give you all this if you bow down and worship me."
Jesus rejected all of these temptations. "Being able to do anything he wants, having his own way for everything, and having great power" brings temptations. We are sometimes tempted to think that we should be all powerful, and then worry about failing.
Present Your Requests through Prayer
What Paul is calling for is a change from worrying to praying. It does not mean that suffering will disappear. Nor does it mean that we will be able to do everything the way we want. Instead of worrying about the things that will happen, pray about them.
"[I]n every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (4:6-7)
God wants us to pray. We can pray to God about anything, to express our gratitude to Him and to share our needs with Him. We can pray to God instead of worrying and trying to figure things out on our own. This is a huge shift in thinking.
We can live without prayers. In Japan, sometimes we offer money and pray at a shrine or hear the chanting at a funeral. However, not many people pray all the time, and moreover, it is not a common practice to keep praying even in the midst of hardships.
Nevertheless, that is why we should remember that we supposed to pray to God and that we are called to keep praying. When we pray, it means that God hears us and accepts our thoughts. It means that there is room for God to work in the world by listening to our thoughts.
Regarding God, you should not think "it is useless to say anything anyway." God wants us to pray. He wants to hear our thoughts, confront us, and create a new world with us. God is moved by our prayers.
Paul was also a man who kept praying to God. There were many times when things did not go his way, and while he was writing this letter, he was in prison. However, he also understood that God heard his prayers and requests. God intervenes in our lives and moves people to do things that they cannot do on their own. There was no such thing as a "waste of time" with God.
We are not the only ones who live and work in this world. God also lives and works on earth. God, who is very close to us, hears our prayers as well as our requests, especially when we are enduring hardships in this world. Through our prayers, God's peace will protect our hearts and minds.
So let us stop worrying alone and keep praying. And in the midst of God's protection, we will live the best we can by relying on the God of peace.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama